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Is It Worth Defending?

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Is Western Civilization worth defending?


Right off the bat I will mention I am 18 years old, I have minimal family relations, no prospects on marriage or future children. I lived "multiculturalism" since the day I was born, raised to believe anything White or Western is evil and oppressive, and even for a while was groomed to be a leader in the Leftist movement. Only recently (since around 2014) was I "red-pilled" and started realizing that there is such a thing as American culture and American nationality. Until then I was firmly convinced America was a failed experiment and a hodge-podge of incompatible culture, and that was only curable through a totalitarian Communist "paradise". Eventually I grew out of my Socialist/liberal days and became more aware of the nation-state and the value of culture. As of about 7 months ago I've been watching Stef and became a lover of the Free Market, but now I have to wonder; is the West worth defending? 


I know that because of my age, I have little investment in the future. If I had children I know I'd have a somewhat different tone. However, I also wonder why I should bother starting a family in the first place if the West is doomed to begin with.


I grew up never feeling one with my country, and in fact raised to be its antithesis. I now realize that I was being brainwashed by the leftist narrative but I do have to wonder if it is not simply a result of the West failing to perpetuate itself and its cucking, just simply the result of inherently inferior White people. All things must end, perhaps we Whites have simply outlived our time on Earth and are doomed to die. If that is the case, why should I care about Western Civilization? Or more precisely, why should I continue to care? I cannot deny there is a very strong fundamental part of my being that really aches in despair as the days go on, but I really just want to cut that part out of me and let the world burn on its own.

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Your post drips with despair. For serious. I think that despair is a healthy, natural emotion that has a time and a place. That time and place is forever and always "probably not right now." Your perception of the world has strongly been colored by your past experiences and interactions with others. In their world, trying to be rational is a damning thing, but they absolutely live in a fantasy.


Is it worth defending? Well, Western Civilization doesn't really exist. But, from the West has come democracy, capitalism, logic, and all of those other great and wonderful and truthful things. The attempt to eradicate Western culture and civilization is really an attempt to eradicate rational thought. I think that a degree of dissatisfaction with the world is appropriate and healthy, but if it is strong enough that it prevents you from living your life, then it is dysfunctional and needs to be explored and resolved.


Despair is such a ridiculously difficult emotion to resolve. I strongly recommend working with a therapist on this, if that's something your interested in. Personally, I wasn't able to resolve some of my own despair until I received aid in a therapist to sort it out.

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Your post drips with despair. For serious. I think that despair is a healthy, natural emotion that has a time and a place. That time and place is forever and always "probably not right now." Your perception of the world has strongly been colored by your past experiences and interactions with others. In their world, trying to be rational is a damning thing, but they absolutely live in a fantasy.


Is it worth defending? Well, Western Civilization doesn't really exist. But, from the West has come democracy, capitalism, logic, and all of those other great and wonderful and truthful things. The attempt to eradicate Western culture and civilization is really an attempt to eradicate rational thought. I think that a degree of dissatisfaction with the world is appropriate and healthy, but if it is strong enough that it prevents you from living your life, then it is dysfunctional and needs to be explored and resolved.


Despair is such a ridiculously difficult emotion to resolve. I strongly recommend working with a therapist on this, if that's something your interested in. Personally, I wasn't able to resolve some of my own despair until I received aid in a therapist to sort it out.



I would definitely say you hit the nail on the head. I was certainly not in a great mood when I originally typed this, but it is definitely a question I've been mulling over on and off, both with a therapist (given the hectic present I would not be surprised if a significant percentage of my age range is subscribed to some sort of therapy) and alone. 


My answer is usually something like: Yes, but I must recognize who is "Western" (i.e. who shares my values--although democracy is not one of them, for reasons I'll probably hit on in an appropriate topic), versus who is not. For example, while all Whites are European, not all Whites are "Western" in the sense they are able to receive new information that they can adjust to, and/or belief in some kind of free market minarchist system, etc. Therefore the question becomes: Who would fit the definition of "Western"? I think after spending a while mulling it over and hearing Stefan talk about it on and off, I've gotten pretty good at telling those who are self-aware and willing to look forward from the here-and-now devil-may-care types. 


On the other hand, it is frustrating how limited my impact is on society. While my ability to impact current events is not guaranteed to be limited, it is tough determining what is the best course for we individuals who struggle internally with our external environment.


A good Christian quote goes something like: "God, give me the power to change that which I can affect, the ability to accept that which I cannot affect, and the knowledge to tell the difference". Not an exact quote but I think the meaning is clear. Also, I think it was recently when Stef interviewed one Scott Adams (?) who mentioned that while it is hard to shoot the goals we aim for, we can easily work towards making ourselves as capable of seizing upon opportunities as they come rather than ignore them in favor of one single goal.


Also, and perhaps most important to us all personally, the foundation of all nations is the family. While we can most often not affect elder relatives, we can determine who we marry and raise kids with, and by being good parents, teaching our kids philosophy and negotiation, as well as self-defense, we can re-shape at least our own slices of Earth and give them the tools needed to capitalize on situations as they come.

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I would definitely say you hit the nail on the head. I was certainly not in a great mood when I originally typed this, but it is definitely a question I've been mulling over on and off, both with a therapist (given the hectic present I would not be surprised if a significant percentage of my age range is subscribed to some sort of therapy) and alone. 


