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Voting for Clinton out of fear for dear life?

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My attention was directed to this blog entry of famous Dilbert comic creator Scott Adams, in which he reasons why voting for Trump instead of Clinton would probably get him murdered by Clinton followers:




If he meant this seriously, then this is basically how the Hitler regime came to power: People cowering in fear of getting assassinated by 'political adversaries and their supporters'. I would recommend to man the f*** up, my dear North Americans, and start fighting for what is making the U.S. a place worth living.


I think that the quality of a leader is less defined by himself, but by the people following him/her. Looking at how barbaric and violent a non-negligible percentage of Clinton followers are, and looking at how peaceful and civilized Trump followers are, it doesn't take half a brain cell to understand what the general trend in U.S. society will be: Violence and oppression in a 1st world country worth living in, turned into a 3rd world socialistic hell hole w/o future. You can prevent this. Do it.

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I don't think this is serious at all. its a way to drive a point. Reminds me too much of Pascal's wager because by posting this he is telling others that the reason he is voting for Hillary is safety. while still believing on what he claims will get him killed "trumps skills" 


I think its a witty way to state truth with humor. :)

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Even if it were true, it would be a false dichotomy. Not to mention that people aren't going to know where his vote went unless he tells them.


I for one am never comfortable with the "its humor" excuse. Funny people have no issue being funny without saying things that are the opposite of the truth or untrue.

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Even if it were true, it would be a false dichotomy. Not to mention that people aren't going to know where his vote went unless he tells them.


I for one am never comfortable with the "its humor" excuse. Funny people have no issue being funny without saying things that are the opposite of the truth or untrue.


By being "comfortable", do you mean you don't find it funny? or that you won't do it yourself?



I don't understand your last sentence. It could be that English is not my first language. I apologize 


"Funny people have no issue being funny" do you mean "Comedians should not be making jokes" 


without saying things that are the opposite of the truth or untrue undo you mean "without saying lies"


"Comedians should not be making jokes without saying lies"


"Comedians should be making jokes with lies"




I wanted to run something by you and get your opinion.


We have break rooms at work that are kept stocked with coffee, tea, sugar and 3 types of creamers.

the sugar and creamers come in a container with a little tab on top. There are ants that show up and people have expressed their concern verbally that those who use the containers should close them to avoid ants inside.

Note: I do not use these products so i'm just on the sidelines about this issue.

Someone posted a sign with pictures of the ant from that "antz" movie and with a note sort of saying


"Thank you for leaving these containers open for us to eat, but please try not to eat us or any of our waste that we may leave inside"


I thought it was a funny way of stating the obvious.


a day or so later someone posted a note on the corner with a meme "Oh watch out, passive aggressive over here" 




There are plenty of notes around that are direct "Please do not dump food down the drain" Please keep the microwave clean" which people have handwritten things like "why?" on them but I have not seen the humor type notes before this one,

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By being "comfortable", do you mean you don't find it funny? or that you won't do it yourself?

I think it's a bullshit excuse that most accept as valid.


"Funny people have no issue" means that they experience no difficulty. Meaning that they can be funny without having to make false statements; Leaving their audience wondering if they are being serious or "funny." It's cowardly to hide behind such a veil.


People sometimes use humor to avoid processing emotions and/or gaining self-knowledge. Take the antz sign at work you mentioned. You're experiencing the tragedy of the commons. The people who are not behaving responsibly will not be convinced by a sign. If however they felt that they were being watched, that they would be ostracized, they would then behave responsibly for the sake of their own "survival." The antz sign is a cowardly way of communicating an idea and since it is NOT direct, will not be viewed as ostracism and therefore would not achieve its stated goal. Whomever put the sign up was managing their own anxiety by doing SOMETHING, but lacked the integrity to care or notice that the something didn't achieve their stated goal.

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I think it's a bullshit excuse that most accept as valid.


"Funny people have no issue" means that they experience no difficulty. Meaning that they can be funny without having to make false statements; Leaving their audience wondering if they are being serious or "funny." It's cowardly to hide behind such a veil.


People sometimes use humor to avoid processing emotions and/or gaining self-knowledge. Take the antz sign at work you mentioned. You're experiencing the tragedy of the commons. The people who are not behaving responsibly will not be convinced by a sign. If however they felt that they were being watched, that they would be ostracized, they would then behave responsibly for the sake of their own "survival." The antz sign is a cowardly way of communicating an idea and since it is NOT direct, will not be viewed as ostracism and therefore would not achieve its stated goal. Whomever put the sign up was managing their own anxiety by doing SOMETHING, but lacked the integrity to care or notice that the something didn't achieve their stated goal.


Thanks for your comments.


I agree that "ordinary" people might use humor to manage anxiety. But a professional comedian I don't see the same way, as they use humor to convey truths in an indirect way.

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a professional comedian I don't see the same way, as they use humor to convey truths in an indirect way.

I understand what you're saying. Did you notice though that "a professional comedian I don't see the same way" is a bias? I could go in a comedy club right now and get paid a night's wages and/or tips. That doesn't fundamentally change what words mean or how they will in turn be received. This is the same as saying that because somebody puts on a badge, they can do no wrong. Such an assumption means that you will miss when that is not the case because of your bias.


The irony here is that from my perspective, you're essentially saying that because a person is a comedian, they are held to a lower standard of communication. While my preference is that they take on a higher standard of communication. In my opinion, that's the mark of a truly good comedian. Since you have Carlin in your signature, I suspect you might understand what I mean. Carlin was such a comedic genius, you never had to wonder if he was lying for effect because he wasn't so weak that he needed to stoop to such a level to cheat us out of a yuk.

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I don't see it that way because one is addressing the public in general and the other personal relationships.


But lets look at the first Carlin video that came up on my search



2 minutes in an Carlin is already lying. "no wonder we can't get anything done"


in fact people laugh because everyone knows its not true.


and yes a comedian is held to a different standard than a judge or a lawyer, or a police officer. Does a magician tell you the truth? is that a real egg on his mouth? Does he act with integrity as he is manipulating you so you don't see how he does his tricks?

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