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Why doesn't Stefan watch Game of thrones?

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I know he is not watching it, he would have make a joke about it by now. And I don't understand why ?


It's well written, high production quality and millions are watching it.

Half the actors are British.

The most pirated show ever.

It's mostly watched by the young. 

This show has many fight club moments ... Stef loves fight club.

For a while I thought he is not watching it because of the Gore ... but now I see he is playing doom...


The best jokes and examples from Stef, that really get deep to me, are the ones from culture.

But Star Treck is not watched by young people today, only old farts who have nostalgia.

I think it is time to update Lord of the rings references.


I'd love to see Stef do whole React to GoT from 1st episode to current. I bet he would get lots of views ... it's the new thing people do this days. But do it after season 6 ends when people will be wanting more while waiting for a new season. I would even watch Mike/Stoyan doing it, if any of you guys wants alt channel.

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Some people don't like Game of Thrones due to the gratuitous nature of its sex and violence, too many disposable one-dimensional characters, an immature perception of diplomacy, nihilistic themes and an over-reliance on shock rather than nuanced storytelling.

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Frankly, it's not something he wants to expose his daughter to and he talks about everything he discusses on the show with her.


That being said, the significant events of the show are modeled after real events in human history, which is kinda cool. I think the writing is better than a lot of other shows on TV , but the writing of the novels is significantly better than that.

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Some people don't like Game of Thrones due to the gratuitous nature of its sex and violence, too many disposable one-dimensional characters, an immature perception of diplomacy, nihilistic themes and an over-reliance on shock rather than nuanced storytelling.


I've noticed it has a tendency to appeal to people with nihilistic view points as they see something that reflects the real world better than other fantasy fiction. 

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GoT has some interesting themes, but is for the most part a soap opera with nudity and ultra-violence and magic.


I've noticed it has a tendency to appeal to people with nihilistic view points as they see something that reflects the real world better than other fantasy fiction. 

yes there's also a randomness to it, where anyone can die at any moment, where there are no true heroes, no real explication of universal standards or values, no principles by which a person can succeed and thrive and be happy - just a few decent people fighting for survival in a hellscape of winter, war, tyranny, corruption, and zombies.

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It would be a waste of his time. Very archaic notions of unchosen obligations based on family and nations. A father sacrificing his own daughter after his wife allowed for such a decision to be made, because some harlot who's channeling Elvis said it would be a way for him to trade it for something worth nothing by comparison... I'm embarrassed to admit that I've watched it for these reasons.

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I think he shouldrewiew the show and the books for just how well thye descrive the insanity of statism and nature or corruption and power.


There are people in the show with principles and whom are good. But in contrast to that we have these peopels lives ruined by the false arguements from mroality all the time in the show.


We see good people die, we see normal avarage people suffer and morality of the "throne" and lord and religions used as justifications all the time in the show, it is in my opinion the best show that talka bout the nature of power and violance.


How it is ALWAYS cloaked in the light, but always evil within.

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I know he is not watching it, he would have make a joke about it by now. And I don't understand why ?


It's well written, high production quality and millions are watching it.

Half the actors are British.

The most pirated show ever.

It's mostly watched by the young. 

This show has many fight club moments ... Stef loves fight club.

For a while I thought he is not watching it because of the Gore ... but now I see he is playing doom...


The best jokes and examples from Stef, that really get deep to me, are the ones from culture.

But Star Treck is not watched by young people today, only old farts who have nostalgia.

I think it is time to update Lord of the rings references.


I'd love to see Stef do whole React to GoT from 1st episode to current. I bet he would get lots of views ... it's the new thing people do this days. But do it after season 6 ends when people will be wanting more while waiting for a new season. I would even watch Mike/Stoyan doing it, if any of you guys wants alt channel.


I can't speak for Stef but I don't watch GoT because it has dragons in it.

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I'm just curious--why are dragons a "deal-breaker" for you?


It's "silly". Dragons aren't real. It's just too much outside of reality.


By all means have kings shooting people with crossbows, blood and gore, backstabbing and plotting etc. All that happened in the medievel period, but no need to include mythical fantasy.


Having said that, even if it didn't have dragons I probably still wouldn't watch it. I don't watch much TV anyway, occasionally the odd football match and once every few years something like 'Dexter' or 'Better call Saul'.

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It's "silly". Dragons aren't real. It's just too much outside of reality.


