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Islam? How about International Jewry?


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Without the state how would "The Jews" accomplish this?

She's also incorrect in saying that the media is the "single most powerful and influential institution today" that spot is filled entirely by the state.

It could also be argued that the state is what largely controls and influences the media. See the repealing of the Smith-Mundt act.

Now yes you can say (as she did) that it is largely Jews in governmental positions, but that may have more to do with IQ AND as I've said without the state they would have no power.


Also, as a "realist" she should know that there is no such thing as a "utopia"

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Girl in the video made specific, factual claims. Just refute them, if you can.

Points of the video:

1) The media is controlled by jews.

2) Homosexuality is immoral and promoted by the jews.

3) Pedophilia is immoral and promoted by the jews.

4) The media spews pro-rapefugee propaganda.

5) Education is run by jews and jews outperform the rest.

6) Lots of jews own famous sites.

7) Jews want gun control.

8) Jews have been persecuted for millennia.

9) Jews are parasites.


1) So what? I don't consume the media so I don't care.

2) Homosexuality is not immoral therefore who cares who promotes it.

3) Molestation is immoral, deviant sexual urges  are not.

4) To what end? They're promoting a vile religion onto our shores that hates jews above all others, why?

5) Yes, because jews are the smartest race.

6) Yes, because jews are the smartest race.

7) Again, why do they want gun control? What's their end goal?

8) Who cares? So far they're the only group that haven't played the victim card, an admirable trait.

9) No they're not. They work and pay taxes like the rest of us.


Every race wants to cry foul when they're not on top. Black people do it to whites, white people do it to jews.

So far what I learned from this video is that it's pretty cool to be a jew.

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Points of the video:

1) The media is controlled by jews.

2) Homosexuality is immoral and promoted by the jews.

3) Pedophilia is immoral and promoted by the jews.

4) The media spews pro-rapefugee propaganda.

5) Education is run by jews and jews outperform the rest.

6) Lots of jews own famous sites.

7) Jews want gun control.

8) Jews have been persecuted for millennia.

9) Jews are parasites.


1) So what? I don't consume the media so I don't care.

2) Homosexuality is not immoral therefore who cares who promotes it.

3) Molestation is immoral, deviant sexual urges  are not.

4) To what end? They're promoting a vile religion onto our shores that hates jews above all others, why?

5) Yes, because jews are the smartest race.

6) Yes, because jews are the smartest race.

7) Again, why do they want gun control? What's their end goal?

8) Who cares? So far they're the only group that haven't played the victim card, an admirable trait.

9) No they're not. They work and pay taxes like the rest of us.


Every race wants to cry foul when they're not on top. Black people do it to whites, white people do it to jews.

So far what I learned from this video is that it's pretty cool to be a jew.


1. Oh don't be so asinine. You consume alternative media because the main stream media is so toxic and so you must of heard the arguments for this toxicity and the need to remove it many times from the mouth of Molyneux himself.


2. Homosexuality isn't immoral at all, I 100% argree! But, homosexuality goes with child abuse!

To breifly summerise, the expectation ACE score increases with deviation from hetrosexuality.

Now, it doesn't matter if this is corrolation or causation for sexuality because either way ACE goes with destructive behaviour. So when homosexuality, transexuality or whateversuxality BEHAVIOUR is being driven for acceptance (as shown in the video) what is really being done I postit is the desensatisation of the population to the behaviour steming from child abuse.

I wonder how that will turn out?


3. See above.


Bonus, gay couple child adoption! I don't have the study to hand but the APC (American Psych Council?) recomendation that gay couples be allowed to adopt was based on a meta analysis of childhood outcome studies that compaired upper middle class, eduacted gay couples to, not hetrosexual married couples, but single mother parents OR did not explicitly mention the relationship status of the parents! The analysis concluded that children of gay couples had similar outcomes to hetrosexual parents and thus recormended gays be allowed to adopt. But the hetrosexual parents were, in many cases single mothers! Knowning the childhood outcomes of single mother children, equilivent outcomes for children of gay couples, when compaired to hetrosexual married couples, is horrifying!

I posted the study on here ages ago.


4. Political Islam does not hate jews above all others, though it is more anti-jewish than Mein Kampf. But, I beleive the theory goes that Jews, being a somewhat rootless people with a history of transiance and legitimate percicution have an anxiety, be it concious or unconcious, about their position in society. A persicution complex if you will. Thus they will act out, conciously or unconciously, the drives resulting from this anxiety so as to releive it. Persumably it is releived when the majority in society are unable to advocate for their own interests either through programming in (schools and media) or demographics.

