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Dream (illustrated)


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I haven't dreamposted before, but I think this one will be very interesting. The dream felt like it lasted about 5 seconds, but it was very profound. 

I started out in dark, dreamless sleep, then all of a sudden I looked up, and found myself inside some kind of large sewage or storm water drainage pipe, which was covered at the end by a sturdy metal grill which was blocking my exit (image on the left). I looked out through the end of the pipe, and found it led to a murky swamp. Just a few metres in front of me in the swamp was a large crocodile sitting very still, watching me. Through some hills in the background I saw a huge city, glistening in the sunlight. I don't know why, but I felt like I had to get there. 
I decided to see if there was an exit behind me, and when I turned around, I saw a wall of water rushing towards me, which meant I was trapped and going to drown (image on the right). I woke up. 

I heard Stefan say in one of his podcasts, talking about a dream a listener had, that crawling through a tunnel or hole usually represents some kind of re-birth. 

p.s. apologies for my shoddy MS Paint skills  :P


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I'm of course seeing your dream thru my own lens, but here goes:


Your dream strikes me as a fair description of what Western civilization is dealing with right now, indeed almost a summary of these entire forums.


In the distance is a civilization, almost the Emerald City, where honesty is achieved and corruption a thing forgotten.  Iron bars of entrenched power and deceit block the way.  A fearsome gator deters you/us from even trying to get past the bars, for we shall be eaten if we do.  (Whether or not this is actually true.)  


Behind you is the suffocating flood of, among other things, feminism (water=feminine?), and associated socialism, and it can't be blocked.  You can't even get a grip on a piece of it.


The immediate solution seems to be "Grow gills and get used to low light conditions."

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Hi Kalden,


This is how I see it :


The great city with sunlight means your true self and the road you should follow to find your truth.


But the only way to go there is to face your traumas, and all the abuses you have endured in the past. You know that if you follow that road that you can only see through a pipe, you might feel and be very vulnerable, so you must find a peaceful and protecting place to do that.


The crocodile is the horrible pain ou might feel while grieving in order to find the truth.


The metal grill are your psychological defenses, it is solid, but in the same time, it's not a wall, so you can see through.


The murky swamp represents the horrible reality of manipulation and lies of the family.


On the other side there is a wall of water that forbids you to go there. I suggest that there is someone in your life that prevents you to be true to yourself, and punishes you for having the idea of looking in the wrong direction.


By the way, it is revealing that you start your story by "I started out in dark, dreamless sleep". It maybe means unconsciously that you were lying to yourself "asleep in the dark" before noticing the trap you are in.


Hope that it will help you.

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So something having to do with wanting to get somewhere, being blockaded by something in the present, while something even worse is creeping up behind you. 


Sounds like my day to day life. 

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I've studied and taught a specific method of dream interpretation for years. Here's how I would look at it. 


1. Pick out the Symbols

Dark: lack of awareness

Water: life experiences

Sewer or storm drain: place for processing life experiences (water) which are no longer useful or past. The water passes through and onward and contains waste that is no longer useful.

Grill: obstacle blocking your path

Murky swamp:  stagnant life experiences

Crocodile: habitual way of thinking. Lays in wait to strike when you are weak. Likely a fear you have of being attacked when you least expect it. You would be on guard much of the time in anticipation of an attack.

City: houses represent the mind. Businesses would represent many minds. All together there is an image of many minds working together and sharing a common experience.

Sunlight: awareness


2. Put it together to make a story about your life

I would put it together this way. You have a vision and desire to be together and engage with others who share your desire for self-knowledge and the wondrous light of awareness that makes life joyful. You are currently stagnant in this effort. Likely related to a reluctance to get out there and just do it. After all you will likely be attacked. Those are your current choices. You see the other choice as overwhelming life experiences that would drown you.


My opinion should this be true is that you will need to develop some trust in yourself that you will not be overwhelmed by life. That means maybe just getting out there and putting a toe in the water and see what happens. Trust in yourself. Put a foot in and trust yourself. Or you could just take the leap and go all out. I’m pretty sure that’s what Stef would do. J

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