My answer is usually something like: Yes, but I must recognize who is "Western" (i.e. who shares my values--although democracy is not one of them, for reasons I'll probably hit on in an appropriate topic), versus who is not. For example, while all Whites are European, not all Whites are "Western" in the sense they are able to receive new information that they can adjust to, and/or belief in some kind of free market minarchist system, etc. Therefore the question becomes: Who would fit the definition of "Western"? I think after spending a while mulling it over and hearing Stefan talk about it on and off, I've gotten pretty good at telling those who are self-aware and willing to look forward from the here-and-now devil-may-care types. 


On the other hand, it is frustrating how limited my impact is on society. While my ability to impact current events is not guaranteed to be limited, it is tough determining what is the best course for we individuals who struggle internally with our external environment.


A good Christian quote goes something like: "God, give me the power to change that which I can affect, the ability to accept that which I cannot affect, and the knowledge to tell the difference". Not an exact quote but I think the meaning is clear. Also, I think it was recently when Stef interviewed one Scott Adams (?) who mentioned that while it is hard to shoot the goals we aim for, we can easily work towards making ourselves as capable of seizing upon opportunities as they come rather than ignore them in favor of one single goal.


Also, and perhaps most important to us all personally, the foundation of all nations is the family. While we can most often not affect elder relatives, we can determine who we marry and raise kids with, and by being good parents, teaching our kids philosophy and negotiation, as well as self-defense, we can re-shape at least our own slices of Earth and give them the tools needed to capitalize on situations as they come.


Since society doesn't really exist, we would be looking at our impact that we have on other individuals. Some people are more open to rationality than others, but fundamentally we cannot change other people, the best that we can do is help others to change themselves.


I don't have children, but I do believe that I have had a tremendous influence on the children that I have encountered. I taught English for four years, and during one of those years I was in Vietnam and was dedicating most of my teaching hours to a single eight year old boy. I intervened a few times and offered him healthier alternatives to what the common culture dictates in Vietnam. Also, I have been going to a nearby park to exercise, and with it being summer, there have been a lot of children around. I have made friends with someone of them, and offered what I can when I can. I am one of the few adults who regularly plays with the kids, and the only adult who refrains from punishment.


It is easy to despair when we focus on the end goal. I try to focus on the process, on the journey. For example, when I exercise, I have reached the point where my beginner gains has slowed. I do bodyweight exercises, and so it is much more difficult to track progress than if I were using free weights. My pull-ups have been stalled at 4-4-4 for awhile now. I used to be able to easily do 10 or more in a single set--but I was also ~30 lbs lighter back then. I have felt discouraged over my lack of apparent progress, but I focus on doing the best pull-ups that I can do. I focus on exercising regularly. I focus on maintaining proper form, improving it, or preparing myself for another set of exercises. My numbers might not be increasing, but what really matters is that I am doing it, I am putting in my effort, and I am doing it as well as I can. Food for thought.

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Since society doesn't really exist, we would be looking at our impact that we have on other individuals. Some people are more open to rationality than others, but fundamentally we cannot change other people, the best that we can do is help others to change themselves.


I don't have children, but I do believe that I have had a tremendous influence on the children that I have encountered. I taught English for four years, and during one of those years I was in Vietnam and was dedicating most of my teaching hours to a single eight year old boy. I intervened a few times and offered him healthier alternatives to what the common culture dictates in Vietnam. Also, I have been going to a nearby park to exercise, and with it being summer, there have been a lot of children around. I have made friends with someone of them, and offered what I can when I can. I am one of the few adults who regularly plays with the kids, and the only adult who refrains from punishment.


It is easy to despair when we focus on the end goal. I try to focus on the process, on the journey. For example, when I exercise, I have reached the point where my beginner gains has slowed. I do bodyweight exercises, and so it is much more difficult to track progress than if I were using free weights. My pull-ups have been stalled at 4-4-4 for awhile now. I used to be able to easily do 10 or more in a single set--but I was also ~30 lbs lighter back then. I have felt discouraged over my lack of apparent progress, but I focus on doing the best pull-ups that I can do. I focus on exercising regularly. I focus on maintaining proper form, improving it, or preparing myself for another set of exercises. My numbers might not be increasing, but what really matters is that I am doing it, I am putting in my effort, and I am doing it as well as I can. Food for thought.




Now and like before, certainly hitting the mark.


Although, while there isn't a "society" (i.e. a collective) that is divorced from individuals, there is a society that is a collection of individuals who happen to be similar enough to be collectively identified (the common similarities being mostly genetic markers and shared history). Off topic: This reminds me of how Stefan proved governments are not things unto themselves but merely people given powers no other people would be allowed to have if there wasn't the superstition that a big government is necessary.


Now you, who from what I can tell of your bio, are about...21-22 years old? Already having taught kids for about 4 years? Certainly impressive, I will certainly endeavor to have achieved even greater merits by the time I'm your age now  :happy:


What is the common culture of Vietnam like for boys? I imagine the type that thinks physical punishments actually works only to discover the blow back of either neebish or overly aggressive youths. But not too different than what is/was the norm in White countries. I'm curious what you did to help him in particular. While most of my multikult youth was mostly arbitrary conflicts, the exception was with a Vietnamese boy I grew up with up until we went to different high schools. Small boy, but very smart. 