Therefore, no wall for the US, you fascists! But.... Isreal gets a wall.


5. Yes but even when adjusted for IQ jews are overrepresented in elite schools.


6. No idea what that means.


7. A disarmed goy are less dangerous. See 4. Could just be socialism though. Jews vote overwhelming left.


8. You are taking the piss right?


9. Yeah that is pretty vile and I couldn't disagree more! Jews are not parasites!

I posted that about my ideas on people like the girl in video topic ideals. Smart enough to put togeather some valid stuff, unable or unwilling to root it all back to child abuse etc. Shut down in every conversation. So they end up with anti semitism.

Have you not heard the comments about Trumps alt right supported having alot of Nazi parafanelia on their twitters?

Have you not seens the youTube comments on FDR?


One for luck!


You didn't answer the assertion about the attack on the US Navel ship so as to bring the US into a war in the middle east here is some more for you to get your teeth into.



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1. Oh don't be so asinine. You consume alternative media because the main stream media is so toxic and so you must of heard the arguments for this toxicity and the need to remove it many times from the mouth of Molyneux himself.


2. Homosexuality isn't immoral at all, I 100% argree! But, homosexuality goes with child abuse!

To breifly summerise, the expectation ACE score increases with deviation from hetrosexuality.

Now, it doesn't matter if this is corrolation or causation for sexuality because either way ACE goes with destructive behaviour. So when homosexuality, transexuality or whateversuxality BEHAVIOUR is being driven for acceptance (as shown in the video) what is really being done I postit is the desensatisation of the population to the behaviour steming from child abuse.

I wonder how that will turn out?


3. See above.


4. Political Islam does not hate jews above all others, though it is more anti-jewish than Mein Kampf. But, I beleive the theory goes that Jews, being a somewhat rootless people with a history of transiance and legitimate percicution have an anxiety, be it concious or unconcious, about their position in society. A persicution complex if you will. Thus they will act out, conciously or unconciously, the drives resulting from this anxiety so as to releive it. Persumably it is releived when the majority in society are unable to advocate for their own interests either through programming in (schools and media) or demographics.

Therefore, no wall for the US you fascists! But.... Isreal gets a wall.


5. Yes but even when adjusted for IQ jews are overrepresented in elite schools.


6. No idea what that means.


7. A disarmed goy are less dangerous. See 4. Could just be socialism though. Jews vote overwhelming left.


8. You are taking the piss right?


9. Yeah that is pretty vile and I couldn't disagree more! Jews are not parasites!

I posted that about my ideas on people like the girl in video topic ideals. Smart enough to put togeather some valid stuff, unable or unwilling to root it all back to child abuse etc. Shut down in every conversation. So they end up with anti semitism.

Have you not heard the comments about Trumps alt right supported having alot of Nazi parafanelia on their twitters?

Have you not seens the youTube comments on FDR?


One for luck!


You didn't answer the assertion about the attack on the US Navel ship so as to bring the US into a war in the middle east here is some more for you to get your teeth into.




Dude, hate to pull this card but you have to work on your spelling and grammar. I checked your account info and saw you were from London. English is my second language, I shouldn't be the one telling you this but when I see such negligent writing I'm very inclined to stop reading and dismiss any point you might have made. Clarity of text is clarity of mind.


1) Again, so what? I haven't been consuming mainstream media for over 13 years straight. I'm doing my fare share of starving the beast. People who complain about the mainstream media are the same people who complain McDonald's made them fat. Is McDonald's owned by jews?

2) See previous point. I'm not concerned with who is fucking who as long as it's consensual. Nor am I concerned with who is making what movies on whatever subject. Nobody is strapping you to a chair and forcing you to watch it. And the desensitizing point you made is not an argument at all. Violent movies and video games are on the rise and what we're actually witnessing is a decrease in violence. The advent of easily accessible pornography is also correlated with a decrease in sexual crimes. FURTHERMORE, this high increase of libertine sexuality propaganda movies are now correlated with an INCREASE in teenage abstinence. Wrap your mind around that.

4) Where are all these jews that are saying a fall is fascist?

5) Are they, though? Run the math real quick by me.

6) Did you know that the president of the United States is... black?????? Did you also know that one of the foremost economists in the US is also... black????? Did you know that one of the most powerful voices, if not the most powerful voice in the mainstream media is... black?????? Did you know that the highest paid Hollywood actor is... black?????? OMFG, it's a international black-ry... or a blackspiracy if you will.

If you still dont get it: I'm making fun of you for assuming those people got where they are for being jews and not for being able.

