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Turkey in the European Union

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There has been a lot of hot air in the UK press regarding the possible ascension of Turkey to the EU, giving freedom of movement within the EU to cira 80 million Turks. One poll suggests that more than 12 million Turks would consider moving to Britain if Turkey joined the EU:

The left-wing press has jumped on criticism on Turkish ascension as racist etc. insisting that all people are exchangeable. Here are some hard number that show that is not true.
5% illiterate - 4 million
10% of females illiterate
Global Gender Gap Report: 10% lower score than anywhere in Europe; only one country in Africa is lower
UN Gender Inequality Index rank: 72
World Press Freedom Index: 151 out of 180; worst in the EU is Greece at 89
Gazeteciler: 112 journalists murdered in 103 years
World Bank: 400% more likely to be murdered in Turkey
Eurostat: 272% more reported crime in Turkey
Turkstat & ONS: unemployment 1.2 times higher
Ease of Doing Business Index - UK: 5; Turkey: 55
Heritage Foundation Economic Freedom Index - UK: 10; Turkey: 79
Pew Research: 15% of Muslims in Turkey support suicide bombings
Pew Research: 13% of Muslims in Turkey want to live under theocracy
Pew Research: only 36% of Muslims in Turkey support separation of church and state
Pew Research: over 1 million adult Muslim Turks believe those who leave Islam should be killed
BBC: 37% of Muslim men in Turkey think adulterous women should be killed
Pew Research: 65% of Muslims in Turkey believe a woman should always obey her husband
Walk Free Foundation: 185,000 in slavery; 8,300 in the UK
OECD: Second worst in income inequality
UN: Seats held by women in national parliaments - 14.4%
UNICEF: 2.5% married by the age of 15
UN: 40% of Turkish women are victims of domestic violence; Refugee Workers Association Woman’s Group says 80%
Havocscope: more than twice as many prostitutes in Turkey per capita
International Centre for Prison Studies: 33% more people in prison in Turkey per capita
Global Peace Index: ranked 135/162
Global Terrorism Index: 27th worst
UN Good Country Index: 79/125
Yale Environmental Performance Index: 99/180
Human Development Index: ranked 72
Univ. of Leic. Satisfaction with Life Index: ranked 133/178
Fraser Institute Index for criminal justice: worse than anywhere in Europe
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