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Not all artists are lefty send in your work and let’s discuss. Since Art is the expression of aesthetics and aesthetics is near and dear to philosophy it’s necessary to share. 



(Please show respect and empathy to the posters it’s not easy showing work.)






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You can render however you make beginner mistakes at drawing faces. This comes from drawing each piece of the face separately and not taking it in as a whole afterwards. This goes away when you teach your brain to look at faces as objects not faces through practice. Here's my attempt at fixing it:



Modifications I did: fixed the shape of the skull, fixed the shape of the jawline, eyes drooped outwards and changed it to inwards, the size of all the facial features (eyes, nose, mouth) is larger than the size of the whole head and just pushed the features together, eyebrows were too close, shrunk the eyes a bit, moved the lips closer to the nose, modified the shape of the lips a little, shrunk the shape of the upper lip, changed the shape of the ear as best as I could.


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She does but its a really nice critique. Thanks I think I dropped the mouth too low like you stated (off of what I remembered of the ref). I wish I had the reference photo. wuzzums please share what you have been up too and thanks again. 

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