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Corporal Punishment: Facts & Figures - A video (7 min) I made. Feedback welcome.

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Hello Everyone,


I made a short presentation (7 min) on corporal punishment. It's unlisted on YouTube, at the moment. The idea was to create a sort of 'pilot' for a YouTube channel called 'PsychologyTube', that I'm thinking about starting in the future. The idea for the channel was somewhat inspired by an existing channel called 'Philosophy Tube'. The presentation style and concept were more appealing to me than the actual content - the presenter is pretty Left-leaning. Anyway, I'd really appreciate some feedback. I think the quality is OK, considering it was created with a smart phone. If, in the future, I can prove to myself and the viewers that I'm capable of making good content, consistently, I will invest in superior audio-visual equipment. Again, this was just a test so any constructive feedback is welcome.



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Pretty good video dude!  The content was really good and I thought you laid it out nicely, and of course your accent (always been jealous of that accent) is gonna draw in the target demographic (future moms) for sure!  As for suggestions for improvement: you can probably pick up a cheap mic that will sound better than the mic on the phone, and for me personally you looked a little uncomfortable in front of the camera (I have this problem too when I try to do videos).  I think your facial expressions are engaging but your cadence could use a jolt.  Also, the rocking back and forth was a bit distracting.  The hard part is producing something you're willing to share so bravo my friend! The rest will come with repetition.

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