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The end of United States


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Recently through study of ancient text and with assistance from many theologians and history experts I have discovered that the flow of history is a rising tide against any nation or state where individuals value the self over the state and self preservation over state. Lower birth rates will be our undoing as we simply will not have enough population to militarily or economically withstand the onslaught of the hordes of socialist after our natural resources.

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Recently through study of ancient text and with assistance from many theologians and history experts I have discovered that the flow of history is a rising tide against any nation or state where individuals value the self over the state and self preservation over state. Lower birth rates will be our undoing as we simply will not have enough population to militarily or economically withstand the onslaught of the hordes of socialist after our natural resources.


Naturally, the self-preserving solution to such a problem is to proactively spread the meme of self-interest over the interests of the state among the collectivist population as quickly as possible.








Realize that the cooperative self-interest serves not only one's own self-interest but the self interest of another; or in other words, like-minded individuals need only cooperate to stave off the crush of the hordes of socialists.

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Recently through study of ancient text and with assistance from many theologians and history experts I have discovered that the flow of history is a rising tide against any nation or state where individuals value the self over the state and self preservation over state. Lower birth rates will be our undoing as we simply will not have enough population to militarily or economically withstand the onslaught of the hordes of socialist after our natural resources.

One can only hope that valuing individuals over criminal organizations will lead to the fall of the criminal organization.

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The reason america is not mentioned in end times writings is that the US doesn't exist at that time in the future, perhaps we are Canamerico?

The reason America is not mentioned in "end times writings" is that the authors of such books were ignorant of the Americas, as they were of most of the rest of the world. Their knowledge of the world was limited almost entirely to the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea.


They had some knowledge of Mesopotamia, some knowledge of North East Africa and Asia Minor, and even less knowledge of the Southern-most regions of Europe.

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The reason america is not mentioned in end times writings is that the US doesn't exist at that time in the future, perhaps we are Canamerico?

Or that America didn't exist when they were creating these "prophesies" and therefore wasn't an element they could incorporate into the doomsday story they were writing.

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I think the question isn't so much *if* America is going to fall apart, but how and when. I think we will see something like what happened in Venezuela occur here - widespread loss of basic infrastructure, price inflation, food shortages, etc. It's also possible that various states will secede during the resulting chaos and foreign superpowers will likely take over large portions of land as "peace keepers" (permanently). Am I the only one who sees things playing out this way?

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