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Destroying Male and Female "Types"

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Recently I participated in a charity walk attended mostly by Grade 9 co-ed students walking their grandparents and other elderly patients. In a group of 50 there might have been one youth coloured, and none of the relatives were. I noticed the girls all had long or longish hair, the boys had shorter hair. Nearly everyone wore teeshirts and some girls had things written on them such as






contrasted with the boys wearing Punisher and Ozzy Osbourne. Clothing was light or mixed colours, with nothing colour-coordinated, but no boys were wearing pink or obviously girlish patterns of colours. Nobody dressed particularly attractively, but this is 2016 after all.


I bring this up to sound a faint note about Type. Feminism would have us believe that either (a) there are no Types and anything resembling it is a product of legacy culture, or (b) men have negative, dangerous Type and women have positive, healing, wise Type. From this spills forth patriarchy theory.


My first question is,


IF human populations naturally bifurcated into male and female Types, HOW would we know?


Would it be by men and women persistently favouring different professions?

Would it be by boys and girls favouring different toys and play-styles?

Would it be by youth affecting different complementary clothing styles, however vestigial?

Would it be a male tendency toward the mechanical advantage, and female toward the "flowy"?

Would it be a male aggressivity and a female preference for violence by proxy?

Would it be by sex-divided entertainments where the men humour their girlfriends and wives by screening romantic comedies with them, and where women humour their boyfriends and husbands by screening action movies with them?

Would it be the persistence of heterosexuality and heteronormativity itself?

Or is there another “tell” we should be looking for?


If we're dealing with Types, that doesn't mean society can't play against Type strongly enough to negate it. If human soul and behaviour are 0.5 nature and 0.5 nurture, it should be possibly to redeploy that 0.5 nurture to squash that 0.5 nature, leaving us in a malleable null-state.


I believe that is what is happening now. Straight women affecting lower facial hair (wait for it), depilated (or not) straight men sporting winsome breasts ("transgender" or not), LGBT&c expansion of its alphabet soup of sexual deviation (and demanding it not be tolerated but embraced and celebrated and given a large amount of lime light), an increasingly Satanic, “do as thou wilt” attitude, and marching liberalism and feminism with their lock on the school teachers and post-secondary professors, the mainstream press, and all but a few politicians, combined with multicultural disorientations, the general delapidation of culture, religion, racial consciousness, linguistic competency, and critical thought, is blasting at the sexual Types like Saudi Arabian demolitions experts spiritually reeducating an Afghani stone Buddha. A thigh here, a chunk of belly there, and the thing is starting to look in sad shape, and yet still heteronormativity persists.


My next questions are,


What does it take to destroy it?

If there is Type, how tough is it?

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Just curious, why did you use the term "Type" instead of the word Gender? I mean, it's almost obvious that you simply changed the word after the fact.


Secondly, I thought Patriarchy theory came from the Old Testament where women and female children were considered only a little better than chattel.


Thirdly, the "natural bifurcation" of male and female has existed for thousands upon thousands of years. Do you know what else has existed for thousands upon thousands of years (in all likelihood, but at least thousands of years)? Non-gender conforming people.  Sure they were a minority back then just as they are today. In some societies they were more accepted than in other societies. All of the society's woes and ills were often erroneously blamed on them from time to time as well.  Seems like little has changed in that respect.


Are you suggesting that sexual deviation should not be accepted and tolerated as a natural part of society?


I'm not suggesting anyone should be forced to do anything, including celebrate it, but shouldn't non-heteronormative people at least be accepted as members of society and not ostracized for being different? Or does their existence somehow threaten your own fragile sense of Gender?


Also, what is Satanic about "do what thou wilt?" unless it harms other people? Or is the very fact that people are not obeying the religious views and morals you seem to hold somehow threatening to your fragile sense of faith?


Have you ever stopped to ask the question, why aren't schools more conservative in their teaching? Might it have anything to do with the lack of conservatives selflessly going into education? And then you have the nerve to complain about what those who do believe and attempt to teach? Personally, I think the whole system is hopelessly corrupt and beyond systemic repair and ought to be scrapped on the national and state levels. Let the local school boards set the standards and curriculum, and if they don't like the teachers, let them fire them and hire ones they do like or step up and take the jobs themselves. Just don't hypocritically do the same thing as they are doing and teach your own potentially alienating views to the liberal parents' children.


When you talk about "racial consciousness, you mean the Human Race, right?


When you refer to critical thinking, you mean the kind of thinking that not only challenges political and media orthodoxy, but also challenges religious orthodoxy, right?


