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It is common knowledge that many people in America are dissatisfied with the candidates nominated by our two-party system. The rift between the two sides, Republican, and Democrat has grown in recent years and divides us still. I look abroad at Germany and the United Kingdom at their Multi-Party systems and speculate on what that would look like here. For instance, Bernie Sanders is running for the Democratic Nomination, but because of the rigged system of the Democratic Primary, Super Delegates are chosen to ensure the nomination of the powerful, not of the people. If we were a nation of reason then the Independent voters who are the majority of them as it happens, would have their own candidate Mr. Sanders, and the Libertarians would have theirs, and so fourth. Is this concept unfair?


I merely suggest that as a Republic our two-party system is failing to bring fourth a acceptable candidate for the seat of ultimate power in our country. If we were truly to embrace the mantle of a Global power, then we would accept a Multi-Party system to show tolerance and evolution in our political structure. Our states would grow stronger and more independent, and our country would strengthen beside them.


If we claim to be a bastion of Democracy than we should listen closely to the majority, whether we agree is not the issue. It is upon the mantle of the elected to be voices for the people they represent, personal agendas are in themselves corruption.

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Our states would grow stronger and more independent, and our country would strengthen beside them.

How do you know? Violence achieves the opposite of one's stated goals. We have millenia of empirical evidence to the contrary of what you claim here.

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