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Black Lives Matter

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All victims of violence and abuse matter; except Black lives, 'cause they just bring it on themselves, so they don't matter, or not as much, right aviet64?

My point in posting this is that BLM have no interest in this. To them black lives matter when they can be used to push the notion living in a white supremacist nation, but when they push the notion of black-on-black violence, such as gang shootings or police brutality in Africa, they don't want to know.


The data shows that blacks in the US are more likely to be killed by police:



But using the logic of BLM, we should be making much more of a fuss about Men's Lives Matter. Given that men are about 20 times more likely to be killed by police. That blacks commit more crimes in America is not seen as a valid argument by BLM.


In the UK deaths in police custody are in decline:




Non-whites are less likely to be killed by police than whites, even though non-whites commit more crime. Yet we now have BLM in the UK, closing down roads and kicking off in the streets because of one black person killed in police custody. The UK Marxist media are platforming BLM as if they were MLK and have a legitimate grievance.


There doesn't appear to be any published statistics for Africa, but Amnesty and HRW suggest that police killings have doubled in ten years in Nigeria. Similar reports for other countries. Googling [police brutality {African country}] it looks like stills from Mad Max, including a photo of a man stripped naked, castrated with his boxer shorts stuffed in his mouth. Google [uK police brutality] and virtually nothing questionable comes up.

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All victims of violence and abuse matter; except Black lives, 'cause they just bring it on themselves, so they don't matter, or not as much, right aviet64?

  I hear this response a lot.  Something like, "because you point to blacks victimizing blacks, you're saying all black peoples' problems are their own fault."


It's a complete straw-man.  Only a collectivist thinks of human beings harming other human beings as "bringing it on themselves".  When a black person harms another black person, that's one individual harming another individual.  The overwhelming amount of violence towards black people is from other black people, from spanking to gangland murders.  Ignoring this issue is harmful to black people.

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My point in posting this is that BLM have no interest in this.

No, that's your justification in posting this. That's not your purpose in posting this. Why did you post the videos with nothing more than the comment "Black Lives Matter... until they don't?"  


To them black lives matter when they can be used to push the notion living in a white supremacist nation, but when they push the notion of black-on-black violence, such as gang shootings or police brutality in Africa, they don't want to know.

I get it. Blacks should stop calling attention to the police brutality against them and how they are treated differently by society until after they've addressed and solved the black-on-black violence, higher incidence of criminal activity, poverty, and illegitimate parenting (why are children considered illegitimate due to the actions of their parents?), gang shootings in the US and UK, and police brutality in Africa and other predominantly Black run countries.


I hear this response a lot.  Something like, "because you point to blacks victimizing blacks, you're saying all black peoples' problems are their own fault."


It's a complete straw-man.  Only a collectivist thinks of human beings harming other human beings as "bringing it on themselves".  When a black person harms another black person, that's one individual harming another individual.  The overwhelming amount of violence towards black people is from other black people, from spanking to gangland murders.  Ignoring this issue is harmful to black people.

What did the two videos from the original post, or the comment about them actually have to say about these problems you are mentioning and how to address them?  I see these responses a lot, something like "it's completely justifiable to be critical of BLM because (crime statistics and other facts about the majority of Black people and minorities who also happen to be poor, underemployed, and coming from single-parent households). Anyone complaining about this criticism is being completely irrational because (legitimate issues never brought up or mentioned in original post, but only used to justify original post after being called out for making or defending original post)".


Are these truly concerns that you have, or merely defensive justification for the original post? If they're truly concerns, why were they not mentioned in response to the original post, but only in response to criticism of the original post?

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All victims of violence and abuse matter; except Black lives, 'cause they just bring it on themselves, so they don't matter, or not as much, right aviet64?


Are you incapable of detecting sarcasm? Also, after reading your other posts, why do you think black people are being targetted by the police? Is it raaayziiism?

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No, that's your justification in posting this. That's not your purpose in posting this. Why did you post the videos with nothing more than the comment "Black Lives Matter... until they don't?" 