As to just how strong is gender?  I would say it's as strong or as weak as your hormones, brain chemistry, and psychology and beliefs make it to be.


As to what it takes to break it?  Hormones, drugs, and brainwashing will superficially suppress it. breaking it, however, likely takes a combination of these and probably a decade or more to really break it to the point it won't spontaneously return.

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Just curious, why did you use the term "Type" instead of the word Gender? I mean, it's almost obvious that you simply changed the word after the fact.


Secondly, I thought Patriarchy theory came from the Old Testament where women and female children were considered only a little better than chattel.


Thirdly, the "natural bifurcation" of male and female has existed for thousands upon thousands of years. Do you know what else has existed for thousands upon thousands of years (in all likelihood, but at least thousands of years)? Non-gender conforming people.  Sure they were a minority back then just as they are today. In some societies they were more accepted than in other societies. All of the society's woes and ills were often erroneously blamed on them from time to time as well.  Seems like little has changed in that respect.


Are you suggesting that sexual deviation should not be accepted and tolerated as a natural part of society?


I'm not suggesting anyone should be forced to do anything, including celebrate it, but shouldn't non-heteronormative people at least be accepted as members of society and not ostracized for being different? Or does their existence somehow threaten your own fragile sense of Gender?


Also, what is Satanic about "do what thou wilt?" unless it harms other people? Or is the very fact that people are not obeying the religious views and morals you seem to hold somehow threatening to your fragile sense of faith?


Have you ever stopped to ask the question, why aren't schools more conservative in their teaching? Might it have anything to do with the lack of conservatives selflessly going into education? And then you have the nerve to complain about what those who do believe and attempt to teach? Personally, I think the whole system is hopelessly corrupt and beyond systemic repair and ought to be scrapped on the national and state levels. Let the local school boards set the standards and curriculum, and if they don't like the teachers, let them fire them and hire ones they do like or step up and take the jobs themselves. Just don't hypocritically do the same thing as they are doing and teach your own potentially alienating views to the liberal parents' children.


When you talk about "racial consciousness, you mean the Human Race, right?


When you refer to critical thinking, you mean the kind of thinking that not only challenges political and media orthodoxy, but also challenges religious orthodoxy, right?


As to just how strong is gender?  I would say it's as strong or as weak as your hormones, brain chemistry, and psychology and beliefs make it to be.


As to what it takes to break it?  Hormones, drugs, and brainwashing will superficially suppress it. breaking it, however, likely takes a combination of these and probably a decade or more to really break it to the point it won't spontaneously return.


(1) "Type” refers to sexual behaviour not just sexual dress. It's more comprehensive than the overhyped and left-slanted word “gender”.  In fact the word “gender” never even occurred to me as I was writing that post.
(2) I'm not sure Chinese patriarchy descended from the Middle East.  Patriarchy appears quite widespread and pinning it on Biblical cultures seems like a stretch.
(3) The problem isn't isolated relatively benign deviants who merit treatment as human beings, the problem is when deviancy merges with the norm and generates a deviant total culture.  That's LGBT&c's goal, not just to be “tolerated” like a load on a pillar but to remake all of society in its image.  
“Do what thou wilt" refers to a mystical True Will that all purportedly possess.  It comes from a religion designed to help overthrow Christianity and replace Christian charity with Yoga.  I'm not saying Crowley didn't have anything worthwhile to say, but his views (which were not a libertarian “Do as thou whim” which is what you've mischaracterised it as) are part of a general thrust toward the Hinduisation of society at the expense of the wisdom of the Church which I do not take without challenge or inquiry.
Your suggestion of collapsing school administration into local districts sounds like an option that should be considered.  But your suggestion that conservative teachers are not pulling their weight is untrue.  Conservatives are pushed out of schooling, life is made hard for them and no matter their convictions this policy will eventually expunge most of their influence from the school system, as it already has.  And yes, I complain about liberal teachers who are serving the femiblob.
No, I mean racial as in human subspecies, breeds, like cat breeds.  This is yet another dimension where humans are being atomised and their heritage dismantled.  In particular this means white people are being erased, or, to be perfectly clear:  genocided.
Critical thought should challenge everything, including tendencies toward scientism and the sterile intellectual zone of atheism.
Saying sexual Type is “as strong or as weak as your hormones, brain chemistry, and psychology and beliefs make it to be,” doesn't really say anything besides listing strength factors.  It's saying “a thing is as strong as it is.”  But you do complement this by suggesting it might be broken in a decade or more by playing against it chemically and electronically.  Thanks for you answer.  Don't you find this possibility chilling?
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