EscapingProgress Posted August 20, 2016 Posted August 20, 2016 The Nuremberg Trials: Theonomy Condemned Excellent article. Many additional resources cited. 1 1
Three Posted August 28, 2016 Posted August 28, 2016 Interesting! David Irving has a neat video on this topic on youtube.
Slavik Posted August 28, 2016 Posted August 28, 2016 There is a small flaw in this assessment. 1) Jews are mostly white 2) Jews are the very first group targeted by just about anyone, and the first who had to flee France when Muslims moved in. 3) The conflation of Ideas of some people with the whole nationality. 4) Completely ignoring Jewish thinkers/economists who even at the time of Marx spoke out against his ideas. 5) How can Israel deny national boarders to anyone? Or are we on a global Jewish control thing? Why are the Jews the only nationality that is mentioned when it is something bad, and completely ignored when its something good? Should we now speak of German in a negative light because Agela Murkel? Or English, because Hillary Clinton or welsh( pperantly she is mixed). Jewish is a nationality, not an ideology. And finally as an Ancap Jew how do I and many others like me, fit in? After all the article names "Jews," as a whole group which includes me.
Thus_Spake_the_Nightspirit Posted September 4, 2016 Posted September 4, 2016 On 8/28/2016 at 7:25 PM, Slavik said: There is a small flaw in this assessment. 1) Jews are mostly white 2) Jews are the very first group targeted by just about anyone, and the first who had to flee France when Muslims moved in. 3) The conflation of Ideas of some people with the whole nationality. 4) Completely ignoring Jewish thinkers/economists who even at the time of Marx spoke out against his ideas. 5) How can Israel deny national boarders to anyone? Or are we on a global Jewish control thing? Why are the Jews the only nationality that is mentioned when it is something bad, and completely ignored when its something good? Should we now speak of German in a negative light because Agela Murkel? Or English, because Hillary Clinton or welsh( pperantly she is mixed). Jewish is a nationality, not an ideology. And finally as an Ancap Jew how do I and many others like me, fit in? After all the article names "Jews," as a whole group which includes me. 1) Jews are not white. They are Semites. Like Arabs. Hence, the term "anti-Semitic". White generally refers to Europeans. The Jews are a desert people. They do like to pretend they are white when it suits their purposes (like Tim Wise) and then magically revert back to being Jewish when that is more convenient. 2) Jews do like to complain about being persecuted. They never stop to ask themselves what it is they do that causes this. It's not a coincidence that they make themselves unwelcome nearly everywhere they go. But if you are a Jew, you have probably grown up with the narrative of how your people have suffered so much, and I have yet to encounter any Jewish education that places any responsibility for the plight of the Jews on themselves. 3) There are some decent Jews, for sure. However, as a group, they tend to support ideologies that are detrimental to their host culture. Just because you don't personally perfectly fit the stereotype of Jews doesn't mean it's inaccurate when applied to the group as a whole. 4) Just because someone speaks out against Marx doesn't mean anything. Plenty of people speak out against Marxism and still have very wrong ideas. 5) Not sure what you are talking about. Jews are not the only nationality mentioned when something bad happened. Whites are constantly being scapegoated for everything from colonialism to racism to micro-aggressons. By all means, speak of the cucked Germans in a negative light. However, Merkel is not German. Her family came from Poland and there is evidence that she has Jewish heritage herself. Hillary Clinton is not Jewish, but she sure is cozy with the Rothschilds, judging from her leaked emails and her daughter did marry a Jew, as did her grandmother. I guess that makes her almost an honorary Jew- she knows which side her bread is buttered on. Now, if you dislike being lumped in with all the Jews who deserve all the negative things that are said about them, then I guess what you can do is be different and speak out against those things. You can't change your lineage, but you don't have to be an apologist for the rest of them. If you like what they are doing, then I guess fitting in won't be a problem for you. If you don't like what they are doing, then I'm not sure why you would want to fit in.
