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Imams on the morality of homosexuality

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No, of course it is incompatible. You can't have a tolerant liberal society amongst intolerant fundamentalists. The problem is that progressives gave sold out the lgbt community for Islam in the west. Their goal was never gay rights, but the destruction of traditional western culture, family, and morality. They found out that importing Islam does so much more effectively.

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Good production.

"teach men to be masculine ... teach women to be feminine" - I wonder if the gender roles dismantlers will be jumping on this guy?

Have you tried tweeting this to Milo Yiannopoulos?

Gays have really got on the ball with this. The Orlando attack has sparked more interest in radical normative Islam and homophobia in Islam than any other terrorist attack:




And they have found there are 18 pages of prescribed punishments for them in Islamic texts, enacted in c. 85% of Muslim countries.

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Honest, from 0-4:50, I don't see anything wrong with what was said. I don't really see how mandating that your children sleep in separate beds by age of 10 is important, necessarily, but sure. I'm not opposed. What's the problem? Raising your male children to be masculine and your female children to be feminine, that's fine. I'm not opposed. What's the the problem? i suppose my only minor gripe is that I would raise my female children to be masculine too, because by my definition of masculine, it just means remaining honest to yourself and not allowing others to marginalize you. Whatever...

4:50-8:10 Notice how that one white guy eventually was like... wtf?! He crosses his arms and is like, fuck this shit! Lol, that was awesome. But anyway, I don't know where this was or who these people are, but yeah, the punishments for sin in the Qur'an are asinine and anti-Jesus. I'm not going to call it anti-Christian, because there's a lot of tradition that people tend to group with Christianity, but Jesus espoused the antithesis of what Muslims tend to hold to as God's law. It's blasphemy for them to both claim Jesus as a member of Islam and also hold antithetical views to what Jesus blatantly and obviously held. Honestly, anybody who says stoning gays and imprisoning women who don't cover their hair is correct should be deported. You're insane. HOWEVER!!! I agree that the way women dress in this country is absolute insanity and homosexuals need to tone it the fuck down. I don't agree with the way women dress and I don't agree with the way homosexuals behave in America. I'm simply not a radical Islamic terrorist- lol. Trying to argue that Jesus would stand for violently attacking sinners is fundamentally insane.

8:15 Human judges suck, in your own Goddamn religion, so fuck off. Islam is evil. Cool. I agree. Stop attacking people. It's ineffective. If you don't think "the human killing" is brutal, then you first. I'll "humanly" kill you and then you tell me if it's brutal for you after-the-fact. You let me know... retard. However, I understand where he's coming from. It's a disgusting view perpetuated by Muhammad. Muhammad is a false prophet. He waged wars against his aggressors. You can't lovingly attack people. Did Jesus ever lovingly attack people? Did Jesus ever compassionately kill, or endorse the killing of anybody?

BUT AT THE SAME TIME!!! This country, America, has become tolerant to the point of endorsing sin. Jesus would never do that. Jesus felt compassion for sinners, because sin is really fucking hard. That doesn't mean you turn around and say, yeah whatever, let's just go on sinning. That was the first criticism Christianity encountered and PAUL was commanded to address it. After Jesus died, Paul was commanded by God to address this criticism of Jesus' philosophy.

GO READ PAUL! Everybody go read Paul to discover what you OUGHT TO THINK about homosexuality.

Here you go:

Read it. Learn it. Live it.

7-13 = Laws cause crime. If you want to eliminate all crime in society, then repeal all laws. If there are no laws, then there can be no crime. It is the laws themselves that create the capacity for wrongdoing.

14-25 = We are addicted to sinning. We cannot help but desire sin, especially sins of the flesh. No matter how hard we try, we cannot free ourselves from this ever-present desire within us. This applies to both homosexuals and to heterosexuals, equally. It is ENTIRELY equally sinful for an unmarried homosexual to sexually desire as it is for an unmarried heterosexual to sexually desire. (Side note: the reason why I don't want gay marriage is EXCLUSIVELY because I don't acknowledge homosexual desire as being non-sinful when the two pledge allegiances). But what is Paul's response to having these unrelenting desires, which CERTAINLY are't exclusive to gays???

We, as Christians, are all unwilling addicts (slaves to sin). Do you blame a heroine addict, who hates heroine, wishes he could be free of his addiction, but never-the-less, continues to abuse the drug? Do you condemn this heroine addict to death? Do you say he is an evil person with evil desires? How ABSURD!!! Any man/woman of Jesus would pity that addict. He wants to free himself of his addiction, so desperately, and all we (as Christians) should want to do is provide support. That is the way of Jesus. READ PAUL!!! READ WHAT HE SAID!

I'm not just picking and choosing passages. The New Testament is such a fantastic read. I would recommend it, for strictly academic purposes, to anybody. I love this book.

At the end of this, though, I really want to stress that the fundamental belief is that homosexual intercourse is sinful.  It's not productive human behavior, and it glorifies an aspect of sex that isn't Godly.  I understand homosexual desire.  I really do.  On a pragmatic level, it's destructive.  Homosexuals can relate to women so well, and it's honestly robbing them of compassionate, loving, partners to live a homosexual lifestyle.  This is an opinion that a lot of people are going to find offensive... people are going to be pissed at me.  I think homosexual men have the capacity to identify with women in ways that will enrich the lives of women beyond the capacity of the vast majority of strictly heterosexual men, and it's nothing but selfishness to reject women on the basis that you desire manly flesh.

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