I'm given to being provocative. I understand this would be viewed as a provocative post. My purpose is was what I said. I am growing increasingly tired of the constant stream of factually inaccurate articles and arguments like this:




Telling me I am the worst person in the world for something I have no control over. Hence a post like this, rather than something more balanced.

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Are you so accustomed to sarcasm that you don't recognize the use of sarcasm is almost always abusive, and intended to be destructive?


If you have read my other posts, you should know why I think what I think. If you don't know what I think and why I think it, then I recommend you do two things. Don't assume you know what I think, and then re-read what I've written elsewhere again.


As to the direct answer to your question, "Is it racism?" The answer is, "Sometimes, but not always; and when it is, it's not always a conscious bias, although sometimes it is."

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I am growing increasingly tired of the constant stream of factually inaccurate articles and arguments like this telling me I am the worst person in the world for something I have no control over. Hence a post like this, rather than something more balanced.

I see. I must have missed all the threads and posts where you similarly blasted:

  • Feminists for writing about rape
  • Christians for calling you to repent in the name of Jesus of all your sinful ways
  • Muslims for complaining about Westerners influence in the Middle East
  • Environmentalists talking about how we're destroying the planet
  • GreenPeacers complaining about whaling and the destruction of the seas
  • Vegans about people klling animals for food and clothing
  • every other group which you are not a part of and do not sympathize

But alright... maybe there's something different about BLM that justifies this special treatment that I'm not seeing in the article you cited which seems to be blaming the government of the UK and dead racist White guys like Charles Darwin, not the average White UK male.

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Are you so accustomed to sarcasm that you don't recognize the use of sarcasm is almost always abusive, and intended to be destructive?


If you have read my other posts, you should know why I think what I think. If you don't know what I think and why I think it, then I recommend you do two things. Don't assume you know what I think, and then re-read what I've written elsewhere again.


As to the direct answer to your question, "Is it racism?" The answer is, "Sometimes, but not always; and when it is, it's not always a conscious bias, although sometimes it is."


You need to find a sense of humor somewhere before you call sarcasm abusive and destructive. So you do think cops are racist. Well, your propaganda and emotional response levels are going off the charts, so I'm just going to let you do your little defense of the BLM movement while Milwaukee burns while it is being looted by the people who didn't do nothing.

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I see. I must have missed all the threads and posts where you similarly blasted:

  • Feminists for writing about rape
  • Christians for calling you to repent in the name of Jesus of all your sinful ways
  • Muslims for complaining about Westerners influence in the Middle East
  • Environmentalists talking about how we're destroying the planet
  • GreenPeacers complaining about whaling and the destruction of the seas
  • Vegans about people klling animals for food and clothing
  • every other group which you are not a part of and do not sympathize

But alright... maybe there's something different about BLM that justifies this special treatment that I'm not seeing in the article you cited which seems to be blaming the government of the UK and dead racist White guys like Charles Darwin, not the average White UK male.

There is not a widespread movement to constantly shame and chastise any of these groups and its not generally socially acceptable to deride any of these groups. To quote a BLM supporter, "It's open season on killing cops and crackers." The Marxist media by and large avoids dealing with the torrent of such speech unless they are actually publishing it, while moving the goal posts to include saying things like 'I think we are all equal' and 'we live in a melting pot' to come under the umbrella of white supremacy. The mainstream grievance industry has made the realm of white supremacy so wide that anything can be classed as such and even Hispanic police officers shooting black males is an act of white supremacy.

There is something very different about BLM, as opposed to other prominent identitarian groups, its membership has been very vocal in its call for violence and executions. Leaders have openly advocated killing, putting it beyond the realm of some of the worst white supremacist groups.


The article I linked to stated that the UK is racist, a blanket statement that does not hold up to scrutiny. She goes onto make a number of completely false statements painting the UK the to progenitor of racism, while suggesting the rest of the world is innocent and a victim of white supremacy.


Some empirical evidence:


The author of this article is of Indonesian extraction. The World Values Survey found that 30.7% of Indonesians do not want to live next door to a person of another race, compared with just 4.8% in the UK, the lowest of all countries surveyed. The survey found that racism is prevalent in black and Asian countries, but rare in Western Europe, the Anglopshere and the Latino world.


