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Was wondering if anyone has a way of obtaining Certification that would allow a UK citizen(Me) to travel and work in any country of the World, ideally something legally ironclad? Have a few ideas maybe someone has better information or experience.


The Magna Carta


In England in 1215, the right to travel was enshrined in Article 42 of Magna Carta:

It shall be lawful to any person, for the future, to go out of our kingdom, and to return, safely and securely, by land or by water, saving his allegiance to us, unless it be in time of war, for some short space, for the common good of the kingdom: excepting prisoners and outlaws, according to the laws of the land, and of the people of the nation at war against us, and Merchants who shall be treated as it is said above.
Kingdom being the operative word, as long as Australia, UK, Canada and New Zealand have the same monarch as Head of State wouldn't this apply to all?
saving his allegiance to us I can Kiss Ass to a point. (Assuming incentive and not infringing on certain moral/just values)
Merchant Might be a way of carrying out business in the Kingdom by being a hotdog "Merchant", could be non domiciled as well to avoid tax.
If that doesn't work maybe there some more obscure, even absurd law I could go by. Perhaps Article 8 on Human Rights, The Right to a Family Life, have some distant cousins in Australia. Some foreign criminal was allowed to stay in the UK years a go because he had a cat.
Asylum Seeker Method
What if I transfer my citizenship to some messed up African country and then claim Asylum through persecution in whatever country I like?
Desperate Housewife Method
Anyone know any desperate housewives?
Own shares in a Virgin Islands Hotel Method
Heard about this one from a couple in Girona Spain. Chinese investors were "investing" money in a hotel in order to obtain UK citizenship, something about paying a certain amount for a license and they would gain citizenship for themselves and children. The hotel was never finished. Method was pretty expensive as well.
Diplomatic Immunity Method
Not sure how I would go about that, but talked to a French girl in Canada from Morocco whose parents had diplomatic Immunity, they would sometimes shop across the border in Spain for Pork or Alcohol and bring it back into Morocco, shitty country both literally and figuratively.  
I Love Communism Degree
Anyone know where I can do something "useful and skilled" like a socialism degree for "Free" and within a year in Europe or somewhere else I just want the legally obtained and Valid paper certificate.
Chameleon Method
Just show up in a country and blend in, not so keen on this method, would have to know the risk and reward, would hate paying out for multiple flights.
Sailor Method
Anyone know of anyone or website requiring novice sailors, willing to learn don't mind long potentially hazardous voyages. Could stay in the boat and fly different flags.

My knowledge in this area is limited. It would probably be best asked on the Sovereign Man forum.

I think the best thing in this vein would be a diplomatic passport.

The desperate housewife method will only work in certain countries, for example a Bahamanian men can get citizenship for his foreign wife, but a Bahamanian women cannot get citizenship for her foreign husband.

I think the best way to be allowed into most countries is get some skills. If you qualify for the top level visa in a country, it is not difficult to get in.

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