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I pity the next guy


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The US presidential race has been amazing so far. It's the most entertaining thing on television right now and I can't help but wonder what future campaigns will look like after Trump. What will the next guy have to bring to the table in order to top this one?



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If Trump wins, and he succeeds on his promises, the next guy will just have to continue his policies. The spectacle and the meme magic will take care of the race. But if Trump loses, I'm not sure there will be any other election where winning with a right leaning position will be even possible democratically given the demographic shift in 4 or 8 years that will occur. Winning right now is just barely possible. After that, I wonder if there will even be federal elections as there are now if the country doesn't fracture in an effort to escape the perpetually leftist government.

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The editing, images, etc., come together well.  I'm only half way thru, gonna do some chores and come back, yet I'm struck by how powerful the piece is.  Technically sophisticated, it delivers at gut level.   All of which is only possible because it strongly resonates with a great deal of frustrated upset.  I wonder if this video will end up as an historical marker, when viewed a few years from now.

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