The UK doesn't have laws to discriminate on race, but has programs for 'positive' discrimination; the US more so. Compared to Indonesia where non-Mulsims have been forced to wear visible identification and at least 500,000 Chinese have been murdered in living memory. Yet every day I can wake up and find a new article saying 'The UK is racist', 'America is a white supremacist nation', 'I can't wait until white people die out so we can have a revolution in the countries they built slaves built', 'If you are white you are racist no matter what', 'Why white people will always be racist'...


If you can present evidence for any of the groups issues you mention, I will accept them. I am aware men are more violent and there is a problem with rape. I don't pidgeon-hole all men as violent or all women as the minority of hateful female supremacists.


Like Stefan, my main concern right now is the continuation of Western civilization (which includes Korea, Japan ...) that has allowed wide freedom of expression and lifestyle choices. I don't really care if an obese feminist feels socially awkward because of her weight or any of the piddly little issues that are the best the grievance industry can come up with.

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No, that's your justification in posting this. That's not your purpose in posting this. Why did you post the videos with nothing more than the comment "Black Lives Matter... until they don't?"  


I get it. Blacks should stop calling attention to the police brutality against them and how they are treated differently by society until after they've addressed and solved the black-on-black violence, higher incidence of criminal activity, poverty, and illegitimate parenting (why are children considered illegitimate due to the actions of their parents?), gang shootings in the US and UK, and police brutality in Africa and other predominantly Black run countries.


What did the two videos from the original post, or the comment about them actually have to say about these problems you are mentioning and how to address them?  I see these responses a lot, something like "it's completely justifiable to be critical of BLM because (crime statistics and other facts about the majority of Black people and minorities who also happen to be poor, underemployed, and coming from single-parent households). Anyone complaining about this criticism is being completely irrational because (legitimate issues never brought up or mentioned in original post, but only used to justify original post after being called out for making or defending original post)".


Are these truly concerns that you have, or merely defensive justification for the original post? If they're truly concerns, why were they not mentioned in response to the original post, but only in response to criticism of the original post?

Sorry I'm not sure what you mean.  I don't know what there is to defend or justify.  The OP was simply pointing out things happening in the world that we don't hear about because of selective media bias.  This is a criticism of BLM, because they present a supposedly Universal moral argument - "black people are being unjustly harmed and no one's doing anything about it", but they only bring it up when it's a white cop, and usually the media omits key details, or even fabricates narratives as in the case of Mike Brown.  And the hatred and resentment they stoke only leads to more harm being done, as we're seeing in Milwaukee.  Meanwhile, the key members of BLM are making a lot of money, including Shaun King who is pretending to be black and steals money from charities, they are getting a lot of press, and moving their way into proximity to political power.  But they're not actually helping anyone.


  You and many other people try to attack those of us who make this point, by saying we're "blaming all black people" which is a collectivist nonsensical argument.  That's why I called you out.  So I don't really understand what you're criticizing me about.

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Wow - have you guys seen the videos from last night in Milwaukee?

I'd feel safer living in Liberia; and statistically that is justified:


Homicides per 100,000 in Milwaukee: ~15 (source)

Homicides per 100,000 in Liberia: 3.3 (source)


The perp's father has been pretty open on his status as a role model to his son:




Everyone playing their part in this city, blaming the white guy or whatever, and we know what they’re doing. Like, already I feel like they should have never OK’d guns in Wisconsin. They already know what our black youth was doing anyway. These young kids gotta realize this is all a game with them. Like they’re playing Monopoly. You young kids falling into their world, what they want you to do. Everything you do is programmed. I had to blame myself for a lot of things too because your hero is your dad and I played a very big part in my family’s role model for them. Being on the street, doing things of the street life: Entertaining, drug dealing and pimping and they’re looking at their dad like ‘he’s doing all these things.’ I got out of jail two months ago, but I’ve been going back and forth in jail and they see those things so I’d like to apologize to my kids because this is the role model they look up to. When they see the wrong role model, this is what you get. They got us killing each other and when they even OK’d them pistols and they OK’d a reason to kill us too. Now somebody got killed reaching for his wallet, but now they can say he got a gun on him and they reached for it. And that’s justifiable. When we allowed them to say guns is good and it’s legal, we can bear arms. This is not the wild, wild west y’all.