As for the use of exercise as a relatable analogy, I can certainly empathize.


It seems God (or genetics, or luck. While I am a Roman Catholic I will admit I am open to scientific explanations where possible. Although since God is a no-null-hypothesis in that I could easily say science is the study of God's powers or something to that effect...) had blessed me with the ability to look and be moderately fit with minimal effort. Beyond some occasional boxing practice I've never had to take care of my body to look fit (again I say look because I wouldn't say I'm fit in actuality, just in appearances).


Therefore when you mention a regular exercise regimen I can relate that to my writing, since I've been practicing since I was about 12, and writing my first publishable novel since 2015, I can relate to how since after I've graduated I've spent about 4-5 hours a day regularly writing the next couple chapters of my first book and/or looking ahead and determining what the world in the book's future will be based on past events.   Indeed food for thought, since it doesn't matter if I write say, 10 page's worth of an 11 font (give or take 2-4000 words) per day merely that I make some kind of substantial progress so that I am finished before I'm 19 (i.e., that I have a product to show for my long-term investment in the end) so that from there I can work on publishing. 

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Is Western Civilization worth defending?


Right off the bat I will mention I am 18 years old, I have minimal family relations, no prospects on marriage or future children. I lived "multiculturalism" since the day I was born, raised to believe anything White or Western is evil and oppressive, and even for a while was groomed to be a leader in the Leftist movement. Only recently (since around 2014) was I "red-pilled" and started realizing that there is such a thing as American culture and American nationality. Until then I was firmly convinced America was a failed experiment and a hodge-podge of incompatible culture, and that was only curable through a totalitarian Communist "paradise". Eventually I grew out of my Socialist/liberal days and became more aware of the nation-state and the value of culture. As of about 7 months ago I've been watching Stef and became a lover of the Free Market, but now I have to wonder; is the West worth defending? 


I know that because of my age, I have little investment in the future. If I had children I know I'd have a somewhat different tone. However, I also wonder why I should bother starting a family in the first place if the West is doomed to begin with.


I grew up never feeling one with my country, and in fact raised to be its antithesis. I now realize that I was being brainwashed by the leftist narrative but I do have to wonder if it is not simply a result of the West failing to perpetuate itself and its cucking, just simply the result of inherently inferior White people. All things must end, perhaps we Whites have simply outlived our time on Earth and are doomed to die. If that is the case, why should I care about Western Civilization? Or more precisely, why should I continue to care? I cannot deny there is a very strong fundamental part of my being that really aches in despair as the days go on, but I really just want to cut that part out of me and let the world burn on its own.


Hello Augustus,
The tide moves in, the tide moves out, the tide moves in once more.  European civilisation has been on the ropes before, with the Persians in 480-479 BC, the increasing corruption and inevitable doom of Rome at the time of Christ, Attila in the 5th Century, the Battle of Tours in 732, the Moslem aggression that created the need for the Crusades, the Mongol invasion in the 13th Century, the Black Death of the 14th Century, the English aggression that nearly crushed the first nation-state—France—in the 15th Century, the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire in 1453, the wars of religion of the Reformation, the Siege of Vienna in 1683, the move to crush the anti-oligarchal republican impulse in 1776, and the ideological wars of the 20th Century to defend that impulse. In each case, with the exception of the Black Death, heroes arose to defend the Western promise, whether using the pen or using the sword. Each time the West emerged stronger than before.
Why defend the West? I could say culturally it is the most beautiful flower of history that will be crushed underfoot by the unrighteous. I could say that the Holy Church itself is under siege and without it the very soul of our civilisation will be lost. I could say that without its confident influence the rest of the world and all its good people will burn. But I won't say these things to you, because there's a more important, clear, outstanding reason why you should defend the West: Your own sanity.
If the West falls, you will be nailed into a box. First your national symbols will be rendered suspicious, as the St. George's Cross and the Union Jack and the Confederate Battle Flag have been, so will soon the national flag of the USA. Your language will be pinched, as word after word is stolen or has its meaning revised, so you will have to watch yourself with everything you say. Your television and movie and videogame preferences will be subject to the censor, and eventually those images and sounds that are “too white” will be vandalised digitally to replace white characters with coloured, before those things are banned outright and made contraband to possess. Your music is racist and you will be told to shut it off. If you value the comely faces of young white women, to use the most important example, you will see them absorbed and miscegenated and degraded and erased, and if you dare give any hint that you prefer not to date coloured girls, Heaven help you: you will see your world crack open into an abyss of hate against you. Feminism will turn women against you. History will be altered. The perversity allowable in popular culture will shock you. Your choice of clothing will either be declared “cultural appropriation” or “too white”. Any hope you have of having children of your own will be removed. Beautiful architecture will be chiselled and demolished and replaced with postmodern hideousness and the coloured, tribal grotesque. Statues will be toppled. As Nostradamus said,
Sun twenty of Taurus so strong the earth trembles.
The great theatre full will be ruined,
The air sky and earth obscured and troubled,
When the infidel God and Saints will proceed under sail.
In your box, you will learn to savour the cramp of bent limbs. You will shit yourself and become used to the stink. You will forget what light was. You will babble to yourself and perhaps play an assortment of imaginative videogames to pass the time between bouts of dull and labourious pain. And unpleasant faces with cold, rational voices will remind you forevermore of the crimes of your ancestors for which you must atone.
Humanity is a species of principle, and only the principled man is sane. It is in his self-interest to discover, transmit, and help society assimilate universal principle, by which human civilisation—which is really globally-extended European civilisation or “GEEC”--discovers new resources with which to survive in a hostile Universe. No new principles means we are on a trajectory of death. Right now we exist inside a culture that is actively hostile against principle, viz., the University system, the popular culture, etc.. Being against principle is literally madness. It is clinically insane.
Which pill do you take if you think you're going insane: Blue, or Red?
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Now and like before, certainly hitting the mark.


