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Personality Test


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Logistician (ISTJ-a)


The questions are more useful than the result in my opinion.


Getting ideas of making a more fun version, with questions like:


Do you find it rewarding to let other people walk all over you?

Agree - - - - - - Disagree

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Do you find it rewarding to let other people walk all over you?

Agree - - - - - - Disagree


That would be interesting to see.


I thought that the majority of people here would be of the likes of ISTJ.


I got INTJ-A.


The charts are also interesting, in particular in relation to the Islamic world:



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It just so happens that I took this very test a couple months ago.  I found it insightful and helped me to accept certain aspects of my personality.


I got ENTJ-T so I'm a Turbulent Commander:

Extroverted: 64%

Intuitive: 63%

Thinking: 63%

Judging: 65%

Turbulent: 61%


I'm going to guess that FDR listeners probably have an over-representation of analyst types.

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80-90% on each of them.  Even though my introvert comes up really strongly I'm not completely sold on it, I think with introvert extrovert you need to factor in a lot of potential social anxieties etc.


I had the same deal when I was younger, I would score INTP.  Later I switched strongly to an F and suspect the strong T was some sort of reaction for me at the time.


INFP might explain why I come off as a little bit different around here, I suspect a lot of INTPs and INTJs would be the norm here.


The feels people!  What about the feels! - constant eh_steve :D

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I got ENTJ-T so I'm a Turbulent Commander:

That is the rarest in both the UK and US:




I would have expected people come from outlying types and analyst category.


I found the report useful, as it made something click. There are different personality types and as an outlier most people will likely find me uninteresting and I will likely find them uninteresting. As an outlier there can be pressure to bend yourself to the most visible and dominant groups. Thought I have never really tried to bend myself, it is only really in the last year that I have realised that I should not inferior for not wanting to slip into the grooves of the dominant groups. If anything there is more value in expressing outlying talents and sentiment, as these areas are the least explored and have the most to offer.



Mediator seems like the best one for a therapist. I can see how it could be a bit of an issue if you are involved in client-facing web design. There probably isn't enough data at the moment, but when it comes in, I imagine we'll find being a web designer takes ten years off your life.

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This was a myers briggs type test. I got my usual, INFP, (Mediator). 

That is the rarest in both the UK and US:


I would have expected people come from outlying types and analyst category.

I found the report useful, as it made something click. There are different personality types and as an outlier most people will likely find me uninteresting and I will likely find them uninteresting. As an outlier there can be pressure to bend yourself to the most visible and dominant groups. Thought I have never really tried to bend myself, it is only really in the last year that I have realised that I should not inferior for not wanting to slip into the grooves of the dominant groups. If anything there is more value in expressing outlying talents and sentiment, as these areas are the least explored and have the most to offer.


Mediator seems like the best one for a therapist. I can see how it could be a bit of an issue if you are involved in client-facing web design. There probably isn't enough data at the moment, but when it comes in, I imagine we'll find being a web designer takes ten years off your life.

And I thought INTJ and INFJ were the 2 rarest types.

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As mentioned before, INTJ, "The Architect", but I'm able to skew it to INFP when I want to even though I'm picking answers in front of people that know me and agree with my choices. Maybe no one really knows me.


Of more interest is my 3-repeat warrior variant of MAOA(-L). Passive right up until Hulk Smash, as they say.

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Do you have any words of advice for INTJs?


"INTJs apply (often ruthlessly) the criterion "Does it work?" to everything from their own research efforts to the prevailing social norms. This in turn produces an unusual independence of mind, freeing the INTJ from the constraints of authority, convention, or sentiment for its own sake ... INTJs are known as the "Systems Builders" of the types, perhaps in part because they possess the unusual trait of combining imagination and reliability." -- Marina Margaret Heiss


Sound familiar? ;)


When it comes to personality tests, I put a lot less credence into Meyer-Briggs than I do into something like DISC, where I'm a "C" type. https://www.discinsights.com/personality-style-c

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For those of you interested in this stuff, the Neuroscience of Personality by Dr. Dario Nardi is a fascinating read. INTJ and INFJ do something extraordinary--they frequently confront a problem using a zen-like brain state and thus are able to come up with novel solutions to complicated problems. I've noticed a lot of INTJ types here. Though that type is normally rare in society. No surprise really. INTJ types are most likely to not be religious and to be ancap. 

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You might like this website from an INTJ:



He's been at FDR and on the forums before to my knowledge, cool dude  ;)

Thanks for posting that. It is very interesting and uncanny as to how it is a ~100% mirror of my traits, down to relatively small things like a reverence for stoicism and extreme dislike of paying bills.

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"They love patterns, spotting discrepencies between statements could almost be described as a hobby"


"...using other people as a sounding board for ideas and theories in debate against themselves rather than as actual conversational partners"


"...conversation can border on incoherence"


They know! Shut it down!

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I also got ENFP, campaigner. It's so fascinating as my results have changed over the years. The last time that I remember doing this, I was INFP, and before that I was INFJ and maybe even INTJ if memory serves me.


The questions are more useful than the result in my opinion.


Getting ideas of making a more fun version, with questions like:


Do you find it rewarding to let other people walk all over you?

Agree - - - - - - Disagree


I totally agree you with that the questions are more valuable than the results. The questions are trailheads for self-exploration and analysis.

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The MBTI is widely considered to be junk nowadays. It doesn't produce replicable results. The same person can take the same test two hours apart and get widely varying results. 


The only personality type thingy I like is the Ennegram. It accounts for a lot of personality variables in a neat, efficient way and also gives an indication as to what each type behaves like at differing levels of mental health. The mental health levels is what makes it so valuable, imo. If you're interested in self-knowledge/self-improvement, it can provide a handy roadmap for what improvement looks like for each type.