Slavik Posted September 4, 2016 Posted September 4, 2016 On 9/4/2016 at 1:38 PM, Thus_Spake_the_Nightspirit said: 1) Jews are not white. They are Semites. Like Arabs. Hence, the term "anti-Semitic". White generally refers to Europeans. The Jews are a desert people. They do like to pretend they are white when it suits their purposes (like Tim Wise) and then magically revert back to being Jewish when that is more convenient. 2) Jews do like to complain about being persecuted. They never stop to ask themselves what it is they do that causes this. It's not a coincidence that they make themselves unwelcome nearly everywhere they go. But if you are a Jew, you have probably grown up with the narrative of how your people have suffered so much, and I have yet to encounter any Jewish education that places any responsibility for the plight of the Jews on themselves. 3) There are some decent Jews, for sure. However, as a group, they tend to support ideologies that are detrimental to their host culture. Just because you don't personally perfectly fit the stereotype of Jews doesn't mean it's inaccurate when applied to the group as a whole. 4) Just because someone speaks out against Marx doesn't mean anything. Plenty of people speak out against Marxism and still have very wrong ideas. 5) Not sure what you are talking about. Jews are not the only nationality mentioned when something bad happened. Whites are constantly being scapegoated for everything from colonialism to racism to micro-aggressons. By all means, speak of the cucked Germans in a negative light. However, Merkel is not German. Her family came from Poland and there is evidence that she has Jewish heritage herself. Hillary Clinton is not Jewish, but she sure is cozy with the Rothschilds, judging from her leaked emails and her daughter did marry a Jew, as did her grandmother. I guess that makes her almost an honorary Jew- she knows which side her bread is buttered on. Now, if you dislike being lumped in with all the Jews who deserve all the negative things that are said about them, then I guess what you can do is be different and speak out against those things. You can't change your lineage, but you don't have to be an apologist for the rest of them. If you like what they are doing, then I guess fitting in won't be a problem for you. If you don't like what they are doing, then I'm not sure why you would want to fit in. There is no evidence that Merkel is Jewish, you are talking about a typical line where when someone does something bad people quickly try to say that this person is Jewish, this has happened with Lenin (ylianov) and Stalin. One Slovenian another Georgian. In this spirit you are also ignoring the Jews who debunked Marxism at the very same time he presented his ideology. Yet many decided to follow Marxism, yet Jews fault because those in power found it more useful. Ashkenazi Jews are very white, I have no idea how you can possibly even think of disputing it. When it suits us, what does that suppose to mean? In current and many climates being Jewish apparently is the worst thing on earth. When it comes to negative things said about Jews, it comes overwhelmingly from both sides, there isnt even a comparison, whites only now starting to feel what it is like to be Jewish (to be blamed for everything) but thats ok this white bashing is being blamed on Jews yet again. By your logic, you should not try to speak out against white bashing, after all whites have done a lot of bad things in history, so we should agree with BLM and SJWs then. See what you did there, apparently Hillary has no responsibility, it all falls on the nearest Jew. Finally, I am not an apologist for the negative things, however this Jew blaming is beyond logic or reason, to say that the person is Jewish and to attach (therefore) is beyond any logic.
bigbusa Posted September 4, 2016 Posted September 4, 2016 On 9/4/2016 at 1:38 PM, Thus_Spake_the_Nightspirit said: 2) Jews do like to complain about being persecuted. They never stop to ask themselves what it is they do that causes this. It's not a coincidence that they make themselves unwelcome nearly everywhere they go. But if you are a Jew, you have probably grown up with the narrative of how your people have suffered so much, and I have yet to encounter any Jewish education that places any responsibility for the plight of the Jews on themselves. Well, lets step back and look at this through neutral eyes. If Jews do well in society, and I don't see why they wouldn't as they tend to be very intelligent people, then human nature dictates that those with none will desire to take from those with plenty (we are seeing it now in the US with the leftists). So if you are an intelligent Jew, who is successful and wealthy in life, people with none will blame you for their lack of drive, or desire to do better. I have never known a successful Jew who didn't hustle and work hard to become successful. And they do give within their own community. The Torah legislated that Jews give 10 percent of their earnings to the poor every third year (Deuteronomy 26:12), and an additional percentage of their income annually (Leviticus 19:910). Hundreds of years later, after the Temple was destroyed and the annual tithe levied upon each Jew for the support of the priests and Levites was suspended, the Talmud ordered that Jews were to give at least 10 percent of their annual net earnings to tzedaka (Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, "Laws Concerning Gifts for the Poor," 7:5). And I'm Sorry, but Armenians are also hated in the soviet union, Turkey and Azerbaijan. So Armenians should take some responsibility for the Armenian genocide?
A4E Posted September 4, 2016 Posted September 4, 2016 David Cole is a jew I highly, highly respect. He spent lots of time pursuing the truth. Then even other jews attacked him. Then he faked his death because of death threats. Then he made himself a new successful life under another name. Meanwhile someone found out about his past, and everyone ostracized him for sticking with evidence. He could have renounced his past, but now, as before, he has the balls to stick up for where evidence had led him. It is especially interesting because he put evidence before his tribe. 1
Slavik Posted September 4, 2016 Posted September 4, 2016 On 9/4/2016 at 9:41 PM, A4E said: David Cole is a jew I highly, highly respect. He spent lots of time pursuing the truth. Then even other jews attacked him. Then he faked his death because of death threats. Then he made himself a new successful life under another name. Meanwhile someone found out about his past, and everyone ostracized him for sticking with evidence. He could have renounced his past, but now, as before, he has the balls to stick up for where evidence had led him. It is especially interesting because he put evidence before his tribe. By his own logic, then he as a Jew controls the world, since he is Jewish. And by this logic of Jew = bad or all bad that a Jew has done must be attributed to nationality, then we should agree with BLM and SJW since whites indeed have enslaved and done bad things, and now democrats (whites) are doing horrible things to those communities, so following the logic of Jew nationality attributed to all by simple fact of being Jewish, then being white must as well be attributed to all for simple fact of being white, since both are equal descriptors.
