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Islam and what to do


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As much as I enjoy Stef's segments and discussions of the Islam problem I do feel that he's missing out one important point, though I'm sure he will have mentioned it at some juncture.

Christianity and civilisation have co-evolved. The bible was translated into English, the church was separated from the state but most importantly the contents of the bible have been held up for inspection and more importantly to ridicule. The Life of Brian is a perfect example although many others exist. Imagine showing that film to a fundamentalist Christian and imagine him killing people in Jesus name afterwards. Unlikely.

If we can start to treat Islam in exactly the same way as any other religion it would die out within a few generations. TV adverts would help. This is our civilisation and these are our rules. Why aren't we standing up for ourselves?

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There were many factors which came together which allowed for Christianity and society to co-evolve - many of which we may not be able to replicate.  If Islam were engaged in a full-on war between factions, without outside interference, and without advanced weaponry - MAYBE they would eventually grow tired of fighting each other.  But since none of that is happening or can happen, since Pandora's Box of modern weaponry has been given to primitive people, the chances of a similar type of Reformation happening seem incredibly slim to me.


At any rate, for those who believe Islam can be reformed, that's a great undertaking and could do a lot to make the world more peaceful.  But it needs to happen BEFORE Islam leaves the Middle East, and even then I still would not want to import lots of religious people into what is becoming an increasingly secular society.

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That won't happen Quadrewple. Like Stephan said before: as Muslims, they have strong in-group preference. 


We feel bad when they import their values in Europe, right ? 


They feel the same about us when we try to import our own ways in the their countries. Until recently, Turkey was maybe the only example of a mild secular Muslim democracy. But they a dictator in order to achieve this. He also erased some port of old-Anatolian culture by forcibly Westernizing it. Sadly enough, the conservative Muslims took over the country again. 


Within the Muslim minorities of Europe, you can also observe this conservative change. They have a strong in-group preference and we stand divided. We also have an absurd amount of tolerance towards them, which will inevitably cause them to grow and gain more power. 


The best you can do to counter this rise in power is by being less tolerant towards them. Vote against the left, rally on the street, organize, speek the truth. Most of all, it's time to get off our lazy asses and start. Muslims by protest by the thousands in the street, why can't we. It's just because we afraid to be branded as racists, to be branded as intolerant. 


This show helped me allot in the sense that I am afraid no more ! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have talked to Muslims on twitter recently, it was an enlightening experience in that I came away with a real discomfort, seeing as they were unable to take any responsibility, and really, in a ridiculously over stereotypical way, thought that Islam and the Koran were just being incorrectly interpreted and that if the proper scriptures were understood the religion would no longer be violent.


No words.


I don't want Burka's in this country. I don't like them and I see no reason I should have to tolerate women dressed as death because someone somewhere, who could possibly be a rapist, is insanely jealous I may see her... It is offensive, like covering up the ocean in black plastic in case it's beauty may offend anyone.


And anyone who takes offence at that should duly leave my country.


What can be done is being done, people are voting against it, and the more the establishment resists the democratic vote the more the possibility will arrive of their overthrow not being as pleasant as simply losing at the ballot box.


But events are largely out of my hands. If I had a public platform or a lot of money then I could do more... Or if I even knew even one like minded individual... I know none! 

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  End the warfare/welfare state, kill identity politics, inject some skepticism towards multiculturalism and altruism, and it will sort itself out I believe.


You also need to repeal all laws to do with racial, sexual and religous discrimination.

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