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The Dawn is Breaking on an Independent UK


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As I post this currently watching the UK referendum results it appears a Leave vote is likely, unless the results are "rigged" or the referendum not honoured by parliament. 


Quite possibly a historic day. I voted Leave, not for money or immigration. But because of the principles of Equity before the law, although I was initially influenced by immigration. Any thoughts? I have quite a few.


There is a lot of talk on the MSM about an apocalyptic crash of the pound.  

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I'm recently wrapping my head around the fact that we are living the history that future generations will live from, just as those that lived before us directly effected our lives now.


Being aware of the importance and impact of events such as this vote, it's awesome, in the awe sense.

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@richardY  Well done!  I've followed this event quite closely in the news since the last Parliamentary elections, and I'm elated for the result!


Though my elation is tempered by facts and ruthless political machinations.  Parliament may just decide that the referendum isn't legally binding, and they'll just ignore the result.


FT Headline:  

Can the United Kingdom government legally disregard a vote for Brexit?




I have nothing but loathing for the majority of English speaking politicians.  Mr. Farage has been a notable exception.  He is, by far, his generation's most outstanding political orator utilizing the English language.  


I think Farage will be much studied for generations to come.  I mean you talk about perseverance!  This is a guy who got mad at the conniving of the political class signing the British people into the EU through Maastricht without a referendum, left a lucrative City trading career, co-founded his own political party, got elected the EP, made mincemeat of the pompous Eurocrats, and finally, decades later, forced "Dave" to put the referendum up as a ballot issue, and now here we are!


Farage has had more success as a libertarian than has Ron Paul!

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Will Stef now renege on his recently announced boycott of the UK after the Khan election?! We're not all beholden to the establishment Stef, just London. You can come visit the rest of the country. We need your loonies converted into sterling, its taking a beating!

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I too voted Leave. Nationalism does not sit comfortably with me but I cannot deny I am feeling at least a little proud! The aftermath promises to be interesting.


Can we look forward to a spiteful, scorched earth policy to dissuade other countries from doing the same?


Will we get Frexit, Nexit etc.?


Will the Champagne Socialists and SJWs process the fact that the very people they believe they are helping - viz the working class - voted in their droves to get the hell out? Meanwhile those they profess to hate, namely George Soros, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan  and David Cameron are very angry?


A second Scottish Independence referendum seems likely.


Time will tell.

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Deeply creepy campaign on online and print media to pin a false campaign claim on Farage.


The claim was that the UK contribution to the EU is £350m a week. But this is very misleading; it's just a notional figure before a discount ("rebate") of about 1/3 which is applied because the structure of the UK economy makes it unfair to calculate the UK's contribution in the standard way.


The £350m claim was a core part of the platform of the "official" Vote Leave campaign, a very establishment organisation which was selected by the Electoral Commission to be the official Leave campaign and was regarded with deep mistrust by a lot of Leavers. Farage was never allowed to have anything to do with the official Vote Leave campaign so he had no control at all over what they were saying. Boris Johnson, now a possible future Prime Minister following David Cameron's resignation, was closely associated with the Vote Leave campaign.


Farage is currently the most popular leader of any of the UK political parties, by some distance.


Some examples of the attempt to make it look like the £350m claim came from Farage are here (red text is my annotation):



and here:

"within hours of the result on Friday morning, the Ukip leader, Nigel Farage, had distanced himself from the claim that £350m of EU contributions could instead be spent on the NHS"

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Can we look forward to a spiteful, scorched earth policy to dissuade other countries from doing the same?


Will we get Frexit, Nexit etc.?


I made a passing comment on twitter about Texit (Texas) and got a few favs and retweets from people campaigning to leave specifically mentioning Brexit as their momentum. I wonder if it will obtain legitimate traction.

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Deeply creepy campaign on online and print media to pin a false campaign claim on Farage.



The whole Bremain campaign and MSM IMO was and are pretty disgusting. The whole thing about the figures and rebate was they could be changed at the will of the EU  Commissioners by vetoing the UK. What's still disgusting is how the Media is constantly talking about a 2nd Referendum and how some socialist MP's like Nicola Sturgeon and David Lammy are looking to overrule the whole thing. The Special interest groups probably tried to rig the referendum and still lost. Mean while the large number of people on the MSM and radio, claiming to be in tears about the result making absolutely no logical arguments whatsoever :wallbash:, lots of people were hurling abuse at Boris when he left his home after the result . Still will possibly end up with a more dictatorial government in Westminster, at least with the Internet people can begin to see how insane the government is. Should be no Parliament or House of Lords in the UK, if the UK stays in the EU. 

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I voted and campaigned for a Leave vote and am jubilant - for the first time since my awakening I feel optimistic and positive about the future. :)

Thank you that's awesome. I get the feeling though its not over yet, would be good if some of the other countries in Europe leave too. How did you go about campaigning? The remain camp seemed to have so much more money plus media control and they still lost. 


Saying on the news that the EU Commissioners that there will be no informal talk until Article 50 is "activated". So potentially 2 years to flood the country with migrants and seize power through force or deception. I don't think Hilter needed that long when he got Emergency powers. I hope that Boris just sets fire to Article 50 and the UK trades freely with the rest of the World.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you that's awesome. I get the feeling though its not over yet, would be good if some of the other countries in Europe leave too. How did you go about campaigning? The remain camp seemed to have so much more money plus media control and they still lost. 


Well sorry to disappointed, but my campaigning was quite conventional in most respects, I was involved in the official Vote Leave campaign and most of my campaigning came in the form of leafleting and canvassing. I also wrote this article, which was written from a fairly mainstream perspective (even though the facts were all true). 




There were one or two things I would do differently if I had my time over (written more articles, with more emphasis on arguments from first principles rather than arguments from practicalities). But I'm glad I did what I did.


Saying on the news that the EU Commissioners that there will be no informal talk until Article 50 is "activated". So potentially 2 years to flood the country with migrants and seize power through force or deception. I don't think Hilter needed that long when he got Emergency powers. I hope that Boris just sets fire to Article 50 and the UK trades freely with the rest of the World.


For sure it's not over, there is a lot to worry about, chiefly the possibility of a Brexit settlement that replicates much (or all) of what we objected to in the EU bilaterally, so there is still pressure than needs too be applied. But for the time-being, my tax farm has seen the greatest victory for Liberty in my lifetime and I'm happy just to savor it. :)

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  • 3 months later...

I'm hopeful on the current situation with the high court battle and Labour shenanigans. Any Labour defiance will be a chance to expunge Labour up and down the country.


Hopefully England will soon look like Scotland when it comes to red terror.



The announcement that several SNP MSPs voted for Brexit was also buoying:


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