Mait Posted September 23, 2016 Posted September 23, 2016 It's high time that the people here (Especially Stefan) know about this exceptional historian named David Irving. The Faking of Adolf Hitler for History The Real Winston Churchill - David Irving David Irving - Smear Campaigns to Stifle Truth in History Saturation Bombing in World War II - who is to blame?
st434u Posted September 27, 2016 Posted September 27, 2016 On 9/4/2016 at 1:38 PM, Thus_Spake_the_Nightspirit said: 1) Jews are not white. They are Semites. Like Arabs. Hence, the term "anti-Semitic". White generally refers to Europeans. The Jews are a desert people. They do like to pretend they are white when it suits their purposes (like Tim Wise) and then magically revert back to being Jewish when that is more convenient. The Ashkenazim and Sephardim are subspecies of two different subspecies of humans known as caucasians, i.e. whites. Mizrahim and Yemenite jews are subspecies of arabs. Please educate yourself. On 9/4/2016 at 1:38 PM, Thus_Spake_the_Nightspirit said: 2) Jews do like to complain about being persecuted. They never stop to ask themselves what it is they do that causes this. It's not a coincidence that they make themselves unwelcome nearly everywhere they go. But if you are a Jew, you have probably grown up with the narrative of how your people have suffered so much, and I have yet to encounter any Jewish education that places any responsibility for the plight of the Jews on themselves. Should you be liable for every crime that other individuals of your race commit, and have committed in the past? No? Oh, so that logic only applies to jews. I see. On 9/4/2016 at 1:38 PM, Thus_Spake_the_Nightspirit said: 4) Just because someone speaks out against Marx doesn't mean anything. Plenty of people speak out against Marxism and still have very wrong ideas. Yeah, like Hitler. Oh wait, he wasn't a jew, so that doesn't condemn those of his race. On 9/4/2016 at 1:38 PM, Thus_Spake_the_Nightspirit said: Whites are constantly being scapegoated for everything from colonialism to racism to micro-aggressons. And yet it's mostly other whites who do this. If you were consistent you would say that whites deserve what they get. But you're not. And in this case, it's good that you're not. On 9/4/2016 at 1:38 PM, Thus_Spake_the_Nightspirit said: Now, if you dislike being lumped in with all the Jews who deserve all the negative things that are said about them, then I guess what you can do is be different and speak out against those things. You can't change your lineage, but you don't have to be an apologist for the rest of them. If you like what they are doing, then I guess fitting in won't be a problem for you. If you don't like what they are doing, then I'm not sure why you would want to fit in. Ashkenazim are the race with the highest average IQs, and also tend to produce some of the highest IQ individuals. Because of this, they occupy much more of the important positions in society than their percentage of the population would dictate. Because the democratic State and everything that it touches becomes corrupted and harmful, the azkenazim are bound to be in charge of much more of the positions that create harm than their percentage of the population would dictate. You won't get rid of this problem by getting rid of the smart people. In fact, it'll only get worse. Simply take a look at other democratic countries where positions of power are held by people of low IQs.
J-William Posted September 27, 2016 Posted September 27, 2016 On 8/20/2016 at 12:27 PM, EscapingProgress said: The Nuremberg Trials: Theonomy Condemned Excellent article. Many additional resources cited. Not entirely specific to the article you posted, but of course they were a farce. They prosecuted Nazis for crimes that the allies committed in similar or greater measures. The allies conduct (even excluding the ussr) was reprehensible in many ways during and after the war. Any pretense of "justice" being served in Nuremberg is really quite laughable. Justice would have included many allied commanders hanging with the nazis.
