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Social media and its role as a catalyst for destruction of civilization


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I have thought deeply about how it is possible that we can see an increasingly accelerated decay of civilization of the western cultural sphere in recent times. I have come to the conclusion, that social media in the form of facebook or twitter have played (and are playing) the main role of enabling this self-destructive process.


Before the advent of a global internet, individuals spreading memes that were cancerous to society had a hard time doing so. Individuals were sort of isolated from each other and could function as actual self-reliant individuals. Mentally or otherwise broken individuals were sitting in their little world (probably some basement in their parent's house) and had no effect on the world as a whole.


The internet and social media especially changed all of that. Suddenly, broken people had abundant possibilities to exchange cancerous memes with like-minded broken people and together, they could reach the masses. As experience shows, not all persons are equally capable of fending off cancerous or damaging memes. It's the information processing brain's equivalent to a broken firewall that lets manipulating data packages into the main system, where the data can hack otherwise functioning brain software to change its behavior or even fully reprogram the 'wetware'. Just think of white SJW whackjobs seriously stating that all Whites are shit and evil and should just die. If this does not show how hijacked and hacked to pieces these brains are, I guess nothing can.


I see the whole situation akin to distributed cancer cells in a body which have acquired the ability to magically communicate with each other and to together focus on one and one goal only: spread their cancerous memes as far as possible as quickly as possible. Imagine cancer cells with the ability to discuss how and where to grow in what pieces of the body to maximize damage and spreading throughout the body.


Now, as we can clearly observe, social media such as Twitter, Facebook but also youtube have been infected by these memes and are now doing something akin to HIV: They actively suppress the healthy memetical immune response of the otherwise intact 'memosphere' of the planetwide informational body (yes, I invented this term just now) to enable the cancerous memes to thrive and multiply exponentially. As such I project that within a few years from now, civilization as we know it will be a story of the past. I have seen an HIV patient die live and in color in my internship in a hospital a long time ago. It was not pretty.


I would like to add that social media is extensively used by the enemies of all that is Western and all that makes life worthwhile not just in that sphere, but also worldwide by using the high technology products of the greatest civilisations that this planet has ever known (and might ever have known). One might argue, that social media has opened the gates of hell, because all enemies of the good life can now communicate in realtime and organize their crimes and attacks on high civilization at lightspeed. Social media has now begun to show itself to be a ready and willing vehicle for cancerous civilization destroying memes by actively suppressing the memetical antibodies to these deadly memes.

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Just as a system can be coopted to spread disease and subsequent destruction, it can also be used to spread antibodies, vaccines, antibiotics, and nutrition that can augment and support the natural immune system. The same is true of the "memosphere". Furthermore, destruction of corrupt, decadent, and decaying structures is necessary to provide the nurturing environment that will sustain healthy, new growth; so do not be dismayed that many of the corrupt and decadent aspects of Western society are being threatened if not in fact risk utter destruction. Instead, consider focusing your efforts of using the memosphere to promote the spread of healthy memes that may germinate in receptive minds. Study and learn from the effective, destructive memes to learn how to infiltrate the minds of those that may be initially less receptive to such beneficial memes. Realize that a positive or beneficial meme is of little use or worth if it is not sufficiently attractive to be entertained and adopted by the masses. This will mean focusing on the appealing aspects of the "medicine" (It's cherry flavored) and minimizing the fact that it's expensive and may cause temporarily unpleasant side-effects.

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Hello, thank you for the forum thread. I am curious about this event you speak of:

"I have seen an HIV patient die live and in color in my internship in a hospital a long time ago. It was not pretty."

Was the patient on chemo therapy?

Did the patient receive any other treatment?

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I have thought deeply about how it is possible that we can see an increasingly accelerated decay of civilization of the western cultural sphere in recent times. I have come to the conclusion, that social media in the form of facebook or twitter have played (and are playing) the main role of enabling this self-destructive process.

People have been claiming a decay/destruction of civilization since the dawn of civilization. It wouldn't surprise me if there were old coots out there that thought the fact that people don't wear hats makes for an impolite society for example.


Social media only accelerates whatever is put into it compared to how things disseminated prior to social media. If you have a society that embraces State power and assaulting children for example, that is what it will amplify. The cause here isn't the social media, but the State power and assaulting of children.


So I didn't read any further since it is an old narrative coated with a fresh paint of technology that will only serve to deflect, obfuscate, and conceal the real problems we face.

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People have been claiming a decay/destruction of civilization since the dawn of civilization. It wouldn't surprise me if there were old coots out there that thought the fact that people don't wear hats makes for an impolite society for example.


Social media only accelerates whatever is put into it compared to how things disseminated prior to social media. If you have a society that embraces State power and assaulting children for example, that is what it will amplify. The cause here isn't the social media, but the State power and assaulting of children.


So I didn't read any further since it is an old narrative coated with a fresh paint of technology that will only serve to deflect, obfuscate, and conceal the real problems we face.


So you admit you haven't even bothered to read and understand the contents of the post, because you think you know what is in it by looking at some keywords you recognize, and then you react like a coke can dispenser throwing out a non-argument? Social media not just accelerates pre-social-media processes, but it enables new processes as I described in my post that you admit you haven't bothered to read. State power and assaulting children are whole other cans of worms. The state has begun encroaching and directing social media to further its messages, agendas and ideologies while at the same time increasingly started to suppress counter movements. Just look at the increasing ban on anti-islam speech by youtube, facebook and twitter. If free speech becomes truly lost, everything else is small fry problems that we then have as a society.

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Episode 1 of the show Black Mirror illustrates this perfectly. In summary: A modern western nation faces a crisis. And while trying to mitigate this crisis, the government is viscerally aware of the Twittersphere's fickle opinions on the matter. Those in charge feel that they must be sensitive to the ever-shifting whims of the masses in order to make optimal decisions. The terrorist behind it all seems to be taking advantage of that fact. The events play out and in the end, the Government completely fails to make any good decisions at all, and bumbles every step of the way, even though they are following the wisdom of the majority. The results of the particular scenario are hilarious and entertaining, but it's clear that if the stakes were higher you'd be watching a massive disaster unfold. 


I'm not sure how aware of this the writers were, but it's an amazing illustration of how flawed Democracy inherently is. The presence of social media allows an already democratic nation to become a fully realized mob-rule nightmare. And it seems that the mob is simply incapable of clear-thinking ect. 

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