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Red Pill playlist?


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Hey all,


Does anyone have advice for a "Red Pill playlist" that could help introduce people to libertarian/rational thought?   I have a few people in my life with whom I'd like to share some of the kind of perspectives FDR/Stef put forth.


We're talking 'fertile ground' Republicans/Libertarians who are lower hanging fruit - they just happen to consume a bit too much main stream media.

We're also talking full-blown progressives who only seek out echo-chamber perspectives from sources like Jezebel, Gawker, BuzzFeed, Cracked, etc.


I know the strategies would be entirely different.  Just wondering if any of you had any experience with this kind of... ummm.... project.





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That's kind of a tall order, given the sheer amount of content that Stef has put out.  It also can be overwhelming to give someone hours of reading or podcast-listening assignments.  I try to recommend one or two podcasts relevant to issues that the person cares about, or something we have talked about.  Then you can gauge by their reaction whether or not an honest conversation is possible.

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Great tips everyone... thank you

@RoseCodex - great tip!  My brother is in education, and I recently sent him a link to the recent discussion Stef had with Duke Pesta about Common Core.  Still waiting for feedback.

@NocPat - I'm ashamed to admit that I've heard of this book but have yet to read it.  My lady and I are road-tripping this weekend, so maybe it'll be a perfect fit --- she's definitely one I'd like to see more "skeptical about the government", as you put it.

@Will Torbald - will check him out :)

@Libertus - LOVE BILL BURR!  We saw him in Cincinnati and watch all his stuff on Netflix.  It's funny, my lady... well... confession time: She's the one I desperately want to red pill. 

She would probably be an overt SJW if I didn't make fun of them constantly.  As politically correct as she is, though, even she finds Bill Burr hilarious.


Thanks again everyone.


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@Rosencrantz - thanks for the tips. 

I wasn't overly impressed with the first guy, but I get what he's driving at.

The second video was fascinating though.  I expected to hear some baseless, anti-Semitic "Stormfriend" rhetoric, but it was actually illuminating.  Thanks for that.




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You could try with Black Pigeon Speaks videos on YouTube. I don't know if he's libertarian, but he is red pilled in issues like women, globalism, and race-IQ. His videos are short and very visual which suits normal people's attention span.

Black Pigeon does a lot of the "We need to get new people to fulfill the constant demand for new capital that's dictated by capitalism" bit.


Thus he mistakes government programs such as Social Security and other compensation/entitlement scams to be a part of capitalism somehow. 

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Black Pigeon does a lot of the "We need to get new people to fulfill the constant demand for new capital that's dictated by capitalism" bit.


Thus he mistakes government programs such as Social Security and other compensation/entitlement scams to be a part of capitalism somehow. 



I haven't gotten that impression from him. If you can show me a video where he promotes this, that would be great.

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The second video was fascinating though.  I expected to hear some baseless, anti-Semitic "Stormfriend" rhetoric, but it was actually illuminating.  Thanks for that.


It makes sense from an evolutionary perspective. Imagine gingers would identify as a cohesive group. They want their genes to be passed on to the next generation and not be outbred by the rest of the population. If this is to succeed, they have to create memes that:


a) tell gingers only to breed with gingers

b) disparage the rest of the population to breed on a faster rate than gingers


If you look at social sciences through that lense it makes a lot more sense. You will eventually realize its dysfunctional for the non gingers for a good reason.

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