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Anyone prepping for a financial crash?


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I have a few things, including weapons (although no guns where I live)... So I'm not sure how effective the weapons would be... I've just started exercising more recently because of multivitamins that work for me though!


I have tins, oats, water, disposable cutlery etc. and am looking carefully at places to hold my money outside of the dreaded 'European Bail in mechanism'. So not in banks (Hence talking about the bitcoin book in the other sub board).


Duetsche bank in my view is as safe as houses, but something is going to snap in the financial system eventually. Then we could, in my view see a pretty sharpish stock dive and the failure; the FAILURE, of the TBTF banks.


While it is not certain... I can imagine that high oil prices will stop food getting to supermarkets, and any number of other problems could come out of this scenario.


What makes this different from previous crashes, is that this one is not being controlled from within the Western power structure... Before the US and it's allies have been concerned with propogating US dollar hegemony and the fiat money system, however now China can gold back their currency and foreign powers can strong- arm the bankrupt Western economies into playing ball, including the arrests of top leaders.


This is the real reason for the August 2015 crash... The yuan devaluation here should be obvious:



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What country are you in?

The only real preparation I have made is moving most of my money out of UK banks.

My food prepping has gone on for a few years and largely consists of buying bulk 25Kg bags of rice etc. A favourite is 10kg bags of sun-dried tomatoes. But right now its very thin owing to me leaving the country in a few days. I also have a polytunnel, veg, fruits trees and fruit bushes.

This is one of the best wholesale food retailers in my area:


I'd like to do a lot more, but I am a bit of a miser.

For weapons you can buy some on black markets, including guns, but the ammo is expensive. If you are in the UK you can buy tasers and pepper spray online from Germany.

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If you think that the Deutsche Bank or other German private banks that are incorporated are a safe bet you are dead wrong. They are among the worst gamblers out there. The Deutsche Bank holds about 75 trillion Dollars in derivatives that can blow up. Compare that to 522 billions in deposits and you see that there are major problems. And yes, 75 trillion Dollars in derivatives is about 20 times the GDP of Germany. The Commerzbank is actually worse off.


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I am well aware of Deutsche banks supposed troubles but they are being supported by the Chinese. They would have gone under before now if they were not.


I am prepping for electricity going down as well. This one seems fairly certain to me in the event of a crash.


Thanks for the website although it does not sound as though I do not have the same disposable income as you. The next thing I am after is a rucksack in case I have to move quickly. I already have one but will get a second one.

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Take a page from the Mormons. They have loads of industry set up for this and they are worldwide. They are the premier experts because they have been doing this for about 100 years.


They preach that everyone should have at minimum:

  1. a "72 hour kit" for each person, in backpack form. Example contents
  2. Minimum 3 months food storage (1+ year preferred)  Example   

They have free to use facilities for canning and packaging. You don't have to be a member. You do pay for everything at cost. This lets you take advantage of wholesale prices on packaging and nearly unsurpassed shelf longevity.  Only video I found on short notice was this shakycam tour of making gallon can of cereal grain. The centers are all over the world, including the UK. 


I recently broke open a can of apple slices I made back in 1999. They tasted great! 

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Take a page from the Mormons.


Do you live in America? I see they only have centers there and in Canada. The U.S. is definitely the best place for prepping. I've seen good 1,200 or 1,300 calorie / day 12 month food supplies for $700-1,000. The best and only I can find in the UK costs $3,200, contains meat and doesn't list calories.


It's good to know it's the Mormons prepping and not Islam.The only results I can find on prepping + Islam are about prepping against Islamic invasion and Islamic extremism.

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Where I live the Mormons used to have canning days and other group activities where people could easily get into disaster preparation, but they've started doing it less frequently. I think there's a stigma associated with "prepper" activities, partially because of the TV series on the more extreme folks.


It used to be kinda cool to go in on a group buy of chicken and be able to can it in a single day. A lot cheaper than getting it at the store, and it lasts on the shelf for a long time.

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People here still use mason jars for storing self made food, veggies or fruits. If you live in Europe, those are pretty cheap. The meals can be made in an oven. Recipes are readily available. 

Is that Sweden? Germany?


Serbs are big into their jarred foods and they are extremely cheap:



I think Serbia is probably one of the best places in Europe for prepping:


- incredibly cheap food grown without pesticide and GMO is banned

- low population density

- many people still live off the land and know how to grow food, mechanics, building etc.

- bar Northern Scandinavia its probably the least likely area to suffer from nuclear war being central between Vienna, Rome, Athens and Istanbul; though I think Athens would be ignored

- good and reliable growing season

- very cheap land and property, you can get a decent house with electric and water for about $7,000 +

- government doesn't have a drag-net

- off the reservation, not integrated into the global system

- up to 9% annual interest on RSD accounts; and even about 2% on USD

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