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Anyone ever thought about trying to start a media website to take on the establishment?


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Hey guys


I am new and a few years ago things just clicked after reading Milton Friedman's book. Ever since I have consumed what seems like a un-imaginable amount of content from Stefan's show, MGTOW, Aaron Clarey, etc etc etc. 


I don't have any experience with coding, website design, etc which has prevented me to some degree from capitalizing on the above idea. I live in New Zealand where the media still seems to have a rather large grip on the population (of around 4.6million) especially those over the age of around 30. New Zealand currently has a National government which has been better then the Labour Governments of days gone by to some extent (I hate the new health and safety reforms with a passion which were introduced by national for votes, however this is off topic). The fear I have is that the younger population is similar to those in the US with most of them supporters of Labour or more commonly the Green party so as our population ages the political mite of this country is going to drastically swing in the other direction (although this will be controlled to some extent by the migration of asian cultures to NZ who disproportionately vote ACT or National).


The current media establishment has very few libertarian/right wing torch bearers willing to buck the trend and speak out, in-fact off the top of my head I can only think of two (Mike Hosking and Leighton Smith) both of whom are somewhat constrained by the companies they work for and the "Broadcasting standards authority" who are basically government enforces of pro big government ideals, especially the on-air radio shows and media broadcasts on channel 1 or 3. Recently Mike Hosking spoke out about the bullshit affirmative action within New Zealand that gives Maori special privilege in terms of benefits, government positions, special entry into competitive limited entry courses at NZ universities, among other things. As a result he is being investigated by the standards authority after viewers complained (more then likely Maori's or pro racial privilege left leaning individuals). This has highlighted the extent to which the media within New Zealand is kept under control without any real spokesperson for liberty as even self labelled alternative media bloggers or social media whores are controlled by the government establishment (Eg Whale Oil who is in Nationals back pocket). 


As a result I would like to give myself a kick up the ass and start actively pursuing this idea so am looking for some motivated kiwi's or even keen foreigners that are willing to dedicate some of their free time to this business idea. Make no mistake I plan on making money on this long term with marketing deals and the like however as is often the case It is unlikely to be financially viable for a least a few years. Obviously how I/We go about this is up for consideration based on who is keen however the requirement as far as I can see are as follows:


1) Social media pages need to be set up: This is going to be very important as was pointed out in a recent video Stefan uploaded where the guest talked about how social media is currently being used by Milo and other conservatives etc to bring up important debates/issues. This therefore has serious potential to skyrocket such a idea into public spotlight.


2) A website, this is pretty obvious and going forward is going to be crucial especially if Twitter/Facebook decide to fuck the social media pages/ideas over with their "protective speech policies". 


3) A youtube Channel needs to be set up that can captivate our viewers in a similar way to Stefan once there is a considerable following. Preferably we need an attractive Female(s) and Male(s) to be the face of such a channel for a number of reasons. One, as Aaron Clarey pointed out women with a conservative/libertarian bias grow in size A LOT faster then Males with similar ideas. Two, the early adopters of most new social media ideas tend to be younger viewers (there are obvious exceptions) however new channels often pick up pace initially from younger viewers who want to discover something new as compared to older viewers who's time is far more valuable/costly. Three, Who doesn't like attractive girls? Even chicks like watching chicks and often follow the advise of other women on youtube similar because their on youtube. 


4) We are going to need some serious $$ and this is where a lot of my ideas become fantasies. I will be upfront and say that I am in no position to fund such an idea partly because of the poor career advice I received from my high school career adviser who instructed me to go to university to study physiology simply because I enjoyed chemistry/biology at highschool without thinking of the numbers of students/graduates in this field, the careers available, etc etc etc.

A crowd funding scheme isn't going to work here as New Zealand is simply to small and to insignificant for anyone outside NZ to actually care about.  

No financial company would touch such an idea with a ten foot poll as media is an unpredictable, competitive market with some very large players who dominant the minds of the population. 

Therefore it is either going to come about through volunteered time (Which I am happy to commit to, especially seeing as University has left me in debt without any considerably marketable skills so such a venture would give me a serious opportunity to learn a lot about very profitable industries even if such an idea doesn't even up being hugely successful). Or it is going to come about through some sort of expansion of a pre-existing company that wants to even change focus within NZ or expand into New Zealand as we are if nothing else one of the very few countries around the world with a seriously chance of becoming a beacon of freedom given a lowish population, mostly homogeneous culture, strict boarders, relatively stable economy, and the HUGE ocean between us and the undeveloped world which prevents them from attempting to illegally enter our country (and if they make it, fuckin ai we should welcome them in and give them jobs because that's a long way).


I am aware this idea is rather considerable in size however how many of you want a honest and open news service or want entry into New Zealand? Given this would count as a job with a NZ based company (once it's profitable obviously) It is likely to change your entry requirement drastically.


Just an idea at this stage, happy to receive feedback, ideas or even a quick and painful reality check if such an idea is never going to materialize into anything. 