Although, while there isn't a "society" (i.e. a collective) that is divorced from individuals, there is a society that is a collection of individuals who happen to be similar enough to be collectively identified (the common similarities being mostly genetic markers and shared history). Off topic: This reminds me of how Stefan proved governments are not things unto themselves but merely people given powers no other people would be allowed to have if there wasn't the superstition that a big government is necessary.


Now you, who from what I can tell of your bio, are about...21-22 years old? Already having taught kids for about 4 years? Certainly impressive, I will certainly endeavor to have achieved even greater merits by the time I'm your age now  :happy:


What is the common culture of Vietnam like for boys? I imagine the type that thinks physical punishments actually works only to discover the blow back of either neebish or overly aggressive youths. But not too different than what is/was the norm in White countries. I'm curious what you did to help him in particular. While most of my multikult youth was mostly arbitrary conflicts, the exception was with a Vietnamese boy I grew up with up until we went to different high schools. Small boy, but very smart. 


As for the use of exercise as a relatable analogy, I can certainly empathize.


It seems God (or genetics, or luck. While I am a Roman Catholic I will admit I am open to scientific explanations where possible. Although since God is a no-null-hypothesis in that I could easily say science is the study of God's powers or something to that effect...) had blessed me with the ability to look and be moderately fit with minimal effort. Beyond some occasional boxing practice I've never had to take care of my body to look fit (again I say look because I wouldn't say I'm fit in actuality, just in appearances).


Therefore when you mention a regular exercise regimen I can relate that to my writing, since I've been practicing since I was about 12, and writing my first publishable novel since 2015, I can relate to how since after I've graduated I've spent about 4-5 hours a day regularly writing the next couple chapters of my first book and/or looking ahead and determining what the world in the book's future will be based on past events.   Indeed food for thought, since it doesn't matter if I write say, 10 page's worth of an 11 font (give or take 2-4000 words) per day merely that I make some kind of substantial progress so that I am finished before I'm 19 (i.e., that I have a product to show for my long-term investment in the end) so that from there I can work on publishing. 


I'm nearly 25. Everybody thinks that I look like I'm 16. It's a blessing and a curse.

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Is Western Civilization worth defending?


You need to watch Ramzpaul. Look him up on youtube and his video "The morality of European survival". Personally, I don't think Stef's approach is going to help you through your angst since he's still very universalist and not directed at white people. You need a stronger dose of red pilling.

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I'm nearly 25. Everybody thinks that I look like I'm 16. It's a blessing and a curse.


I mainly guestimated your age based on what your profile said. Still, not a bad list of accomplishments compared to your average 25 year old.  I certainly respect you.

You need to watch Ramzpaul. Look him up on youtube and his video "The morality of European survival". Personally, I don't think Stef's approach is going to help you through your angst since he's still very universalist and not directed at white people. You need a stronger dose of red pilling.


I've heard of him. I'll give him try. Although I wouldn't say Stef doesn't direct much in favor of Whites, though I would rather he directed more. 


I got my red pilling mainly through...well, let's just say when I when from Communist to National Socialist in my ideological years I really mean National Socialist--not a "liberal nationalism where all peoples deserve nations", but rather: "We have been taken advantage of for long enough. The Brown Sky has fallen, long live the White Lion!" in terms of my level of racial awareness.


I like to pursue Stef though because I feel he won't B.S. me or succumb to weak conspiracy theories that be explained away rather easily. 


Believe me when I say I identify as American I really mean "WHITE American", for I honestly don't believe in any other kind of American, and while I am smart enough to realize I cannot simply demonstrate in the streets to purge non-Whites, I am tacitly in support of radical measures.


But again, tamed by the age and wisdom of old men like Stefan Molyneux. I'll give Ramzpaul a chance though since I've seen bits and pieces of him in my Twitter-nazi days.

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I mainly guestimated your age based on what your profile said. Still, not a bad list of accomplishments compared to your average 25 year old.  I certainly respect you.


I've heard of him. I'll give him try. Although I wouldn't say Stef doesn't direct much in favor of Whites, though I would rather he directed more. 


I got my red pilling mainly through...well, let's just say when I when from Communist to National Socialist in my ideological years I really mean National Socialist--not a "liberal nationalism where all peoples deserve nations", but rather: "We have been taken advantage of for long enough. The Brown Sky has fallen, long live the White Lion!" in terms of my level of racial awareness.