7) Were I jewish I would definitely want to keep guns as far away from anti-semites as possible in the same way I, as a white man, want to keep guns away from muslims as possible. Or as a white cis male, I want to keep guns away from gender studies graduate students as far as possible. Get my point?

8) At the moment it's quite trendy to persecute the white man, are you saying they're persecuted for a reason?

9) You've been blaming jews for all your woes, taking the moral highground at the last second doesn't hide that fact.


If you want to take control over your life simply assume everything wrong with it is your fault. You can go one step beyond and assume everything wrong with the world is also your fault. Blaming the other for everything is renouncing your free will and you will never ever change anything whether you're able in the first place or not.

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Dude, hate to pull this card but you have to work on your spelling and grammar. I checked your account info and saw you were from London. English is my second language, I shouldn't be the one telling you this but when I see such negligent writing I'm very inclined to stop reading and dismiss any point you might have made. Clarity of text is clarity of mind.


1) Again, so what? I haven't been consuming mainstream media for over 13 years straight. I'm doing my fare share of starving the beast. People who complain about the mainstream media are the same people who complain McDonald's made them fat. Is McDonald's owned by jews?

2) See previous point. I'm not concerned with who is fucking who as long as it's consensual. Nor am I concerned with who is making what movies on whatever subject. Nobody is strapping you to a chair and forcing you to watch it. And the desensitizing point you made is not an argument at all. Violent movies and video games are on the rise and what we're actually witnessing is a decrease in violence. The advent of easily accessible pornography is also correlated with a decrease in sexual crimes. FURTHERMORE, this high increase of libertine sexuality propaganda movies are now correlated with an INCREASE in teenage abstinence. Wrap your mind around that.

4) Where are all these jews that are saying a fall is fascist?

5) Are they, though? Run the math real quick by me.

6) Did you know that the president of the United States is... black?????? Did you also know that one of the foremost economists in the US is also... black????? Did you know that one of the most powerful voices, if not the most powerful voice in the mainstream media is... black?????? Did you know that the highest paid Hollywood actor is... black?????? OMFG, it's a international black-ry... or a blackspiracy if you will.

If you still dont get it: I'm making fun of you for assuming those people got where they are for being jews and not for being able.

7) Were I jewish I would definitely want to keep guns as far away from anti-semites as possible in the same way I, as a white man, want to keep guns away from muslims as possible. Or as a white cis male, I want to keep guns away from gender studies graduate students as far as possible. Get my point?

8) At the moment it's quite trendy to persecute the white man, are you saying they're persecuted for a reason?

9) You've been blaming jews for all your woes, taking the moral highground at the last second doesn't hide that fact.


If you want to take control over your life simply assume everything wrong with it is your fault. You can go one step beyond and assume everything wrong with the world is also your fault. Blaming the other for everything is renouncing your free will and you will never ever change anything whether you're able in the first place or not.


I'm arguing a counter position because you are virtue signaling. #sillyGoy


You do have my apoligies on the spelling and grammar, I won't fix it though because it will take so long that it will never be worth me writting anything! Just don't read my stuff. I do have pretty great pattern recognition though.....

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This isn't the woman's argument, might be some OC right here.


Time for mathematics! (ish, I'm physics not math, I'm sorry to the maths chaps)


Consider the following.......


Assuming unchanging population sizes.


Assuming an idealised case of college application being, unless other wise stated, a function of SAT score.


Allowing that SAT score is a function of IQ.


Allowing that the IQ of whites and jews is a normal distribution characterised by a mean of 100 and 115 respectivly, both having a standard deviation of 15.


White = N(100, 15)       *15 is the standard deviation, not the variance which should be the root of 15.

Jew = N(115, 15)


Cool! So we now have that the college admission is a function of IQ, assuming you need an IQ greater an some number, X, in order to acheive a place we can now conceive of a natural, unbiased ratio of Whites to Jews in college. It doesn't matter what the ratio actually is, it only matters that it exists as a ratio of the fraction of people of each race with an IQ of >X.


For example: If we need an IQ of > 120 then we can simply work out the fraction of each population which has an IQ greater than 120, multiply by the population size and take the ratio of the two.


Let Whites = 100 million

Let Jews = 10 million


(these number don't matter, they were chosen for conveniance)


Now we take the ratio as the population size of each times the pobability that someone has an IQ of >120


Whites = 100  x P(IQ >120) = 100 x 0.0912 = 9.12

Jews = 10 x P(IQ > 120) = 10 x 0.3694 = 3.69


So we would expect a ratio of about 5:2


But here is where things get interesting!

