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Mehran Keshe


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Recently i have come across a gentleman called Mehran Keshe.

This gentleman claims to be the messiah off free energy, various medical and health improving solutions and even seen content regarding anti-gravity through a new kind of technology.

I personaly am not entirely capable of comprehending all material brought forward by this gentleman so i want to ask if some one on the FDR board with some spare time would like to take a look at the material?




Thanks in advance.

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I wish I could say it's good for a laugh....


But it is very VERY dangerous. The "magrav power blueprint" instructs you to make an uninsulated shorted transformer with extremely high capacitance and connect it to your house. 


Good way to get killed. Not only might you still have live AC after you turn off the mains, there is potential of melted wires resulting in a fire.

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There's no such thing as free energy, or anti gravity. I'm not even going to bother looking at it.

Just think about how dangerous Anti Gravity would be. You'd be outside of the pull of

The Earth

The Sun (Our solar system)

The Milkyway Galaxy

The expansion of our universe


You'd likely be crushed in an instant by a large rocky object traveling at the various speeds by these objects travel.


It's a death sentence. 

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Just think about how dangerous Anti Gravity would be. You'd be outside of the pull of

The Earth

The Sun (Our solar system)

The Milkyway Galaxy

The expansion of our universe


You'd likely be crushed in an instant by a large rocky object traveling at the various speeds by these objects travel.


It's a death sentence.

Not necessarily since you also have the inertia of the direction and speed by travelling on Earth as it moves. Also not necessarily since anti-gravity would have gradients of force that you could control, it wouldn't be just an on/off switch.

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Not necessarily since you also have the inertia of the direction and speed by travelling on Earth as it moves. Also not necessarily since anti-gravity would have gradients of force that you could control, it wouldn't be just an on/off switch.

So wait, does that mean anti-gravity could be a thing.


What would the anti-form of gravity even be?  :huh:

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Shall we turn the thread into an argument about what gravity actually is?


First for anti-entropy.


(Thank you csekavec for looking at the information)

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There's no such thing as free energy, or anti gravity. I'm not even going to bother looking at it.

Examples of "free energy": Solar Power, Wind Power, Geo-thermal Power, River Power, Nuclear Power... it all depends upon your definition. 


Anti-gravity: Hellium in a Standard atmosphere, Helicopter and Airplane, Rockets, Ion drive, something else? ( http://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=20140006052 )

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Examples of "free energy": Solar Power, Wind Power, Geo-thermal Power, River Power, Nuclear Power... it all depends upon your definition. 


Anti-gravity: Hellium in a Standard atmosphere, Helicopter and Airplane, Rockets, Ion drive, something else? ( http://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=20140006052 )


Free energy is a very specific term. It is a function of state releated to the ammount of energy in a system avliable to do work.


Who here thinks thermodynamics is the best physics?


I get that quantum is the in vouge physics, same with astrophysics. But thermdyonamics? Its a classic.

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Free energy is a very specific term. It is a function of state related to the amount of energy in a system avaliable to do work.


Who here thinks thermodynamics is the best physics?


I get that quantum is the in vogue physics, same with astrophysics. But thermodynamics? Its a classic.

I forgot tidal energy (i.e., the result of rising and falling tides).

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Examples of "free energy": Solar Power, Wind Power, Geo-thermal Power, River Power, Nuclear Power... it all depends upon your definition.


Anti-gravity: Hellium in a Standard atmosphere, Helicopter and Airplane, Rockets, Ion drive, something else? ( http://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=20140006052 )

I meant it as energy that doesn't take any cost to produce. Any form of naturally available energy like solar requires the cost of extracting it.

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I meant it as energy that doesn't take any cost to produce. Any form of naturally available energy like solar requires the cost of extracting it.

I'm not sure what alleged examples of "free energy" you might be referring to in this case.


There are some who have alleged the ability to extract energy from the magnetic field generated by the earth or directly from permanent magnets using specially wound electro magnets used in conjunction with them. There are others who have alleged the ability to extract energy from cosmic rays coming from the Cosmos/Universe using specially designed RF receivers. There are others who have alleged the ability to extract energy from the atmosphere. There are others who have alleged the ability to extract energy from the zero-point vacuum fluctuations theorized to exist by quantum mechanics. There are others who have alleged the ability to extract energy from what they term "Cold Fusion" i.e, Atomic Fusion which is the accomplished through the use of electricity and a Catalyst (e.g. Paladium) which drastically reduces the amount of energy to bring the atoms together and consequently drastically reduces the amount of energy released as well.


One living within range of a high power radio broadcast tower may, with the right circuitry, extract enough energy from the signal to drive a small piezo electric speaker. Nikola Tesla demonstrated a means of extracting electricity from the electrical differential between the earth (negatively charged) and the atmosphere at elevation (positively charged). Numerous experimenters have used/followed his patents to successfully reproduce his claims (admittedly the amount of electricity they succeeded in producing is of nominal potential and utility), solar panels delivering a far greater voltage and current.


I suppose you are referring to so called "over-unity devices" which are alleged to produce more electrical output than is required to drive them. These are typically alleged to derive their power from some mysterious, unknown energy or the ether or some other such power source lacking a conventional and empirically demonstrable existence.

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I suppose you are referring to so called "over-unity devices" which are alleged to produce more electrical output than is required to drive them.


What is a Carnot engine running in reverse, commonly called a heat pump.



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Would that be similar to a Stirling Engine? These still require an energy source.


Very similar, a Stirling engine is a heat engine running forward, it takes energy flowing as heat from a hot body, converts some to useful work and rejects some heat into a cold body. A heat pump is like a Stirling engine running backwards, it takes in work and then uses that work to "pump" heat from a cold body to a hot body. Because of the definition of efficiency, efficiency = heat out / work in, the efficiency of the heat pump can be (is?) > 1.


The Carnot engine is an idealised engine, it doesn't really exist but is used to define the limits of what is possible for real engines.

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Very similar, a Stirling engine is a heat engine running forward, it takes energy flowing as heat from a hot body, converts some to useful work and rejects some heat into a cold body. A heat pump is like a Stirling engine running backwards, it takes in work and then uses that work to "pump" heat from a cold body to a hot body. Because of the definition of efficiency, efficiency = heat out / work in, the efficiency of the heat pump can be (is?) > 1.


The Carnot engine is an idealised engine, it doesn't really exist but is used to define the limits of what is possible for real engines.

Gotcha, because "efficiency" in this case is defined as the generation of heat in relation to the energy put into the system rather than "loss of energy to entropy" which is typically in the form of energy lost from the system through heat transfer to the environment.

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