I like to pursue Stef though because I feel he won't B.S. me or succumb to weak conspiracy theories that be explained away rather easily. 


Believe me when I say I identify as American I really mean "WHITE American", for I honestly don't believe in any other kind of American, and while I am smart enough to realize I cannot simply demonstrate in the streets to purge non-Whites, I am tacitly in support of radical measures.


But again, tamed by the age and wisdom of old men like Stefan Molyneux. I'll give Ramzpaul a chance though since I've seen bits and pieces of him in my Twitter-nazi days.


Yeah, that whole Stormfront Neo Nazi thing is what Ramzpaul would call Jewish Controlled Opposition as most if not all of the neo nazi propaganda has been funded and promoted by jews themselves in order to have a strawman to fall back on every time someone notices coincidences. I wouldn't say he disagrees that whites are disadvantaged, and that he'd be fine with white advocacy - he's just not a cartoon character. Stefan does appeal to whites, but at the same time still holds libertarian policies where countries have no governments or border control and thinks that the free market will figure everything out. Ramz used to be libertarian, but went through the red pill and "the dark enlightenment" - he gave a speech on that which I also recommend.

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Yeah, that whole Stormfront Neo Nazi thing is what Ramzpaul would call Jewish Controlled Opposition as most if not all of the neo nazi propaganda has been funded and promoted by jews themselves in order to have a strawman to fall back on every time someone notices coincidences. I wouldn't say he disagrees that whites are disadvantaged, and that he'd be fine with white advocacy - he's just not a cartoon character. Stefan does appeal to whites, but at the same time still holds libertarian policies where countries have no governments or border control and thinks that the free market will figure everything out. Ramz used to be libertarian, but went through the red pill and "the dark enlightenment" - he gave a speech on that which I also recommend.


Will do. I'll check him out later so I can broaden my horizons.


Although for Stef, I wouldn't say he doesn't believe in border control, just not in an ideal free society wherein basically economic migrants would have no ability to vampirically live off society, nor would they find a defenseless and neebish population to exploit. At present I know he'd be willing endorse, for example a wall with turrets, to prevent the native American population from being literally displaced by Hispanics.


That being said I would rather have a more clear-cut and direct policy wherein race is not some taboo buzzword. 


As for the Jews, I've come to learn that they're basically just what every other race should aspire to be (in terms of ethnic unity and collective self preservation). I know many and sometimes most Communists were/are Jews, and that Jewish interest groups played a big role in shaping Israel, but I am not so ignorant as to assume they are completely united. For example the Lehi in WWII splintered from the main Jewish guerrillas in Palestine and chose to go with the Axis powers, wanting to be independent of the English-speaking powers. Likewise Muslims and others have their own racially based interest groups. I do not assume there is any long-reaching conspiracy beyond the obvious fact that Jews look out for other Jews, but have different visions of how to build their ethnostate. Another example would be the "Holohoax". While I believe it to be exaggerated, I do not doubt there were racially motivated killings and violence in WWII. While I know Jews heavily influenced Washington, I know FDR was a Socialist himself. Therefore, since many Communists were Jews, it stands to reason that if you ally with one you may also be allying with the other. 


The Free Market I've learned is the source of human wealthy beyond subsistence farming and looting. I tried Stormfront for a  bit but...they're a bit dull when it comes to how a White society would actually have to function. They fear the "Jewish" invention of the Free Market would actually poison the well for the future, when it stands to reason that if a group (in this case, the Jews) is doing well, they must be doing something right. Racial union is held common with nearly every other group, yet Jews alone are on the top. They do have the highest IQ tied with Singaporeans and some estimates of Italians, but they also run their one and only country with a relatively Free Market (although they do seem to be suffering from degeneracy, it is nowhere near as bad as it is in America or the West in general).


As for libertarianism, I do think governments are incompetent as civil and economical managers, but they tend to do well with legal and national defense issues. They can enforce the law and protect the borders. But I'd rather let the Free Market handle everything else, since individual experts do better than groups of laymen. 


Personally, I'd identify as a "National Capitalist" since I believe in both Nationalism and Capitalism, both instruments of moral and economical power. However, I keep myself open to change as it can be hard to determine what is truly the work of the powers that be versus mere reactions by incompetent bureaucrats.  