Rumors are circulating the officer in question is black.

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I'd feel safer living in Liberia; and statistically that is justified:

Homicides per 100,000 in Milwaukee: ~15 (source)

Homicides per 100,000 in Liberia: 3.3 (source)

The perp's father has been pretty open on his status as a role model to his son:





Rumors are circulating the officer in question is black.

It says the police chief said he was, is there a reason to doubt him?
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You need to find a sense of humor somewhere before you call sarcasm abusive and destructive.

So you're suggesting I was meant to find something funny about the original post? Furthermore, you need to hone your sense of empathy before you dismiss sarcasm as not being abusive and destructive.


So you do think cops are racist.

I've never said that all cops are racist. I've never even said that most cops are racist, even though such appears to be the case in a few smaller police departments. So you think no cops are racist? 


Well, your propaganda and emotional response levels are going off the charts, so I'm just going to let you do your little defense of the BLM movement while Milwaukee burns while it is being looted by the people who didn't do nothing.

Now you're engaging in hyperbole. Do you honestly believe that I am defending the actions of the rioters in Milwaukee, Ferguson, and elsewhere? Do you honestly think I'm defending the actions of the Murderer(s?) responsible for the deaths of the policemen in Dallas, New York, and elsewhere? Given your comments, I truly suspect you believe I am or would. Your comments further cause me to wonder whether you would think it fair of people to suppose as a result of your own comments that you must be in favor of police brutality and the unnecessary escalation of violence against minorities, especially young Black men. If you don't think such an assessment would be fair, then perhaps you should consider whether you're applying a double-standard of behavior, one to yourself and a different standard to everyone else critical of your beliefs or position on this matter.


Why the straw man argument?  Why not just ask what he meant by it?

Why the sarcasm? Why not simply state that one finds those claiming "Black Lives Matter" to be hypocritical in light of the rampant violence and murder committed by the Black community on itself indicating that to all too many members of the Black community, Black lives and the lives of others don't matter to them any more than they do to any others.?

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There is not a widespread movement to constantly shame and chastise any of these groups and it's not generally socially acceptable to deride any of these groups. To quote a BLM supporter, "It's open season on killing cops and crackers." The Marxist media by and large avoids dealing with the torrent of such speech unless they are actually publishing it, while moving the goal posts to include saying things like 'I think we are all equal' and 'we live in a melting pot' to come under the umbrella of white supremacy. The mainstream grievance industry has made the realm of white supremacy so wide that anything can be classed as such and even Hispanic police officers shooting black males is an act of white supremacy.

I'm really not understanding what you're suggesting here. What it SOUNDS like is that you're being critical of BLM because there's a widespread movement to constantly shame and chastise it, and it's generally socially acceptable to do so. But I really think I must be misunderstanding what you're attempting to say. Furthermore, I'm certain I could find Trump supporters and "Blue Lives Matter" supporters who would say, "it's open season on killing N******s." Such individuals are certainly not representative of all Trump supporters by a long shot, and yet you're only citing the worst examples of BLM supporters and suggesting they are representative of the whole. You're not making any reference to other BLM supporters who are decrying the violence, decrying the senseless rioting, and condemning the murders of policemen. As to what your marxist media is saying about equality and living in a melting pot being racist, that sounds more like an indictment of the media.


There is something very different about BLM, as opposed to other prominent identitarian groups, its membership has been very vocal in its call for violence and executions. Leaders have openly advocated killing, putting it beyond the realm of some of the worst white supremacist groups.

Again, you're suggesting a violent, vocal minority as representative of the whole.  If I were to do the same with those supporting Trump or the Police, you'd be crying foul. Can't you see you're applying a double-standard? Yes there are those who have been very vocal in calling for violence and even executions; but to suggest this puts them beyond the realm of some of the worst white supremacist groups is to be willfully forgetful of all the cries on the part of so many White Supremacist radicals to assassinate Barrack Obama and murder his entire family, to murder Black leaders and to exterminate Blacks as a race.  Again, such are not by any means representative of most Trump supporters or Conservatives in general. They're not even representative of most White Supremacists, and it would be improper and inaccurate to represent them as such; and yet that is what you're doing with the violent vocal minority of BLM supporters.


