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Victor Davis Hanson: The next few months may prove the most dangerous since World War II


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Below are a couple of articles pointing out that war (as in nuclear war) just might be a lot closer than you think.


Victor Davis Hanson: The next few months may prove the most dangerous since World War II

Last week, Russian officials warned the Obama administration about the installation of a new anti-ballistic missile system in Romania and talked of a possible nuclear confrontation that would reduce the host country to “smoking ruins” and “neutralize” any American-sponsored missile system.


Such apocalyptic rhetoric follows months of Russian bullying of nearby neutral Sweden, harassment of U.S. ships and planes, warnings to NATO nations in Europe, and constant threats to the Baltic states and former Soviet republics.


China just warned the United States to keep its ships and planes away from its new artificial island and military base in the Spratly archipelago — plopped down in the middle of the South China Sea to control international sea lanes.


Iranian leaders routinely threaten to close down the key Strait of Hormuz. …


All the saber-rattling of 2016 is beginning to sound a lot like the boasts and bullying of Fascist Italy, Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany of the 1930s.



Given those uncertainties, it may seem wise in the waning months of 2016 for aggressors to go for broke against the predictable Obama administration before the game is declared over in 2017.


Washington Times - http://bit.ly/1YGjKFv


A former NATO boss has warned Europe could be locked in nuclear war with Russia “within a year” triggered by a Russian incursion into Baltic States; Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.


Former NATO leader boss predicts nuclear war with Russia unless NATO steps up security in Baltic nations - http://bit.ly/1YGkACe


We don't want China to be ignored:


Beijing is setting the stage for war in the South China Sea — Quartz - http://bit.ly/1YGlwXg


“… a major conflagration of epic proportions that may involve some of the world’s most powerful sovereign powers, including the United States, China, Japan, and even Russia, is brewing in earnest in the South China Sea.”


Hoover Institution - http://hvr.co/1YGloan



There you go. Something to pay attention to.


I would like to note that there is a correlation between big financial shocks and war. There is a lag of 7 to 10 years. Based on the 2008 shock, the window of war (the danger zone) goes from 2015 to 2018. Obviously, nothing is guaranteed.




Think of snow falling on a mountain. Stability is an illusion. When time is up we will see a shock (avalanche) at some location on the mountain. That shock tells you that time is just about up for the rest of the mountain. It is ready for a massive collapse - war.

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Yea nuclear war is bad and all, but have you SEEN these INEXCUSABLE companies like Target refuse preferential treatments to transgenders!?!?! 




Joking aside, I saw this coming at least about two years ago, and in books like "The Crash of 2016" Thomas Hartmann describes a predictable approximate 80 year cycle in the economy where about every 80 years we have another great war. 80 years ago from now was World war 2, of course. 80 years before that was the civil war, and 80 years before that was the revolutionary war. It's not the only indicator that this was coming, the point here is that there are many indicators this was coming, some factors being natural and some factors being deliberately instigated. 


Another book showed me the people who got very rich from the last great war breaking out were farmers, as people were willing to trade their life savings for food. A worthwhile consideration perhaps, but land may become forfeit in the face of nuclear weapons, which we did not have last time. I suspect the only real safety in such a situation may be the oceans.   

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Yea nuclear war is bad and all, but have you SEEN these INEXCUSABLE companies like Target refuse preferential treatments to transgenders!?!?! 




Joking aside, I saw this coming at least about two years ago, and in books like "The Crash of 2016" Thomas Hartmann describes a predictable approximate 80 year cycle in the economy where about every 80 years we have another great war. 80 years ago from now was World war 2, of course. 80 years before that was the civil war, and 80 years before that was the revolutionary war. It's not the only indicator that this was coming, the point here is that there are many indicators this was coming, some factors being natural and some factors being deliberately instigated. 


Another book showed me the people who got very rich from the last great war breaking out were farmers, as people were willing to trade their life savings for food. A worthwhile consideration perhaps, but land may become forfeit in the face of nuclear weapons, which we did not have last time. I suspect the only real safety in such a situation may be the oceans.   



I've seen an 80 to 100 year cycle in "The Fourth Turning." The idea being that about the time the people who survived the last crisis have died, then the country becomes susceptible all over again to a new crisis. Today we see that almost everyone knows nuclear war is impossible, so why not disarm? Unfortunately, the other side gets a vote too.


Your point about the transgenders at Target reminds me of Chipotle restaurant. They were so worried about GMOs that they forgot about the big stuff. Then a black swan hit - food poisoning. The moral of the story is that one should keep their eye on the ball - the big stuff.



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I forgot where I read it but in a full scale nuclear event, the world supposedly has enough weapons to blow up every inch of surface land. That would probably mean even the oceans would all become highly irradiated, but you at least have a better chance on the water than on land. Unless you own a very deep and properly self contained bunker. The northern hemisphere is where most people live. The southern hemisphere mostly ignored. I imagine the oceans near the south pole would be the best bet.

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