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melbourne university: women applicants only "positive discrimination"


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Equal Opportunity Act allows for positive discrimination

The University of Melbourne positions have been advertised using a special measure of the Victorian Equal Opportunity Act.

"The use of this kind of special measure that we're using has been used with regards to Indigenous employment," Professor Owczarek said.

"For this kind of positions, permanent continuing academic positions, I believe it might be the first time it's been used," he added.

Discrimination lawyer Rowan Skinner said the Act allows organisations to take actions to promote equality.

"The Act specifically permits an organisation to engage in what is overtly a discriminatory Act, but for the purposes of ensuring that there is equal opportunity overall," Mr Skinner said.


Hmmm "Equal opportunity act allows for positive discrimination" ...anyone else see something OFF with that... lol


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"We clearly have an issue with attracting female applicants appropriately to our workforce," Professor Owczarek said.

Yeah, like all the women I ever met were sooooo into math.   I know one woman who went into a STEM career, and ditched it to become a stage performer, and quite good at it.  
And...if a woman is admitted as part of DISCRIMINATION, I think she's gonna carry that luggage a long time, and the incentive to NOT promote her would increase.
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And...if a woman is admitted as part of DISCRIMINATION, I think she's gonna carry that luggage a long time, and the incentive to NOT promote her would increase.

This is a good point. Ever since I began my self-knowledge journey, I've been SO thankful that I wasn't born female. I would've banked on my body/looks, taken every handout I could get my hands on, etc. The problem with that is that with decreased resistance, our muscles grow weaker. Reducing resistance for any group is only going to coddle that group, not empower them.


Yet another unintended consequence of State power: The belief that humans can wish away reality.

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Jim Crow laws were "positive" as far as the racist white people in the area were concerned, as it gave them an unfair advantage over black people.  Nazi Germany engaged in "positive racism" as far as the white, "true Aryan" people were concerned, as it gave them an advantage over everyone else.


Apparently, a professor, someone who is supposed to be very intelligent, can't see that all discrimination is against some group.

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