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White-shaming car commercial


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A new ad for the Chevrolez Cruz features a two middle-class men at a party.  One is a middle-aged white man, who gets schooled by a middle-aged coloured man, who disparages the white man's "pleats" in his pants and, bringing him to his fancy new car, shames him over his liking of happy, folksy white music, over hip, coloured urban music.


What's the subtext here?  The first guy is being white-shamed.  White fashion, white music is inferior to coloured fashion and music.  And only the coloured guy can naturally see the difference--can "discriminate"--between the cultures, even at an ostensibly white, middle-class, place-to-be party.  And in the end:  the one who is more "urban" and more "coloured" will be more cool, more likely to drive cool cars, and more likely to score with the ladies.


Has anyone else noticed white-shaming in television commercials or programmes?

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I don't watch TV, so am lucky enough to not know.

I take it they are selling cars made for cucks that look like this?


In the UK, you walk down streets adorned in these French monstrosities. I wonder why these people pay $15-20k for these things when you can get Mustang for less than $10k.

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I don't watch TV either, but any mainstream media I do consume usually has themes which make white men look dumb, incompetent, plain, boring, unoriginal, and lacking 'culture' (gee I wonder why white men wouldn't be proud of their culture seeing as it's nearly universally taught to be founded upon slavery, violence and 'toxic patriarchy'; while other cultures are noble and innocent and have their histories embellished to only focus on the positives, even if it requires making up those positives (such as the black invention myths - google it).


I had a muslim 'friend' growing up and he would often taunt me about my supposed corniness and lack of culture. He once said, since he is Egyptian (average IQ 85 and poll which shows high rates of support for killing in the name of apostasy), he is interesting and diverse. I have western European roots, but apparently to him this was the equivalent to being an invisible blob of replaceable nothing in terms of ancestry, painting me like everyone else in the country to make me unoriginal; and mind you my ancestors only came up with the civilization which gave him nearly everything he cherished, including consistently applied laws and a universal justice and safety that would not be allowed to outsiders in his home country, the free market, and most inventions in the last century, and more.


He also said going to parties in my majority white school life he would get the "brown stare," which I guess is when you're being stared at and you ad hoc apply a racist motive behind it despite having no evidence and not inquiring further. I get stared at too and sometimes I don't enjoy it, but I don't have the excuse of racism (thankfully) because I am white.


It's anecdotal, but obviously he got the narrative from the media, because in Asian or any non-white countries you don't get to immigrate and then shame the dominant culture for "all being the same." That would be silly.

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In the UK, you walk down streets adorned in these French monstrosities. I wonder why these people pay $15-20k for these things when you can get Mustang for less than $10k.




A new Twingo costs 11 000 pounds the most. With a discount you can get them at 10 000. A new Mustang starts at 30 000 pounds. Though it's much pricey, the driving safety is sub par. Good luck finding a multi link suspension in an American car. Most people who drive these cars look for a vehicle that gets them safely from A to B. If you want something fancy, go for it. 

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It's anecdotal, but obviously he got the narrative from the media, because in Asian or any non-white countries you don't get to immigrate and then shame the dominant culture for "all being the same." That would be silly.


I agree with all you said, but this last part isn't 100% true. There are some countries where we straight, white males and straight, white women are revered by many.


In Ghana for example a lot of black women bleach their skin to try and appear more white. If your a white female in particular, walking around in Ghana, you will get many people approaching you for marriage. They revere white western culture and for many going to the US, UK etc. is the best thing in the world for them. There is a genuine respect and not just people wanting to come in and overwrite the culture that has produced the things they want with stone age droppings.


Ghana has some considerable differences to pretty much everywhere else in Africa. It has problems, but their homicide rate is lower than most of Eastern Europe and although the economy is still poor Heritage rank it as being better than France (which is on its way out IMO):




Fighting back against the SJWs:


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I agree with all you said, but this last part isn't 100% true. There are some countries where we straight, white males and straight, white women are revered by many.


In Ghana for example a lot of black women bleach their skin to try and appear more white. If your a white female in particular, walking around in Ghana, you will get many people approaching you for marriage. They revere white western culture and for many going to the US, UK etc. is the best thing in the world for them. There is a genuine respect and not just people wanting to come in and overwrite the culture that has produced the things they want with stone age droppings.


Ghana has some considerable differences to pretty much everywhere else in Africa. It has problems, but their homicide rate is lower than most of Eastern Europe and although the economy is still poor Heritage rank it as being better than France (which is on its way out IMO):




Jared Taylor on a recent FDR broadcast said he visited Ivory Coast and Liberia as a younger man and was shocked that the former was so developed and peaceful, and the latter was "a bombed out ruin".  He asked the local Liberians why there country was such a mess and they replied, "We were never colonised."  Was Ghana colonised?
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I did some slight research on the coppercab ginger fella years ago. And most likely imo he has been (starting with the south park ginger thing), and is acting. You can see a few tendencies to start smiling when gavin points his trolldar at him. Gavin is even aware that he could be a troll as he mentions at the end.

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