The article I linked to stated that the UK is racist, a blanket statement that does not hold up to scrutiny. She goes onto make a number of completely false statements painting the UK the to progenitor of racism, while suggesting the rest of the world is innocent and a victim of white supremacy.

I read the article. It said that some of the government policies and people in the UK are racist. Furthermore, I found no "completely false statements" in the article about the UK's role in promoting racism, nor did I see the article painting the rest of the world as completely innocent victims of white supremacy. Rather, I saw the article pointing out the UK's historical role in promoting racism, especially in connection with slavery. Which is not to say that we should ignore it's tremendous contributions in moving to end slavery.


Some empirical evidence:


The author of this article is of Indonesian extraction. The World Values Survey found that 30.7% of Indonesians do not want to live next door to a person of another race, compared with just 4.8% in the UK, the lowest of all countries surveyed. The survey found that racism is prevalent in black and Asian countries, but rare in Western Europe, the Anglopshere and the Latino world.

All the more reason why the UK shouldn't find it problematic in eliminating any remaining racial prejudices that might yet remain in its governmental policies. Again, it sounds to me like you're taking criticism directed at the UK government policies and social programs quite personally. If an honest and dispassionate evaluation demonstrates the criticisms are wholly without merit, such an article should hardly give rise to feelings of anger or frustration; rather, such an article should give rise to sober reflection, analysis and then a dispassionate acknowledgement of the past and a refutation of the present situation as the evidence warrants such a refutation.


The UK doesn't have laws to discriminate on race, but has programs for 'positive' discrimination; the US more so. Compared to Indonesia where non-Mulsims have been forced to wear visible identification and at least 500,000 Chinese have been murdered in living memory. Yet every day I can wake up and find a new article saying 'The UK is racist', 'America is a white supremacist nation', 'I can't wait until white people die out so we can have a revolution in the countries they built slaves built', 'If you are white you are racist no matter what', 'Why white people will always be racist'...

i agree with you that many other countries are much worse than the UK and America... in fact one would be hard pressed to find many (if any) countries that are better. than these. But that fact should not excuse us from being slack in addressing any remaining inequities which yet exist (of which I am personally aware of a few in the lives of my own friends, family, and acquaintances).


If you can present evidence for any of the groups issues you mention, I will accept them. I am aware men are more violent and there is a problem with rape. I don't pidgeon-hole all men as violent or all women as the minority of hateful female supremacists.

My point about mentioning the aforementioned groups was that it seems that you are particularly selective and defensive in criticizing BLM while not being critical of these other groups which are engaging in similar, occasionally extreme, irrational, and unfair criticism and hypocrisy.


Like Stefan, my main concern right now is the continuation of Western civilization (which includes Korea, Japan ...) that has allowed wide freedom of expression and lifestyle choices. I don't really care if an obese feminist feels socially awkward because of her weight or any of the piddly little issues that are the best the grievance industry can come up with.

I do not consider the continuation of Western Civilization to be threatened by groups like BLM, especially if their very real and legitimate concerns are actually addressed - concerns which, incidentally, extend across racial lines or boundaries, such as the militarization of our police forces and the  marked increase in police violence, brutality, and escalation in the use of force against civilians who are not a threat without facing accountability for such actions.

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I'm really not understanding what you're suggesting here.


To paint a broader picture, in the US and the UK, it is more socially permissible to attack and deride whites and men, than blacks and women. This require a whole book to lay out, but as an example you have Ice Cube whose long history of racism and mocking of whites as inferior to blacks includes his song feat. genocidal black-supremacist, Khalid Muhammad, Cave B*tch, in which they promote the notion that white people being created as race of devils by a black scientist in pre-history. Add that to his murderous-rape and misogyny, which has been OK'd by feminists, because Cube says he is not sexist. Yet he is now being painted as a human rights icon and this has had no negative effect on his career, even going on to lead children's films. Yet if you are white all you have to do is say you are against mass-immigration and you're career is at risk and you are called a racist.


