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Types of White Privilege You Probably Have No Idea You're Benefiting From

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Does anyone have any suggestions of other examples of little acknowledge white privilege that could be added to this list?

When your white, infant child falls into Gorilla enclosure, the gorilla(s) will be shot.
Microagression caveat: When your black, infant child falls in, the gorilla(s) will also be shot and the internet will go wild with claims the gorilla was only shot because the child was white.
When you fail to save your infant child from being eaten by an alligator, you won't be arrested.
When you take up too much room at anti-racist protests.
Caveat: Recognize that you’re still racist. No matter what.
When you're only a professional football player because you are white.
Microagression caveat: Black supremacy in basketball is a good thing.
When you become famous just by donning a Chewbacca mask and having an infectious laugh.
When you commit suicide, it's ethical.
When you cannot get cancer, because you are cancer.
Caveat: P.S. kill yourself.
When there are university courses just for you.
When you fail to realise there are too many white people at a white privilege conference.
When you had to be told only white people can be racist.
When white people beat non-white people in athletics competitions.
When undertaking white-only roles in the black liberation movement.
When you are poor.
When you didn't commit a terrorist attack.
When you say any of the following:
“You are so articulate.”
“America is a melting pot.”
“There is only one race, the human race.”
“I’m not a racist. I have several Black friends.”
“I believe the most qualified person should get the job.”
When you fail to notice countries that are better for non-whites have a higher density of whites.
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I would feel bad for the witch hunt on white people if they weren't tremendous cucks for believing it in the first place. The white race simply seems to not want to exist anymore and is accelerating it's demise. No births, free abortion, race mixing, privilege and guilt, affirmative action. If they try to get you into a demon god Moloch cult, wouldn't you have the will to reject it? It's your choice to believe it - and whites are choosing their extinction. Not saying they deserve it, and I don't like it, but for the love of Darwin, wake up already.

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I would feel bad for the witch hunt on white people if they weren't tremendous cucks for believing it in the first place. The white race simply seems to not want to exist anymore and is accelerating it's demise. No births, free abortion, race mixing, privilege and guilt, affirmative action. If they try to get you into a demon god Moloch cult, wouldn't you have the will to reject it? It's your choice to believe it - and whites are choosing their extinction. Not saying they deserve it, and I don't like it, but for the love of Darwin, wake up already.

It is very sad. And for all those who are cheer-leading the dying white majorities of Europe and the Anglosphere, I don't think they will be happy with what they get. Human rights (or civility, if like myself, you don't like that word) has been largely imposed on the world by Western Europe and the US. If they cease to exist as they do now, I can't see who is going to continue that imposition. I doubt China will, though I think that the same thing will happen to them as has happened to Japan, they will hit stagflation in 2040-2060.

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Even if "white privilege" is a real thing, it's only a real thing in white countries. Why shouldn't whites be privileged in their own countries? It's not like a Chinese person doesn't get Chinese privilege in China, ffs.


When whites have been turned into a low IQ mulatto underclass by miscegenation and persecution, they will turn towards the east asians.

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Associating a privilege with a race, and then saying the privilege should be removed on the basis that it advantages that race, is incredibly racist (I mean unless it's state privilege, but that's not applicable to this situation since whites are disadvantaged systematically by the state).

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I was a color-blind woman-lover until I watched too many feminist, BLM, and SJW videos. Now I see racism and sexism all around me. It's all pointing at me, a white male. I had thought that color-blind woman-loving men were the very thing that would eliminate racism and sexism, but apparently not being racist or mysogynistic is now a racist or mysogynistic act. Guilty by sex and skin color.


Too bad Larry Elder didn't make Dave Rubin squirm more in that excellent video. What systemic racism? I would bet that he's said it again since then.

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I personally don't think white privilege is a useful way of characterizing things, as it serves to falsely blame people for something they have no real choice about. What I would say, however, is that it's potentially fair to acknowledge that there can perhaps be such thing as "black disadvantage" in some contexts. Instead of pointing the finger at others for having something or implying guilt for not having certain kinds of hardship, this simply recognizes hardship. One must be careful not to create a victim complex here of course, but I think that's a more fair approach.


On another note, I think that acting like white people are especially oppressed in our society, especially simply on the basis of questions of low birth rates and calling that "genocide" (which is emotive rhetoric that doesn't match reality), is just an inverted form of victimology that deserves as much scrutiny as heavy-handed notions of "white privilege". 


"By "genocide" we mean the destruction of an ethnic group…. Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups…."


- Raphael Lemkin, Polish-Jewish man who coined the term genocide in the early '40s. There is a lot of overlap between what he characterized as the objectives of genocide (disintegrating the culture, institutions, economic existence, etc.) and what is happening to white/European culture today.


Another definition by the UN adopted around the same time also includes measures that are intended to prevent births of certain groups.




It is seamless and common for white people to live as if the other cultures around them are not generally taking them for granted; and to live as if their government is not using this to destroy their culture for short term political gain. What you said sounds more like emotive rhetoric to me, so you might be projecting. Please check out the many arguments and data and respond with counter arguments if you disagree, at least in humility that you may be adding fuel to a really dangerous fire if you don't.

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I don't know why it matters if there is a coordinated plan or not. If there is an incentive for politicians to disintegrate white western culture, because it's small government and pro-liberty, then politicians are going to respond to those incentives.


It's probably a lost cause for me to mention the truth about slavery presentation at this point since you've shown no interest in digesting new arguments, but slavery effected whites negatively as well (and the irish had a brutal experience with slavery in this country), and so did jim crow. I would continue this conversation, but you have twice now repeated emotional rhetoric absent any arguments while claiming others are doing just that, so I don't think a third time of suggesting you actually refute arguments provided on the show will be productive.

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