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Steemit.com [Social media gone wild]!!!

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Steemit the social media platform that will change social media


Steemit is a social media platform ( similar to Reddit ) where everyone gets paid for creating and curating content. Steemit is an easy way for the average person to get involved in cryptocurrency as there is very few barriers to entry, been able to provide good written content being one of them. [stef you should post your books there]. For those of you that haven't heard of it, this is your chance to get on board, and provide freedom and security for millions of people around the world, and provide excellent new content for people to enjoy. I have attach a few links to get you started. 


Abstract: Steem is a blockchain database that supports community building and social interaction with cryptocurrency rewards. Steem combines concepts from social media with lessons learned from building cryptocurrencies and their communities. An important key to inspiring participation in any community, currency or free market economy is a fair accounting system that consistently reflects each person's contribution. Steem is the first cryptocurrency that attempts to accurately and transparently reward an unbounded number of individuals who make subjective contributions to its community. (Steem White Paper) 



Links of interest:

  1. https://steem.io/SteemWhitePaper.pdf [Attached Steem White Paper]
  2. https://steemit.com/
  3. https://steemd.com/
  4. https://steemd.com/richlist
  5. http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/steemit.com
  6. https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/steem/
  7. https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-STEEM
  8. https://bitshares.openledger.info/#/market/OPEN.STEEM_OPEN.BTC
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tldr; I registered the names stefan, molyneux, fdr, and freedomainradio on the steem network months ago when they were pretty worthless.  I would like to give them to stefan, or whoever manages fdr social media.




There doesn't seem to be a lot of interest in this topic.  I can undersand why, it seems more like an advertisement than anything else.  I am going to post as a response to it anyways, rather than create a new post and perhaps add to the forum clutter.


I don't spend a lot of time on this forum, and I don't see myself starting to.  I don't have much time to interact with any internet communities, even intelligent ones like fdrs.  I am however a long time (sort of) member, donator, and fdr listener.  I tell you this in the hopes that even though I am not a regular part of this community, I may not be viewed as a complete outsider.  


In addition to being an anarchist/voluntarist/athiest whatever you want to call it, I am a huge fan of crypto.  I believe that the blockchain revolution is one of the most important fronts in the battle for peace and freedom we find ourselves in.  While most of you reading this probably agree with me that spontaneous human order will evolve and handle all of the "neccessary" functions of governments, as long as it is not artificially constrained.  There is a large mass of people that even if they see some of the evils of our current sytem, are unable or unwilling to make the needed changes to free themselves.  Spooner called them the "do nothings".  The blockchain gives us a crutch that can be used by our fellow man to shift from our current top down violence enforced systems, into distributed voluntary systems enforced through majority consensus.  I think we will need the "do nothings" if we have any hope of freedom in our time.  The knaves and fools will fight us tooth and nail. With that said, I understand if most of you are not really interested in talking about crypto.  I just wanted my motivations to be clear.


I was involved with steem from quite early on, and registered many names that I thought might come in handy.  Among those were stefan, molyneux, fdr, and freedomainradio.  





I hereby offer to transfer ownership of any or all of these accounts to Stefan or whoever manages Stefans/FDRs social media.  I currently control the private keys that secure these accounts.  All that you would need to do is to securely generate a series of public private key pairs, and I will transfer ownership over to your public keys.  There are even some automation options that could post all your new youtube videos, or tweets or pordcasts, or whatever to steemit automatically.  As the #4 cryptocurrency on cmc, and with a market cap over $200M as of this writing, I truly think this could be a valuable communication channel for you with very little setup effort required.  Also, you will get paid crypto tokens based upon the popularity of your posts.  


This offer is open to Stefan and FDR in perpetuity.  I have not posted with any of these accounts and have no intention to do so, or to allow anyone other than Stefan or FDR to do so.  


Thanks for fighting the fight, and keep up the good work.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Steemit was launched almost exclusively with the strategy in this post https://bytemaster.github.io/article/2016/03/27/How-to-Launch-a-Crypto-Currency-Legally-while-Raising-Funds/


Perhaps there is a better way to launch a crypto business I don't know of one.


There also seems to be a lot of confusion between steem the blockchain and steemit the company.  Anyone could develop a front end for the steem blockchain.


There are a lot of ideas about the most fair way to distribute the initial supply of a cyrpto, and I would be interested in debating them with you or anyone else.  


I am not trying to say that steem will be the next big thing or or that it is the super awesomesauce. 


Before you take the medium article with any seriousness read the blog post above, and then read the entire BTT thread, it might leave you with a different idea than the rather limited reporting from medium.


Oh, And I don't work for steemit. I am not sure their model will work at all.  And I am also closely watching the richlist in the hopes that it will become more decentralized.0  I was just offering some names that I thought might be useful.  


Ultimately steem will do well or not because of its utility as a social network site. (unless the whales manage to kill it)  Not due to  whether the launch rules of crypto were followed or not.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ultimately steem will do well or not because of its utility as a social network site. (unless the whales manage to kill it)  Not due to  whether the launch rules of crypto were followed or not.


Unless there is a niche I don't know about, it will fail or fall into obscurity. Here is why. There are already platforms for all kinds of social media. Want to do microblogging? Use twitter. Want to share catpics? Use Instagram. Want to have your own personal blog? There is tumblr. And so on. Replacing a platform is possible but very expensive. You need the infrastructure, investment and so on. So far, the whole market for altcoins is burned and it's not likely to recover. 


Also, the quality of the articles is pretty bad. 


I am interested in technology, so I picked the first one to see how good it is. 




Bosh engineers have created a new system to reduce the fuel consumption. How? By injecting water into the gasoline engine in the way to bring important benefits to the latter.  The jet of water is important to eliminate the fuel waste used to cool the engine.


If you write about a subject be sure to get the names right. It's Bosch. More importantly, the system introduced there is not new at all, it's been around for 70 years. It was used in a large scale by Daimler Benz when they made the DB 605. 


Other articles aren't better. Article on math are a transcription of Vsauce or a copypaste of other blogs and so on. 

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