There exists more races than just whites an Jews. This isn't a problem, we can just make the same assumptions and add them into the mix and we find the natural ratio to be whatever the natural ratio is. Cool beans!


But what happens when we penalise whites for blacks and hispanics (meszitos!). Well, obvously we end up with more "qualifield" blacks and hispanics by adding points to their SAT (IQ) and deducting points from the white, jewish and asian SAT (IQ).


We now make the assumption that the number of places are limited in number thus there are less places for qualifield whites, jews and asians! Oy Vey!


Concerning ourselfs again with the White/Jew ratio we ask the question, how does this ratio change?


As deducting SAT points is the same as deducting IQ points, afirmative action is the same thing as requiring a higher IQ from whites, asians and jews. Fortunetly we have static IQ probability distributions and population sizes so, if we think about it we know exactly how this turns out.


We intuate that as the White and Jewish IQ distributions are in fact the same distributions shifted by a differing mean, like two wave forms slightly out of phase. As there is no jewish deduction we apply the white deduction of both IQ distributions and we see that the fraction of qualified Whites falls much quicker than the fraction of qualified Jews!


Therefore the pool of qualified whites shrinks much faster than the pool of qualified jews and so the ratio of whites to jews starts to change much more favourably for the Jews.


For Exampe:


If we raise the IQ requirement to >125 how does the ratio change?


Whites = 100 x P(IQ > 125) = 100 x 0.0478 =  4.78

Jews = 10 x P(IQ > 125) = 10 x 0.2525 = 2.53


The ratio is now about 2:1, down from 5:2 !


If we raise the IQ requirement to >120 how does the ratio change?


Whites = 100 x P(IQ > 130) = 100 x 0.028 =  2.28

Jews = 10 x P(IQ > 130) = 10 x 0.1587 = 1.59


The ratio is now about 3:2 down from 5:2 !


And so on and so on and so on (a mathematition can prove this, I can just show it).


So promotion of blacks and hispanics actually dilutes the ratio of whites to jews (and asians to jews!) meaning less compition for jews in the marketplace. (no wonder affirmative action in aplications won't end (see recent texas court ruling) also affirmative action blacks and hispanics are not competitors in the marketspace because in the market they have to produce value).


Now as I said before, I think there people smart enough to pick up on some of this and it doesn't make them anti sematic, it just makes them smarted than the average goy, but, because there is so little conversation about tribalism, child abuse and because good goys like youself cry anti-semitism and virtue signal guess who do they end up talking to about this? Actual stormfags (racists) and they end up actually anti sematic.

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I'm arguing a counter position because you are virtue signaling. #sillyGoy


You do have my apoligies on the spelling and grammar, I won't fix it though because it will take so long that it will never be worth me writting anything! Just don't read my stuff. I do have pretty great pattern recognition though.....


How am I virtue signaling?


From your explanation I didn't quite get where you came with the fraction of IQ > 120/130/etc but that doesn't matter. I understood what you had to say.


You never provided actual information on how many jews there are compared to other races in elite schools. I will assume the data backs up the theory.

So what are you proposing here?

If it's some grand jew-ploy to keep the goys out through affirmative actions I don't see how it's something to worry about. There's no initiation of force, therefore of no concern for you and me.

If it's not some jew-ploy and their overrepresentation is the result of strong in-group preference then again, it's not immoral and of no concern.


I still don't understand what your point for bringing this up is. To my ears this is all just pro-jewish points. They're a group of people who managed to rule the western world not through violence but through cunning.


I'll ask one more time if I wasn't clear the first 5 times I asked you this question:


Why does this bother you so much and what is your proposed solution to the "problem"?

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I think your first post is virtue signaling. OP is about Jewry.


Basically a normal distribution is only characterised by 2 numbers, the average value and the standard deviation squared (the variance), so if you know those two numbers you can find the probability IQ is in a certain range of values.


The wiki isn't very good, but you can calculate values using an online calculator.


I don't think there is a giant jew-plot. What I do think however is that Jewish people who advocate or adgitate for in group prefrence whilst excoriating whites as racist for doing the same are hypocrites.


I think the correct form of economic or social analysis is to look at initial and final states (before and after, the middle doesn't matter).


The final state of affirmative action mathematiclly must be relativly less whites and asians competing with jews in the market place.


The final state of pro "degenerate behaviour" (not being gay, but the sexually inapropiate behvaiour which comes with a higher ACE score which because ACE scores go with sexuality becomes associated with homosexuality and transism) is a society more accepting of child abuse. As child abuse goes with lowered IQ, lowered IQ is the same as lowering SAT, is the same as raising IQ requirements in colleges, is the same as afirmative action and so have the same result of less whites competing with jews in the market place.


