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BSBS Review: Me Before You -- Legal Assisted Suicide

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Hey everyone I just had the pleasure of reading the wonderful book and watching the film adaptation for Me Before You. It's about a man in a wheelchair and his plan to commit suicide in 6 months to escape his painful existence. His parents hire on a personal companion for him who would hopefully lift his spirits and prevent him from going through with his plan.


This caregiver eventually starts to fall in love with him and devote her life to making him happy, and yes I can see how unhealthy that sounds...as much as I could have touched upon that in my review, I focus more on the idea of assisted suicide in a real place in Switzerland called Dignitas. Live and die with dignity is their tagline. Is it truly a dignified thing to legally allow?


Let me know what you guys think of my review as well as the ethics surrounding planned and assisted suicide. I personally think it's a valid exercise of self ownership, but it is a grave choice that should not be taken lightly.




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a real place in Switzerland called Dignitas. Live and die with dignity is their tagline. Is it truly a dignified thing to legally allow?


I personally think it's a valid exercise of self ownership, but it is a grave choice that should not be taken lightly.

I would agree that it's a valid exercise of self-ownership. IN FACT, the only part of suicide that is a violation of property rights is NOT planning it out. Because at the very least, you force others to clean up after you and your things. Making arrangements in advance addresses this.


I'm not sure what the question legally allow means. "Legal" means people will not threaten and assault in the name of the State. "Allow" suggests that it's up to us. So "legally allow" would mean it's up to us to decide if people should be threatened or assaulted in the name of the State. I don't think there's any topic that question could be asked of that the answer would be yes because the State is invalid.

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Being forced to live a life you no longer want to live is one of the worst fates I could imagine. If you can't end your life on your terms, it means it never was a right of yours, but a compulsion. And I don't really believe anything can be "both", they would just call it "also a right" to try to hide the fact that you're forced to do things you don't want to, like school.


What bothers me is that suicide is considered an undeniable sign of insanity while in some situations, it just is the most logical thing to do and the person needs actual help, not medication. :/

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