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I need a good Journaling app!

Abzo Dolba

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I have been looking for a more complex journaling phone app (Android user).


I have found a couple of pretty good ones that allow for a decent functionality, flexibility and organizability such as Evernote.


The problem is all the good complex apps I found are online based and the data is stored on external servers not to mention that cloud storing system is not that safe from attacks. Since I intend keeping the most private information one can have in there I am not comfortable with having my data stored somewhere online, I want a completely local data storage.


However, all the offline apps I found lack all the complex features I need and after a while of using them they get pretty messy due to the lack of sorting, organizing, taging options. 



What I care most about is at least having the option to tag the files and the possibility to create multiple folders.



What do you use?

What would you recommend.


Thank you.

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I've used this one: Penzu  which is both web site based and android based.  Has a free option but it sounds like you will want the features that come at a price.  edit: Sorry, I didn't realize you didn't want cloud based apps.


I had similar concerns and have used an app that encrypts the information before sending to the cloud but is not a convenient at all.  Lastpass  has a notes section that I have used in the past but very feature poor.  


sorry I couldn't be of better use.  I would have deleted my post if I was able to find the delete button.

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If you can’t find an offline app that satisfies your needs, maybe it would be helpful to find out more about your fear of lack of security for your journal and if that fear is reasonable.

Maybe this fear comes more from early experiences where your intimacy was compromised, rather than a rational skepticism about cloud storage safety.


I personally don’t worry in these terms when it comes to my personal journal which is password-protected and stored in the cloud, because I know that nobody is going to be even slightly interested.


In this video, an IT-guy talks about this kind of view. (It’s only partly relevant.)



Just a thought, maybe that will help.

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