Provoking the US into a war in the middle east? Well it means more dead white people, assuming jews are under represented in the armed forces by population numbers that means.... less whites alive to compete with jews in the market place. (That analysis is perfectly valid in r vs K theory so it must be good here as well).


Provoking refugees (imigrants!)? More affirmative action or higher tax burdens or higher inflation which will disproportionally effect the white and asian population (because wealth goes with IQ) which means more money must be earned to afford college  (earnings go with IQ) thus it is the same as raising the IQ requirement (IQ is heritable so your parents need more money means your parents need a higher IQ means your expected to have a higher IQ) for college which means...... less whites and asains competing with jews in the market place.


Why do I think this is an issue worth addressing? Because I think anti-semitism is a vile and destructive ideology and these exists people who are smart enough to see the effects I've just mentioned without understanding the causes and without a conversation about it I can see how they come to the conclusion of an international jewish conspiricy. By suppressing conversations about jewish in group prefrence and hypocracy I can see how anti semites are created. LIKE THE GIRL IN THE VIDEO. That is why I brough up the FDR video comments, because alot of these people consume FDR! It's bad for these people, its bad for jews, its bad for everyone.


I've heard Milo Yianopolus talk about the "Nazism" and anti-semitism of the alt-right, and he just dismisses it out of hand as banter.


I've heard Ben Shapiro talk about it and of course, just condem everyone as an anti-semite.


Why should you care? You might care because alot of these things are contributing directly to the destruction of western civilisation.


Whats my solution to the problem? My solution to the Jewish problem? My final solution to the Jewish problem? Very clever Wuzzums, I think I understand now why your avitar is a vulture.

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I don't think there is a giant jew-plot. What I do think however is that Jewish people who advocate or adgitate for in group prefrence whilst excoriating whites as racist for doing the same are hypocrites.


There is ample evidence collected by Kevin MacDonald on the Jewish involvement in sociology, anthropology, and psychotherapy that validates this thesis.

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In Adios America Ann Coulter points out that Hollywood was created by Jewish people...so it makes perfect sense that they would continue to be an influence on it and with the influence we know that Hollywood has on people, especially the U.S., it makes sense that they would be able to go from there into politics as well. You don't need any conspiracy to explain it. Also, they're spreading their "influence" through entertainment and programs that seem to at least start with good intentions which again without the state would have very small, if any, negative effects.

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There is ample evidence collected by Kevin MacDonald on the Jewish involvement in sociology, anthropology, and psychotherapy that validates this thesis.


Thanks rosencrantz, that was a painfully large red pill.


Something that just popped into my head after watching some Kevin MacDonald on youTube is this....


Stef has talked about the laws which prohibited Jews from owning property and forcing them to exist as a sub-class.


Two of the main points of communism are.... the eradication of property and the abolishment of classes.


So communism is the creation of a socio-economic system which Jews were preconditioned to excel under! Political Judaism.


Have you got any more of those red pills?


In Adios America Ann Coulter points out that Hollywood was created by Jewish people...so it makes perfect sense that they would continue to be an influence on it and with the influence we know that Hollywood has on people, especially the U.S., it makes sense that they would be able to go from there into politics as well. You don't need any conspiracy to explain it. Also, they're spreading their "influence" through entertainment and programs that seem to at least start with good intentions which again without the state would have very small, if any, negative effects.


I totally understand and I agree. In the absense of the state then no worries, but we do have the state. (Hence why I stated the IQ argument from the idea of a natural distribution, you can take that natural distribution to be that which is found in the absense of the initiation of force, it still goes the same way).


Something that occurs to me is that if r vs. K is valid then the methadoligy is also valid for analysing Jewish involvment in various movements (j vs W).


Stefan has talked about the Jewish overrepresentation in the communist party leadership as a function of IQ, looking back, that is some very weak tea (see above). There is a whole series now call Gene wars.


I was also rooting around and found this from Winston Churchill himself! (W. Churchill, Zionism versus Bolshevism)



In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort rise the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all, of them have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognisable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.

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Have you got any more of those red pills?


Culture of Critique is very instructive. Not only did the Jews benefit initially from the Soviet Union, but they were also amongst the Commisars who initiated terror against farmers, the middle class in Russia and today's Ukraine. Realizing that there is a demarkation in Europe with regards to how society is organized (Hajnal line) is instructive too https://hbdchick.wordpress.com/2014/03/10/big-summary-post-on-the-hajnal-line/


Most of European history (and that of the Jews too) happens on the fringes of that line. 

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