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Analysis of debate between Cenk Uygur and Dinesh D'Souza


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I posted this publicly on my facebook page and it's a big risk I suppose because half my family is Muslim, or at least "culturally" Muslim and half my family, the half I'm married to, is black (Jamaican/Americans).  But, I'm tired of looking are puppies and baby pictures on Facebook and at least I can sleep better at night knowing they those that hold my acquaintance know what side of history I am on.





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I enjoy your videos and the information you present with one criticism that your presentation is a tad on the dry side. I have to ask why you devote your time to those progressives called the young turks whose ideology is left leaning? I watched a couple of their videos way back and felt i was being emotionally manipulated.


Only later i discovered modern progressivism uprooted and supplanted early liberalism with the absolute arbitrary rule of the state. They reject social Darwinism as a leftist ideology would and their rhetoric is sprinkled with sophistry, again a hallmark of the left.

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Unfortunately, the Young Turks global outlook is the one that pretty much sums up that of the younger generation.  They are the "mtv" of online news/commentary.  It's important to keep exposing their crap.  Sooner our later those young kids who follow shows like this will be running things.  


When you say "dry" what do you mean?

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I watched about 10 minutes of highlights and to me it looked like Cenk cleaned Dnesh's clock.

Cenk's thesis was that Nixon made the GOP the party of the South (racism)

Dnesh was unfamiliar with the idea and unable to attack it.

Cenk's thesis was Nixon made Powell a supreme court justice to get corporate money.

Dnesh was unfamiliar with the idea and unable to attack it.

Worse, for Dnesh, Cenk is right on corporations-- they are legal fictions. Dnesh fell apart trying to defend why corporations should have any rights; he invented a scenario involving TYT protestors blocking his movie that Cenk tore apart.

Dnesh tried to claim slavery in america wasnt a racist institution. Cenk destroyed the thesis.

Cenk made Dnesh look like a flawed messenger on election money; Dnesh was unable to turn the tables and claim selective prosecution.

Dnesh conceded to Cenk Trump and Bernie issues. Cenk didnt need to defend Clinton.

I didnt see a single point that Dnesh raised that was of any value.

Unfortunately, the Young Turks global outlook is the one that pretty much sums up that of the younger generation.  They are the "mtv" of online news/commentary.  It's important to keep exposing their crap.  Sooner our later those young kids who follow shows like this will be running things.  


When you say "dry" what do you mean?

Cenk is good entertainment. He is politically incorrect and doesnt shy away from trigger words. It makes his presentation exciting. Though I disagree with it.


Cenk's philosophy is a little challenging to understand but the way I see him is that he has dropped the American perspective when he analyzes American politics. In other words he has a perspective on government that leans towards European center democrat ideas.


I say that because I sense similarities in his thoughts with other people I  know who are Turkish. When these people consider issues in American politics they dissect American institutions from a cultural anthropology point of view and then map them onto Turkish and European cultural institutions and then reason about them in that frame of context before applying the results to American politics. The result is unconventional syntheses of problems. That unconventional synthesis probably makes sense in Europe as center democrat.


Dnesh understands globalists from the colonial/anti-colonial frame, which is the history of India. Turks are sort of a parallel universe to that frame. They werent colonies of Europe and their historical institutions were not colonial so much as integrative (or eliminative); they didnt want outposts, they wanted more muslim citizens.

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