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You would like Andrew Breitbart.  

As far as launching your own project it sounds like a local watch dog group would be good experience for you.

You can host a homepage on wordpress and there is no barrier to entry on social media.

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As someone who makes a living from online commissions and advertising, I can say that this is a viable idea, but a tough one. From what you have said I am guessing that you have no real business knowledge on top of not having any programming experience.

This is something I have thought about, but right now I do not have any time to work on it and am not interested in working on projects with anyone else.

1) You are thinking too big to start with based on your resources; I would start with a news 

2) I doubt it would be viable any time soon just covering NZ; I would throw in Australia

3) You can start this with next to no resources. You can set up a WordPress (disgusting code and hacking nightmare, but its the best out of the box) with a good theme for very little

4) It will take a long time of slogging to get anywhere, if you do get anywhere; don't give up


5) I would set it up on your own, get the ball rolling and then get someone else involved and be careful its easy to get involved with someone who will treat you badly and thing can go wrong; make sure you make a contract and know what is expected in terms of roles and commitments; agree of a process for exiting the partnership


6) I like the idea of getting an attractive girl involved, if you can find one


I am in no position to fund such an idea partly because of the poor career advice I received from my high school career adviser who instructed me to go to university to study physiology simply because I enjoyed chemistry/biology at highschool without thinking of the numbers of students/graduates in this field, the careers available, etc etc etc.

I would recommend discarding the whole train of thought that led to you even listening to that fag and now seemingly not having enough confidence in yourself. I had a complete loser try and do the same to me when I was seventeen. He was trying to get me to go to university to do a web design course, phoning up some university and forcing me to speak to them. Before I would have even graduated I ended up getting CVs from graduates asking to work for free. Have faith in yourself. Balls to the unemployable educators.


painful reality check if such an idea is never going to materialize into anything. 

Same as above. But if you go down this route, you need to keep at it, as for a long time there will be very little to show for your efforts.

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I've got a list of things I'm going to do and this sort of thing is one it, but it is not at the top.


Something which concerns me is that I can find breaking news much sooner on social media. I think now, and I may be wrong, that alot of news sites draw very heavily from social media and smaller news sites. If I was going to make a site, I would want a site that somehow made use of the weponised autists on /pol and reddit. Maybe something closer to a social network with some sort of system for agrigating information/leads/etc from the social network faster and better than a third party media site can pull. No idea how to make any of this work, but that is what I want to create.


Have you considered starting with an ANZ reddit? Build your audiance sort of thing.

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When it comes to anything in life. Too much thinking and analyzing will just hamper your progress. That is my experience.


Start with something. I don't think anything big now started out big, it just does not work that way. It starts small, and then grows. If you try to plan on something big and throw a heap of money on it without establishing some foundation first, then you are taking quite a risk.


Other benefits of starting out small is that you can change your path along the way. If you try to build everything right away then there is no room for other ideas. Who is to say that you should build another media website to take on the establishment? Maybe you will find out that there is a different path that you would succeed in, which could benefit those who are taking on the establishment.


You have probably heard about the new pokemon game? Before there were no people in the city park where I live. Now it is starting to look like one of those computer gatherings, only with cell phones. I am pretty sure the fad will end, but this game is getting people out of their homes walking outside when it looked like the digital age was going to keep everyone inside. That results in X amount of peoples health going up and away from the often stale air inside homes. So the company that made this game is making money, but making people more healthy at the same time. Win win, and human species wins as well. Still pretty bad to strain your neck looking down though...


Kinda creepy to see all people being silent and looking down in the park.

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I think there are already plenty. You can still find a niche with these things. It does not tend to monpoly but it could be considered like an oligopoly instead of a fully distributed market.



There are a lot, but they are mostly US based. Of non-US alt sources I can only think of The Rebel Media and Breitbart London.


One place you can start easily with is aggregating in a very user-friendly way. Set up a bunch of Google News searches and Twitter searches and trawl more obscure European news sites. For example, there was a small terrorist attack in Serbia last year, but I didn't see any coverage in UK or US media. Yesterday there was a video that came out of Serbia of Bosnian jihadists with the flag of ISIS and Saudi Arbia burning the flag of Serbia.


I'd like a site that keeps big tabs on all this. You could also put a big spotlight on crimes that are going under-reported.



When it comes to anything in life. Too much thinking and analyzing will just hamper your progress. That is my experience.


Start with something. I don't think anything big now started out big, it just does not work that way. It starts small, and then grows. If you try to plan on something big and throw a heap of money on it without establishing some foundation first, then you are taking quite a risk.


Other benefits of starting out small is that you can change your path along the way. If you try to build everything right away then there is no room for other ideas. Who is to say that you should build another media website to take on the establishment? Maybe you will find out that there is a different path that you would succeed in, which could benefit those who are taking on the establishment.

Good advice. When I started what I am working on now, I planned big, I chopped a bit out before launch, more out after launch and I only really focus on half of what I intended to do.

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