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The MBTI is widely considered to be junk nowadays. It doesn't produce replicable results. The same person can take the same test two hours apart and get widely varying results. 


The only personality type thingy I like is the Ennegram. It accounts for a lot of personality variables in a neat, efficient way and also gives an indication as to what each type behaves like at differing levels of mental health. The mental health levels is what makes it so valuable, imo. If you're interested in self-knowledge/self-improvement, it can provide a handy roadmap for what improvement looks like for each type.

That is so true. People should read the descriptions instead of taking a test. Most people are S types and I think those types struggle the most with the test. (That bit is my wild guess) It is hard for most people to answer questions consistently because what our tendencies are vs what we want our tendencies to be gets in the way of the test. I have studied MBTI a long time and it is a great tool but it works best with a guided expert. Most experts i've talked to say that when they test someone it is often different from the person's self test result. The book, the Neuroscience of Personality helps shed valuable science on MBTI--in particular, Jung's Types from which MBTI is based. 

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Extraverted - 66%

Intuitive - 71%

Thinking - 73%

Prospecting - 81%

Turbulent - 81%

Had to take two days of assessments had components similar to this recently. Have not received the results and don't know the name of the tests. Multi-faceted, spatial perception, mathematics, pattern recognition of every kind. No results yet. Not sure what to make of the results of this online personality test. Basically says I like to bullshit doesn't it? Wicked band name though - "The Turbulent Prospectors" .

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This trait determines how we interact with our environment.
This trait shows where we direct our mental energy.
This trait determines how we make decisions and cope with emotions.
This trait reflects our approach to work, planning and decision-making.
This trait underpins all others, showing how confident we are in our abilities and decisions.

Weird how that rendered the whole page. I limited it to relevant stats, but figured I would type out how I took the test before and got similar results on the post below it.

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Virtuoso Personality (ISTP, -A/-T)



intresting some bits stand out and some bits seem like cold reading (eg the fortune teller "you will see somthing that will make you smile" that sort of thing but that may also be inner cynicism) 

"Virtuosos love to explore with their hands and their eyes, touching and examining the world around them with cool rationalism and spirited curiosity"

yup defantly me there but as someone that had to be on gard in my childhood thats a given with high levles of alertness and a will to be aware of my surroundings i think.

"Virtuosos explore ideas through creating, troubleshooting, trial and error and first-hand experience. They enjoy having other people take an interest in their projects and sometimes don’t even mind them getting into their space. Of course, that’s on the condition that those people don’t interfere with Virtuosos’ principles and freedom, and they’ll need to be open to Virtuosos returning the interest in kind."

there is nothing i love more than a really good teacher as long as thay can show and do what thay teach (i love constructive criticism)

"Virtuosos enjoy lending a hand and sharing their experience, especially with the people they care about, and it’s a shame they’re so uncommon, making up only about five percent of the population."

only with the people i care about or someone polite or old like holding a door open or grabing somthing of a shelf but im quick to react if someone is hovering in a doorway (i will clearly and directly state excuse me please than as thay move will state with little empathy that its a door way)

"Dare to Differ While their mechanical tendencies can make them appear simple at a glance, Virtuosos are actually quite enigmatic. Friendly but very private, calm but suddenly spontaneous, extremely curious but unable to stay focused on formal studies, Virtuoso personalities can be a challenge to predict, even by their friends and loved ones. Virtuosos can seem very loyal and steady for a while, but they tend to build up a store of impulsive energy that explodes without warning, taking their interests in bold new directions. "

apart from the paragraph regarding doorways this statment seems very veuge contradictory the rest of what is on there aslo seems veuge but ill add it

the only other thing that stands out is this

"Nothing Is as Boring as Everyone Agreeing With You"

i cant explain in words how mutch i hate people that do that (a volcano of fire and ash from within comes close?)

"Virtuosos will come to learn that many other personality types have much more firmly drawn lines on rules and acceptable behavior than they do – they don’t want to hear an insensitive joke, and certainly wouldn’t tell one back, and they wouldn’t want to engage in horseplay, even with a willing party. If a situation is already emotionally charged, violating these boundaries can backfire tremendously."

"Virtuosos have a particular difficulty in predicting emotions, but this is just a natural extension of their fairness, given how difficult it is to gauge Virtuosos’ emotions and motivations. However, their tendency to explore their relationships through their actions rather than through empathy can lead to some very frustrating situations. People with the Virtuoso personality type struggle with boundaries and guidelines, preferring the freedom to move about and color outside the lines if they need to."

"Finding an environment where they can work with good friends who understand their style and unpredictability, combining their creativity, sense of humor and hands-on approach to build practical solutions and things, will give Virtuosos many happy years of building useful boxes – and admiring them from the outside."





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INTP...., but looking on the net at something called the function stack, with priorities of the personality.

  1. Introverted Thinking - Unconscious thinking.
  2. Extroverted Intuition - Pattern matching.
  3. Introverted Sensing - Recall of past information.
  4. Extroverted Feeling - What is the group doing.

Did a couple of rudimentary Big 5 Personality test that I think matches with the MBTI of my particular result.

  • Extraversion - Low (Introverted)   Promethean (Forethought). Personalities Dominant with Feeling and Ex Sensing or Intuition more Epimethean.
  • Conscientiousness - Low,             Introverted Thinking.
  • Openness - High,                       Extroverted Intuition, but could see how Ex Feeling or Ex Sensing could match with High Openness.
  • Neuroticism - High,                     Introverted Sensing.
  • Agreeableness - Very Low            Feeling. Lowest on my function stack. Executives and Analysts possibly being very low in Agreeableness as well.


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