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Hello Augustus,
The tide moves in, the tide moves out, the tide moves in once more.  European civilisation has been on the ropes before, with the Persians in 480-479 BC, the increasing corruption and inevitable doom of Rome at the time of Christ, Attila in the 5th Century, the Battle of Tours in 732, the Moslem aggression that created the need for the Crusades, the Mongol invasion in the 13th Century, the Black Death of the 14th Century, the English aggression that nearly crushed the first nation-state—France—in the 15th Century, the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire in 1453, the wars of religion of the Reformation, the Siege of Vienna in 1683, the move to crush the anti-oligarchal republican impulse in 1776, and the ideological wars of the 20th Century to defend that impulse. In each case, with the exception of the Black Death, heroes arose to defend the Western promise, whether using the pen or using the sword. Each time the West emerged stronger than before.
Why defend the West? I could say culturally it is the most beautiful flower of history that will be crushed underfoot by the unrighteous. I could say that the Holy Church itself is under siege and without it the very soul of our civilisation will be lost. I could say that without its confident influence the rest of the world and all its good people will burn. But I won't say these things to you, because there's a more important, clear, outstanding reason why you should defend the West: Your own sanity.
If the West falls, you will be nailed into a box. First your national symbols will be rendered suspicious, as the St. George's Cross and the Union Jack and the Confederate Battle Flag have been, so will soon the nation flag of the USA. Your language will be pinched, as word after word is stolen or has its meaning revised, so you will have to watch yourself with everything you say. Your television and movie and videogame preferences will be subject to censor, and eventually those images and sounds that are “too white” will be vandalised digitally to replace white characters with coloured, before those things are banned outright and made contraband to possess. Your music is racist and you will be told to shut it off. If you value the comely faces of young white women, to use the most important example, you will see them absorbed and miscegenated and degraded and erased, and if you dare give any hint that you prefer not to date coloured girls, Heaven help you: you will see your world crack open into an abyss of hate against you. Feminism will turn will turn against you. History will be altered. The perversity allowable in popular culture will shock you. Your choice of clothing will either be declared “cultural appropriation” or “too white”. Any hope you have of having children of your own will be removed. Beautiful architecture will be chiselled and demolished and replaced with postmodern hideousness and the coloured, tribal grotesque. Statues will be toppled. As Nostradamus said,
Sun twenty of Taurus so strong the earth trembles.
The great theatre full will be ruined,
The air sky and earth obscured and troubled,
When the infidel God and Saints will proceed under sail.
In your box, you will learn to savour the cramp of bent limbs. You will shit yourself and become used to the stink. You will forget what light was. You will babble to yourself and perhaps play an assortment of imaginative videogames to pass the time between bouts of dull and labourious pain. And unpleasant faces with cold, rational voices will remind you forevermore of the crimes of your ancestors for which you must atone.
Humanity is a species of principle, and only the principled man is sane. It is in his self-interest to discover, transmit, and help society assimilate universal principle, by which human civilisation—which is really globally-extended European civilisation or “GEEC”--discovers new resources with which to survive in a hostile Universe. No new principles means we are on a trajectory of death. Right now we exist inside a culture that is actively hostile against principle, viz., the University system, the popular culture, etc.. Being against principle is literally madness. It is clinically insane.
Which pill do you take if you think you're going insane: Blue, or Red?




Hello Augustus,
The tide moves in, the tide moves out, the tide moves in once more.  European civilisation has been on the ropes before, with the Persians in 480-479 BC, the increasing corruption and inevitable doom of Rome at the time of Christ, Attila in the 5th Century, the Battle of Tours in 732, the Moslem aggression that created the need for the Crusades, the Mongol invasion in the 13th Century, the Black Death of the 14th Century, the English aggression that nearly crushed the first nation-state—France—in the 15th Century, the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire in 1453, the wars of religion of the Reformation, the Siege of Vienna in 1683, the move to crush the anti-oligarchal republican impulse in 1776, and the ideological wars of the 20th Century to defend that impulse. In each case, with the exception of the Black Death, heroes arose to defend the Western promise, whether using the pen or using the sword. Each time the West emerged stronger than before.
Why defend the West? I could say culturally it is the most beautiful flower of history that will be crushed underfoot by the unrighteous. I could say that the Holy Church itself is under siege and without it the very soul of our civilisation will be lost. I could say that without its confident influence the rest of the world and all its good people will burn. But I won't say these things to you, because there's a more important, clear, outstanding reason why you should defend the West: Your own sanity.
If the West falls, you will be nailed into a box. First your national symbols will be rendered suspicious, as the St. George's Cross and the Union Jack and the Confederate Battle Flag have been, so will soon the nation flag of the USA. Your language will be pinched, as word after word is stolen or has its meaning revised, so you will have to watch yourself with everything you say. Your television and movie and videogame preferences will be subject to censor, and eventually those images and sounds that are “too white” will be vandalised digitally to replace white characters with coloured, before those things are banned outright and made contraband to possess. Your music is racist and you will be told to shut it off. If you value the comely faces of young white women, to use the most important example, you will see them absorbed and miscegenated and degraded and erased, and if you dare give any hint that you prefer not to date coloured girls, Heaven help you: you will see your world crack open into an abyss of hate against you. Feminism will turn will turn against you. History will be altered. The perversity allowable in popular culture will shock you. Your choice of clothing will either be declared “cultural appropriation” or “too white”. Any hope you have of having children of your own will be removed. Beautiful architecture will be chiselled and demolished and replaced with postmodern hideousness and the coloured, tribal grotesque. Statues will be toppled. As Nostradamus said,
Sun twenty of Taurus so strong the earth trembles.
The great theatre full will be ruined,
The air sky and earth obscured and troubled,
When the infidel God and Saints will proceed under sail.
In your box, you will learn to savour the cramp of bent limbs. You will shit yourself and become used to the stink. You will forget what light was. You will babble to yourself and perhaps play an assortment of imaginative videogames to pass the time between bouts of dull and labourious pain. And unpleasant faces with cold, rational voices will remind you forevermore of the crimes of your ancestors for which you must atone.
Humanity is a species of principle, and only the principled man is sane. It is in his self-interest to discover, transmit, and help society assimilate universal principle, by which human civilisation—which is really globally-extended European civilisation or “GEEC”--discovers new resources with which to survive in a hostile Universe. No new principles means we are on a trajectory of death. Right now we exist inside a culture that is actively hostile against principle, viz., the University system, the popular culture, etc.. Being against principle is literally madness. It is clinically insane.
Which pill do you take if you think you're going insane: Blue, or Red?