By all means have kings shooting people with crossbows, blood and gore, backstabbing and plotting etc. All that happened in the medievel period, but no need to include mythical fantasy.


Having said that, even if it didn't have dragons I probably still wouldn't watch it. I don't watch much TV anyway, occasionally the odd football match and once every few years something like 'Dexter' or 'Better call Saul'.


Would this include the entirety or fantasy/magic genre? What about scifi?


And what about using dragons/magic as metaphor(s) in art? Or simply as something cool and badass despite theyre plausability. After all its entertainment.


Not saying that your preferances are wrong or anything but i just found these 2 points worth, pointing out. For sake of maybe potential interest and reason why other like it and you dont?

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Would this include the entirety or fantasy/magic genre? What about scifi?


And what about using dragons/magic as metaphor(s) in art? Or simply as something cool and badass despite theyre plausability. After all its entertainment.


Not saying that your preferances are wrong or anything but i just found these 2 points worth, pointing out. For sake of maybe potential interest and reason why other like it and you dont?


Yes, this includes ALL fantasy/magic. Sci-fi is fine, it not only includes cool science/technology but also big questions (why are we here? etc).


Better metaphors can be used, it's also not cool or badass because of the implausability.


I have nothing against entertainment, after all, I watch "Better call Saul". Clearly a work of fiction but I can imagine crooked lawyers and can empathise with what lead him to be crooked.


Here is a question for you.


If people were much less interested in 'clearly made up nonsense' and more focused on reality, would we not live in a world with better parenting and more honest political dialogue? 

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Yes, this includes ALL fantasy/magic. Sci-fi is fine, it not only includes cool science/technology but also big questions (why are we here? etc).


Better metaphors can be used, it's also not cool or badass because of the implausability.


I have nothing against entertainment, after all, I watch "Better call Saul". Clearly a work of fiction but I can imagine crooked lawyers and can empathise with what lead him to be crooked.


Here is a question for you.


If people were much less interested in 'clearly made up nonsense' and more focused on reality, would we not live in a world with better parenting and more honest political dialogue? 


Well we are going to have to chalk the cool/badass to the subjecctive preferance. Or atleast i think thats the case here.


As for question:


Well most stuf in scifi is "made up" so i dont understand the differance here. But would less magic and fantasy in stories help with peaceful parenting rational thinking and honest political diologue?


I am not sure but based on my (totally anecdotal) experience id say its the other way around... IF done well. Game of thrones, Lord of the rings and Harry potter (books) made me and others i know think about self-knowledge, evil, psycology and about morality/courage/honor/fear/childhood as a whole lot more than otherwise we would have trough any scifi or other movie genres.


Infact id say the Ring and Horcruxes (from harry potter) as metaphors told in lenth trough the books drew me close to self knowledge and nature or power and nature of self-attack and abuse.

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If people were much less interested in 'clearly made up nonsense' and more focused on reality, would we not live in a world with better parenting and more honest political dialogue? 

It's okay to have preferences. They don't have to be noble or with purpose.


I think people do want to escape more because of the brutality of their world, but I don't think the brutality of their world stems from what they turn to for entertainment. I say this despite my heavily abusive father watching nothing other than horror/gore, UFC type stuff, and war documentaries (read: all human conflict).


Human imagination is the seat of innovation. I wouldn't expect it to ever go away just because we have control over our environment and peace is a thing. Also, if you're not into 'clearly made up nonsense' then why would you want for 'more honest political dialogue'? :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you for all your answers.


I just finished the 6th season. I have no idea how they managed to feminize the middle ages but they did it. 

so far I ignored all those "Strong" women, but now it's just absurd. 

Game of Cucks.

Even the main vilan is a cuck. 

Why feminism poisons everything


I am done watching.

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Thank you for all your answers.


I just finished the 6th season. I have no idea how they managed to feminize the middle ages but they did it. 

so far I ignored all those "Strong" women, but now it's just absurd. 

Game of Cucks.

Even the main vilan is a cuck. 

Why feminism poisons everything


I am done watching.


You may relent after some analysis. Consider this angle: Bastards fight for passion, the others fight for Dynasty. Yes, this season has been about the War of Five Queens, with all the feminist baggage, but it all has had some logical progression to it. They never claim that all women can do everything all men can. There are a couple of special women. There are some few special men too.


It's a fantasy, so destiny is going to triumph over self-determination anyway.

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