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Baptist Preacher's Praises Orlando Attack


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"Following the deadliest shooting in U.S. history, a preacher stood at his pulpit Sunday night in Northern California and delivered an impassioned sermon praising the brutal massacre at a gay nightclub in Florida."



And what does the good community immediately do? Why they protest, condemn and ridicule the man of course.

The church's facebook page is blowing up:

There is a petition to have him removed (though I don't see him removing himself from his own church). I'm sure a protest is coming soon.

But why not the same treatment for intolerant Muslim leaders? Of course we all know the answer, I just thought it was particularly poignant to see a Christian example and the communities reaction contrasted with the Muslim reaction. 


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Funny how visceral the reaction is when you just change the victim. People will still consider his comments about killing all pedophiles to be good without any sense of irony. People everywhere really want to assert their authoritarianism, they just need to pick the right victims. And apparently being non-white and/or non-Christian theist means you shouldn't be the victim of hate regardless of your bigotries or violence.

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Funny how visceral the reaction is when you just change the victim. People will still consider his comments about killing all pedophiles to be good without any sense of irony. People everywhere really want to assert their authoritarianism, they just need to pick the right victims. And apparently being non-white and/or non-Christian theist means you shouldn't be the victim of hate regardless of your bigotries or violence.

Funny how some religious people seem incapable of distinguishing between pedophilia and homosexuality but have no such problem distinguishing between adultery and homosexuality. So many Christians professing discipleship who evidence none of the "fruits" one is expected to observe in such a disciple, such as love for one's neighbor as one's self, patience, long-suffering, forgiveness, condemning the sin but not the sinner, and so on. All too many Christians want to assert their moral authoritarianism, they just need to pick the right sinners. And apparently, being straight, white, and Christian means you shouldn't be the victim of hate, bigotry, violence, or ridicule; according to such modern day Pharisees, such sentiments are reserved only for the modern day Samaritans (Homosexuals), Philistines (Muslims), and Heathens (Illegal Alien Migrants and Immigrants).

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Stefan has made the point many times that immigrants bring their beliefs with them, and if these beliefs are not compatible with Western values (life, liberty, property, equality under the law), then we should resist this forced integration.


Do gay people who don't reproduce but try to recruit and promote their beliefs onto others, deserve the same reaction as above? 


Hans Hermann Hoppe said --


"There can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and expelled from society. Likewise, in a covenant founded for the purpose of protecting family and kin, there can be no tolerance toward those habitually promoting lifestyles incompatible with this goal. They – the advocates of alternative, non-family and kin-centered lifestyles such as, for instance, individual hedonism, parasitism, nature-environment worship, homosexuality, or communism – will have to be physically removed from society, too, if one is to maintain a libertarian order."

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Funny how some religious people seem incapable of distinguishing between pedophilia and homosexuality but have no such problem distinguishing between adultery and homosexuality.

I was really confused by this when watching the video of some guy talking about a bunch of pedophiles being killed. I thought he was referring to something else, but it was just the same homosexuals. I suppose calling someone a pedophile helps to demonize and discredit your opposition.


All too many Christians want to assert their moral authoritarianism, they just need to pick the right sinners.

Indeed. As I see it, they generally pick the sins that tempt them the least. It's very easy for a straight person to avoid homosexual acts, and they cannot escape their narrow perspective to imagine it could be different for others. However, when it comes to prostitution/adultery/etc they can easily sympathize and it's therefore more comforting to be less strict on those sins, heaven forbid you remind yourself that you're no better than those you condemn. Additionally, it's very easy for everyone to hate pedophiles while they're sexually attracted to adults. Amazing how Christians have deviated so much from Christ.
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