I don't think you can say there is an equivalent group to BLM for whites in terms of its mainstreaming and social acceptability. All of the white supremacists groups are underground and obscure.


And there is no equivalent to the daily stream of articles like:


Of course all white people are racist

Barbecue is an American tradition – of enslaved Africans and Native Americans

You might not think you're sexist – until you take a look at your bookshelf

Stupid White People (Michael Moore book)

29 Stupid Things White People Do

We’re all racist. But racism by white people matters more

Why white people aren’t as cool as black people

Only white people can be racist


In academia you have those calling for whites to commit suicide because they are racist. I could continue ad finitum...


All in the mainstream, endorsed by Obama, Sharpton, Jackson etc., all published as social justice, progressive and so on. There is no equivalent to this in the mainstream for white supremacism. White supremacism is underground and socially unacceptable.


Are you totally oblivious to the new culture of everything is racist, everything is sexist? But only if your're a white male. And I know this is a minority, probably in the single digits, at least with some form of coherency. But it dominates in much of the Marxist media. If you look in the comments, even a majority there are against the tripe.


If you want to come back with 'this is just some people'. I'm not arguing that it is all people of a group. It is that there is a double standard on what is socially acceptable to say about whites, men and other groups.




Again, you're suggesting a violent, vocal minority as representative of the whole.


I said there is something different about BLM, as above.




I found no "completely false statements" in the article about the UK's role in promoting racism.

There were several, such as the assertion that Darwinism was used by Britain to spread slavery, yet Britain had abolished slavery. Then eugenics was used to push British slavery, even though by that time Britain had ended slavery in about a quarter of the world.


As for Britain's role in promoting racism, as someone who works in history (free market, not academic), you will be hard pushed to find much evidence of British state racism. What there was, was among some people, as you allude to. Britain has the best track-record in when it comes racial relations, 1600-present. That people don't know this is part of the great white-washing. A lot of my ancestry is not European. An ancestor who was not European died in London in the 1690s. He was highly respected by the British and had his estate processed by the Church of England. Other ancestors who were not European worked in the British empire as lawyers and government officials. They married Indians, they married Chinese, they married other Europeans, they married Jews. This was actively encouraged by the Empire. This at a time when most of the rest of the world were enslaving each other, waging totalitarian conquests. My grandmother, who was largely not European loved the empire, loved Britain, loved Churchill and loved Thatcher. I'm just sad I did not realise the cultural implications of those characteristics from a non-European woman, born a few miles from Afghanistan in 1921, when she was alive. There were no problems for her with life in Britain, which is a very different story than that of my persecuted, mixed-race, religious minority relatives that live in Pakistan.


You'll be hard pushed to find any country with a better record of any human rights at any time since 1600. Yet the dominate narrative in the culture right now is Britain = racism; America = slavery.




you are particularly selective and defensive in criticizing BLM while not being critical of these other groups which are engaging in similar, occasionally extreme, irrational, and unfair criticism and hypocrisy.


I am because I think they deserve it based on the evidence.





I do not consider the continuation of Western Civilization to be threatened by groups like BLM, especially if their very real and legitimate concerns are actually addressed - concerns which, incidentally, extend across racial lines or boundaries, such as the militarization of our police forces and the  marked increase in police violence, brutality, and escalation in the use of force against civilians who are not a threat without facing accountability for such actions.


The continuation of Western civilisation was not in reference to BLM specifically. I don't think they are likely to threaten it on their own, but they are part of the erosion in confidence of The West, which is going to be replaced by what? Immutable sharia law? Safe spaces? Pan-Africanism? Globalism? This system has given them more freedom of expression and lifestyle choices than any other system that has probably ever existed, yet they seem to think the exact opposite.


As for police brutality. I would agree that this goes on, but to use your own logic, there will always be a minority that causes trouble. The US is a violent country. You have four cities in the top 100 most deadly in the world. What is the acceptable margin of error and compromise? According to The Guardian there have been 88 unarmed people killed by the police this year. Someone posted in the comments there today that the officer who killed Mr. Smith in Milwaukee should have waited for him to fire first. BLM are saying the killing was unacceptable.

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