AnonymousCoward2 Posted September 28, 2016 Posted September 28, 2016 On 9/27/2016 at 11:17 AM, st434u said: And yet it's mostly other whites who do this. If you were consistent you would say that whites deserve what they get. But you're not. And in this case, it's good that you're not. Dude, he actually got a point there. Almost wherever there has been Jewish populations, there have pogroms. So, is it because every other race on earth fears jews because of their superior intellect and übermensch qualities, or because there might be something to it? Having partial jewish heritage myself (no not mummy sid) and having distant relatives dying in the holocaust does not make me blind to see that jews have tended to be an odd one out. White guilt since the holocaust has been pounded into the minds of every white person for the last 50 years and its getting a bit tiresome, why should a German feel guilt for what a guy who happened to share his nationality did to them some 70 years ago? Its just as morally corrupt as all other inherited guilt which has been bore down on white people (or any people for that matter). That said, the whole Zionism-Control-The-World-bullshit is totally filled with crap, its a boyhood fantasy of the secret society ruling behind the shadows. Its like the court of Owls (for those reading Batman) and anybody above the age of 15 believing in it must be disregarded for living in Cloud-Cuckoo-land.
st434u Posted September 29, 2016 Posted September 29, 2016 On 9/28/2016 at 9:58 PM, AnonymousCoward2 said: Almost wherever there has been Jewish populations, there have pogroms. So, is it because every other race on earth fears jews because of their superior intellect and übermensch qualities, or because there might be something to it? Yes, but it's not so much fear, as it is envy. For example, Hitler hated jews because they were over-represented as business owners and capitalists, and Hitler was a socialist who wanted to expropriate the rich, so hating jews was the perfect excuse. On the other hand, there was already a communist party that he had to differentiate himself from (even though his economic ideas differred very little from it), and since many of the leading intellectuals for communist ideals were jews, that was also a perfect excuse for him. Jews are a race (or rather a number of races) but they also hold a religion, and since they don't engage in proselytism, they are bound to be different from everybody else in that regard. So some societies that depended heavily on religion, such as absolute monarchies, have also been hostile to jews partly because they didn't hold the same religion as the masses, and thus were not lending legitimacy to the divine right of kings. In democratic societies, which are always socialist, jews are the perfect target because they tend to be more productive. At least the ashkenazim, which were the predominant jews in Germany and Russia during WWII.
rosencrantz Posted September 29, 2016 Posted September 29, 2016 Quote jews are the perfect target because they tend to be more productive. At least the ashkenazim, which were the predominant jews in Germany and Russia during WWII. Jews are disliked because they don't live the values they preach. They teach extreme invidualism while having a strong in group preference themselves. They call for open borders in the West while building walls around Israel. They claim that normal behaviour is neurotic but wouldn't you know it? Jews are exempt from that. If you think the hate goes only way recall what happened during the Bolshevik terror against Russian and Ukranian farmers. Then look who was responsible for that. The hate for Russia is so engrained in Jews that it remains a stable position even for today's Neocons.
AnonymousCoward2 Posted September 30, 2016 Posted September 30, 2016 On 9/29/2016 at 11:36 AM, st434u said: Yes, but it's not so much fear, as it is envy. For example, Hitler hated jews because they were over-represented as business owners and capitalists, and Hitler was a socialist who wanted to expropriate the rich, so hating jews was the perfect excuse. On the other hand, there was already a communist party that he had to differentiate himself from (even though his economic ideas differred very little from it), and since many of the leading intellectuals for communist ideals were jews, that was also a perfect excuse for him. Jews are a race (or rather a number of races) but they also hold a religion, and since they don't engage in proselytism, they are bound to be different from everybody else in that regard. So some societies that depended heavily on religion, such as absolute monarchies, have also been hostile to jews partly because they didn't hold the same religion as the masses, and thus were not lending legitimacy to the divine right of kings. In democratic societies, which are always socialist, jews are the perfect target because they tend to be more productive. At least the ashkenazim, which were the predominant jews in Germany and Russia during WWII. Well, might just be envy of Jewish success. But at the same time envy a people forced to live in secluded areas, that is disregarded upon for being religiously awkward and arbitrarly pissed upon by ruling elite as they suddenly decided to default on their debt, feels a bit odd. Let alone that many jews in Eastern Europe was not affluent and living in extravagnce, but they were living on side of majority society. On Hitler however, you better do some read-up. Hitler was a revanchist and German nationalist, but first and foremost a pragmatist. He is clearspoken about the major reason for the antisemitistic stand of NSDAP is that antisemitism forms the best basis for garner support for the movement. Again was not a Hitler socialist in any economic sense, it was mere a matter of rhetoric to gains votes from the working class. Nazi economics were more a matter of "whatever sees fit for the good of the race (as defined by the state) is appropriate economic politics", hence emphasis on a welfare state/alliance with big businesses (IG Farben etc...) etc. Quite similar to the post-war Socialdemocratic policies enacted. Is there really any evidence of higher Jewish intelligence outside of New World? Most reasonable would be that the smartest, most affluent etc. were able to leave Europe and escape the nazis, leaving the rest behind. To my knowledge the average IQ in Israel for Ashkenazi is about 103-104, whilst in the US 110-115 e.g.
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