Spot on. Now this is what every man going through a crisis of faith needs to hear.


I couldn't agree more. Great thing to remember when in a moment of despair.


The White world has been threatened countless of times, and we have our glory days. The great Roman Empire of 0-200AD, the Carolingian Empire that attempted to revive Rome, the Holy Roman Empire, the Catholic Church, the Hungarians and Bulgarians who were on the Danubian front every time Islam dared to rear its ugly deformed head. In peace were are the kindest, most generous, most inventive and accommodating of peoples. In war, we were and must be again the most ruthless and most cut throat in the preservation of our race and culture. 

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If it's worth saving? Of course it is. I know sometimes it feels that there is no hope and it's not possible to open people's eyes soon enough before it will collapse but it's worth it. Western Civilization is the closest best thing you can get these days. You have to ask yourself what is the alternative? I might be wrong but I guess it's a total Leftists lunacy or Muslim invasion and it doesn't even matter which will be first because the final outcome is Muslim Invasion. Call me crazy call me islamophobe it is what it is. I'm not very excited about it. The left will be too weak to defend itself. There actually might be another scenario but it is almost like a conspiracy theory, not so sure if we should go there. You can see what is happening in Europe, it's not difficult to figure out in which direction we are heading. The best thing we can do is to talk with people and vote for people who are willing to clean up this mess. After that we can think in which direction we want to go but for now this is the most important issue. The left is still strong but you can see more and more people speaking their minds, they are waking up. That is why I think it's important to talk with each other and to be honest even though it will mean you might lose some "friends".

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Yeah, that whole Stormfront Neo Nazi thing is what Ramzpaul would call Jewish Controlled Opposition as most if not all of the neo nazi propaganda has been funded and promoted by jews themselves in order to have a strawman to fall back on every time someone notices coincidences. I wouldn't say he disagrees that whites are disadvantaged, and that he'd be fine with white advocacy - he's just not a cartoon character. Stefan does appeal to whites, but at the same time still holds libertarian policies where countries have no governments or border control and thinks that the free market will figure everything out. Ramz used to be libertarian, but went through the red pill and "the dark enlightenment" - he gave a speech on that which I also recommend.


White Nationalism is a corral for anyone who thinks outside the left-liberal narrative on race.  Such people, doubting, may cast about for some kind of organised alternative to said narrative, and if they look even a little they'll find places like Stormfront.  These places are a corral used to conveniently sequester the racially unorthodox, tarring them with the black blood of Auschwitz, the ultimate horror.  So what do they do?  Either get used to being blackened pariahs, or else return to the soothing and companionable orthodox narrative.


Thinkers like Bill Whittle, Frank Raymond, Stefan Molyneux, and even, in their way, Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Ezra Levant, and Milo Yiannopoulous  are chipping away galleries of opposition inside the fearful bark of the enemy.  The more of them, the more we add our voices to their reasonableness, the more people from the White Nationalist corral will take notice and want to participate in this conversation.  Then we will have our own amoeba, that will start engulfing the prejudices of the left and begin osmosing ever greater numbers of fence-sitters into the real orthodoxy of Western civ.

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Now you, who from what I can tell of your bio, are about...21-22 years old? Already having taught kids for about 4 years? Certainly impressive, I will certainly endeavor to have achieved even greater merits by the time I'm your age now  :happy:


What is the common culture of Vietnam like for boys? I imagine the type that thinks physical punishments actually works only to discover the blow back of either neebish or overly aggressive youths. But not too different than what is/was the norm in White countries. I'm curious what you did to help him in particular. While most of my multikult youth was mostly arbitrary conflicts, the exception was with a Vietnamese boy I grew up with up until we went to different high schools. Small boy, but very smart. 


As for the use of exercise as a relatable analogy, I can certainly empathize.


It seems God (or genetics, or luck. While I am a Roman Catholic I will admit I am open to scientific explanations where possible. Although since God is a no-null-hypothesis in that I could easily say science is the study of God's powers or something to that effect...) had blessed me with the ability to look and be moderately fit with minimal effort. Beyond some occasional boxing practice I've never had to take care of my body to look fit (again I say look because I wouldn't say I'm fit in actuality, just in appearances).


Therefore when you mention a regular exercise regimen I can relate that to my writing, since I've been practicing since I was about 12, and writing my first publishable novel since 2015, I can relate to how since after I've graduated I've spent about 4-5 hours a day regularly writing the next couple chapters of my first book and/or looking ahead and determining what the world in the book's future will be based on past events.   Indeed food for thought, since it doesn't matter if I write say, 10 page's worth of an 11 font (give or take 2-4000 words) per day merely that I make some kind of substantial progress so that I am finished before I'm 19 (i.e., that I have a product to show for my long-term investment in the end) so that from there I can work on publishing. 


