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Explaining Modern Day War

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I think I've heard from Stef one time or another, or maybe from someone else, but whether he said it or not, I could have heard it elsewhere as well. I can't remember exactly what it was about, inflation, or welfare, or debt, or... god have you I can't remember, but there were 2 solutions (or more), and one of them was war...


How does war solve any problem now a days? I mean isn't war something between royal families because of land disputes? I just don't get why war is the answer. I don't mean to come across green, but I just don't get it, can someone forward me to some links explaining why countries go to war for reasons that seem detached from what the actual problem is...?


I can understand just wars, like Game of Thrones kind of stuff, but how can someone...ANYONE...say, oh hey, this isn't working out for me, so let me spin this globe and wherever my finger lands, we'll take our anger out on them. We'll kill the shit out of them. Yea.



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I've heard the phrase "when all else fails they take us to war", used. What the phrase is getting I think is when governments or local officials run out of more money to steal they create crisis's elsewhere in order to stay in power or divert more wealth to themselves on credit and cut consumption of goods for the war economy. Usually exploiting tribalism, but sometimes religion or "class".


Examples of this could include. IMO


The Falklands War, The Argentina junta invades "las malvinas" in order to divert attention away from theft at home, towards a foreign country, exploiting tribalism.

The Ukrainian conflict. Have Landed officials and Crony Capitalists overthrow a Pro-Russian government due to subsidised oil from Russia. Replace with a Pro-EU government, try to add Ukraine to the EU through closer political Union to add to their assets.

Libyan Intervention.

The Afghanistan Conflict.  Ok I know they stated to get Bin Laden, but was stationing troops in the country necessary? couldn't the american government play one tribe off against the other. Instead have billions of dollars going from the taxpayer directly into private hands for "national security" things seem to be more in a mess now then 15 years a go.

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I've heard the phrase "when all else fails they take us to war", used. What the phrase is getting I think is when governments or local officials run out of more money to steal they create crisis's elsewhere in order to stay in power

Put another way, in order for a government to declare war without, they must first declare war within. Prior to the so-called Patriot Act for example, many of the things in the PA had been shot down as un-Constitutional. So let's declare a war on terror and then people will let us do such things anyways because we've made them afraid to live without it.

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