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Sweden - man uses knife to fend of armed robber - gets 2 years in prison


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>En 19-årig svensk döms nu till två års fängelse för dråp efter att ha hållit fram en kniv mot en man från Irak som tillsammans med en kumpan försökte pistolråna honom i Stockholmsförorten Rinkeby. Rånaren fortsatte nämligen angreppet, skadade sig på kniven och avled.

"[Offret borde] i den akuta situationen, när pistolen kom fram, ha kunnat använda kniven på ett för [rånaren] mindre förödande sätt än att sträcka fram den mot [rånarens] mest vitala delar", lyder domen.


>A 19 year old Swedish gets sentenced to 2 years in prison for manslaughter after brandishing a knife again a man from Iraq who in collusion with another accomplice tried to arm him with a gun in the Stockholm suburb Rinkeby. The robber continued his assault and injured himself on the knife and died. ''the victim should in the sit, when the gun was presented, have used the knife against the robber in a less lethal way then pointing it against the robbers more vital parts'' the judgement says. 

Use google translate if you want to read the rest.


Unbelievable, the state imports violent people, disarms you and throws you in jail for defending yourself.....

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Being skeptical towards people who claim self defense in the act of killing someone is important to weed out the lying murderers from the true victims.


This however, is completely disgraceful. How can a society function if people get punished for preferring to live instead of risk death?


Sweden looks like it went to hell.

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This should not even have been anything more than a local story, with no one going to jail, except perhaps the robbers accomplice. Sorry criminals, that is the risk you take by being a criminal.


"The victim should have used the knife in a less lethal way" - Yes court, everyone knows that you would be more careful towards a person with a gun if you know that your life is in danger and your adrenaline is sky high. Yes yes...

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''the victim should... have used the knife against the robber in a less lethal way''

What a crock of shit. It's so easy for somebody in the calm of their chair to pontificate how they MIGHT have handled it. If somebody doesn't like how person X responds to having a gun pulled on them, they could always just not pull a gun on somebody.

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Alright so just to be the devils advocate I should say that friatider.se isn't a newspaper that many Swedes would say is trustworthy and I guess it's possible that they left something out. I don't think that's the case, however.


That said, I wouldn't be surprised if it's completely true, either. Tingsrätten, which is the lowest court, is all over the place in their sentencing and I wouldn't be astonished if it continued to Hovrätten and the he would be fine (except for the fact that he broke Knivlagen). Though if that didn't happen I would be surprised either. 


I guess my point is that nothing surprises me anymore, everything is chaos, I didn't ask to be born in this insanity. Please make it stop...

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