I ask that you don't try to be like me. Don't try to best my accomplishments. I don't even strive to accomplish grand and glorious things. My main goal is just to be more of myself--who I was supposed to be without all of the trauma and resulting dysfunction inflicted upon me by my parents. As a result, I have done great and wonderful things. At 19, I went to China with $63 in my pocket and thrived. I did not set out to do that, I just did what I thought would be best for me.


Children get hit in public in Asia, and no one bats an eye. I think part of the reason why most Asia countries are still developing nations with a great deal of poverty is because of this rampant abuse. People grow up unable to think, unable to innovate.

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I ask that you don't try to be like me. Don't try to best my accomplishments. I don't even strive to accomplish grand and glorious things. My main goal is just to be more of myself--who I was supposed to be without all of the trauma and resulting dysfunction inflicted upon me by my parents. As a result, I have done great and wonderful things. At 19, I went to China with $63 in my pocket and thrived. I did not set out to do that, I just did what I thought would be best for me.


Children get hit in public in Asia, and no one bats an eye. I think part of the reason why most Asia countries are still developing nations with a great deal of poverty is because of this rampant abuse. People grow up unable to think, unable to innovate.


You do realize the harder your childhood, the more admirable the fact you did things I wouldn't have the courage to do myself. Although I doubt I'd thrive in China (Harro prease? Any wan speak Engrish?!?) I've never left my home city, so I have to admit I'd find transitioning difficult, even if it were from my crappy city to a really nice one. 


Asia's vague. I can easily imagine Vietnam and other states south of China behaving as you describe, but since you mentioned China, I assume you mean China as well? And the people, were they Chinese Chinese or simply other ethnic groups living on Chinese soil? I know the East Asians are hardly so much as a step forward than we are in terms of how we treat our children, but...from what I've been exposed to, beatings are done in private more often than not. However my limited exposure is mainly just Eastern China and Japan. You've actually been in some of these countries so I'll defer to you on that point.


On a more personal level, I think nearly everyone (sadly) has internal challenges they ought to overcome as soon as possible to avoid repeating the bad histories of their ancestors' pasts, and I myself have most definitely been working on my own weaknesses as well as familial-inherited behaviors that wouldn't be...great...to replicate in the future. 


That being said, I plan on being four times your net worth, married, and with children by the time I'm 25. Consider that a challenge.  ;)

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You do realize the harder your childhood, the more admirable the fact you did things I wouldn't have the courage to do myself. Although I doubt I'd thrive in China (Harro prease? Any wan speak Engrish?!?) I've never left my home city, so I have to admit I'd find transitioning difficult, even if it were from my crappy city to a really nice one. 


Asia's vague. I can easily imagine Vietnam and other states south of China behaving as you describe, but since you mentioned China, I assume you mean China as well? And the people, were they Chinese Chinese or simply other ethnic groups living on Chinese soil? I know the East Asians are hardly so much as a step forward than we are in terms of how we treat our children, but...from what I've been exposed to, beatings are done in private more often than not. However my limited exposure is mainly just Eastern China and Japan. You've actually been in some of these countries so I'll defer to you on that point.


On a more personal level, I think nearly everyone (sadly) has internal challenges they ought to overcome as soon as possible to avoid repeating the bad histories of their ancestors' pasts, and I myself have most definitely been working on my own weaknesses as well as familial-inherited behaviors that wouldn't be...great...to replicate in the future. 


That being said, I plan on being four times your net worth, married, and with children by the time I'm 25. Consider that a challenge.  ;)


It was supremely challenging making it in China. That said, I still grew and met most of those challenges.


China and Vietnam are what I am talking about in regards to Asia. I have seen people of other cultures treat their children poorly in those areas as well.


I can appreciate what you are trying to do with these competitive statements, but they are not landing with me. Besides, 25 is still pretty young to have children.

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It was supremely challenging making it in China. That said, I still grew and met most of those challenges.


China and Vietnam are what I am talking about in regards to Asia. I have seen people of other cultures treat their children poorly in those areas as well.


I can appreciate what you are trying to do with these competitive statements, but they are not landing with me. Besides, 25 is still pretty young to have children.


Well, the purpose of competitive statements is motivational. 


As for an age to have children, ideally between 20 and 30 as that is the most fertile time frame. Therefore the best men are able to be stable providers around the age of 25. Waiting until the 30's is waiting for lower quality women more likely to pass on their problems, or waiting to pray upon younger women without the same level of agency as an older woman, or competing for the virtuous virgin with the virtuous though perhaps not as financially stable man. Therefore I aim for mid 20's as an age range for marriage, and within the first 2 years, having the first child child with a second on the way. Otherwise I either have to only have one child who may not be "all there" because mommy and daddy's baby making parts are pushing out the weak stuff, or marry a younger woman who may not be well-equipped emotionally and mentally. Ideally the most productive man gets the most virtuous and fertile woman, however more realistically there will be a compromise. Of course there is the intangible X factor of whether or not the couple match in terms of interests and beliefs, which is pared well with virtue as virtue means consistency in ethics. 


I could go on, but basically I have to be ready to go by my mid 20's. Since my career does not require college, I have an advantage in that I have 6 extra years to devote to work and personal development. 

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