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Recommended IQ tests?


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I'm skeptical of some of the IQ tests that come up on a basic google search in that it seems likely that they'd give you a higher number to make you feel smart about yourself so you buy into the stuff they're offering and just wanted to hear what others on here used to verify their IQ.


So far I've had sites tell me ranges from either 100 to 128, and I want to know if my brain is that of a layman NPC or an industrial powered engine of special snowflakes. I thought it was low-average from shitty school experience but I'm skeptical now.


The sites I used were, Memorado, IQ-test.dk, and this other one that seemed good but didn't give me the result cause it didn't tell me about the 20 Euro price tag until after I spent all my time finishing it. 



All insight and sources are appreciated sincerely, or if there's a thread or resource somewhere that I overlooked please let me know.


Thank you.   :)



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I remember taking the basic IQ test and getting a 120+ score. Then I took the "hardcore" version of the test which was supposed to be really difficult and getting a 140+ score. I'm very skeptical of online tests. The most accurate tests cost money and they are given and evaluated by a professional.

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The problem with most IQ tests are that what they measure is the skill of solving these IQ tests... I remember getting through MENSA tests in some ancient book and they gave me relatively high score of 130 if I'm not mistaken, but they may have as well been outdated by the time and I didn't look to evaluate my IQ since.

As far as I know MENSA distributes these tests to find smart cookies from the population, so they have incentive to rate fairly.. 


There's always Cicada's riddles if you feel up to the challenge, but their results are not very official so only you will know if you passed :)

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