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Trump and unpaid bills

Mister Mister

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All I know is that a Lannister always pays his debts.

The Lannisters did not have the luxury of limited liability to fall back on.


The hapless muckrakers have not been able to come up with much. A few days ago I saw a whining softy still blurting about Trump's four bankruptcies. I looked him up: academic and journalist, i.e. had never faced the market and is as a result not qualified to comment on how those who have.

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The Lannisters did not have the luxury of limited liability to fall back on.


The hapless muckrakers have not been able to come up with much. A few days ago I saw a whining softy still blurting about Trump's four bankruptcies. I looked him up: academic and journalist, i.e. had never faced the market and is as a result not qualified to comment on how those who have.


Oh, but they did. They leveraged the Tyrells, the crown of the Seven Kingdoms, and the Iron Bank of Bravos to hold them high.

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Its hard to know what the truth is anymore by looking at published media and reports because the zeitgeist is getting flooded with a constant stream of propaganda that is anti-Trump.  However, lucky for us we don't need to know or understand the details to get a good handle on what the truth of this matter is.  All we have to do is use some logic and common sense, and it doesn't hurt to have some experience in these industries.


This is how you can use logic to answer this question:

Donald Trump is a massively successful business man from developing properties.  Developing properties requires you to hire a lot of contractors and consultants.  Contractors and consultants don't work for free or they go out of business.  Contractors and consultants talk within their industry. Through this talk, word would get out that Trump doesn't pay his bills which would drive contractors and consults to not respond to proposals for work where Trump was the client.  Since contractors and consultants continually bid on work for Trump, and Trump continually develops properties (even in the same geography), we can safely assume he pays his bills.



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Its hard to know what the truth is anymore by looking at published media and reports because the zeitgeist is getting flooded with a constant stream of propaganda that is anti-Trump.  However, lucky for us we don't need to know or understand the details to get a good handle on what the truth of this matter is.  All we have to do is use some logic and common sense, and it doesn't hurt to have some experience in these industries.


This is how you can use logic to answer this question:

Donald Trump is a massively successful business man from developing properties.  Developing properties requires you to hire a lot of contractors and consultants.  Contractors and consultants don't work for free or they go out of business.  Contractors and consultants talk within their industry. Through this talk, word would get out that Trump doesn't pay his bills which would drive contractors and consults to not respond to proposals for work where Trump was the client.  Since contractors and consultants continually bid on work for Trump, and Trump continually develops properties (even in the same geography), we can safely assume he pays his bills.




The media is rightfully angry at Trump. Any other candidate would have a billion dollar war chest to buy advertising with. The networks were counting on this advertising money. Now they have to make due with Hillary's billion dollar war chest and Trumps $300 million. They are on a budget and they arent happy.

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