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Is periodic barbarism a natural, healthy and inevitable phase of social history?

Barbarism: normal, healthy and inevitable?  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. Barbarism has always happened and will continue to happen.

    • yes, periodic barbarism is normal
    • no, periodic barbarism is abnormal
  2. 2. Periodic barbarism, like a forest fire, cleanses society of parasitic elements.

    • yes, periodic barbarism is healthy
    • no, periodic barbarism is unhealthy
  3. 3. Periodic barbarism is impossible to stop in practice, though it may be so in theory.

    • yes, periodic barbarism is inevitable in practice
    • no, periodic barbarism is preventable in practice

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I just finished listening to Stefan's lecture on the fall of Rome which enunciates the theory that Rome collapsed due to the internal pressures of bureaucracy, taxation and government oppression. This will be taken as a given fact for purposes of this discussion because I want to move beyond it to seek logical and practical conclusions from this premise, rather than question the premise itself. That said, my question is this: is there any other practical means to deal with the problems that destroyed Western Rome and the modern West than total collapse of the social system such that it can be rebuilt from the ground up?


If not, it seems we should support and encourage the destructive forces which are collapsing the current sociopolitical and economic structures of Western civilization since resistance to these forces simply prolongs the agony of the decline rather than accelerate the painful, but necessary, process of social reform through devastation.


What this means in practice for a person acting on this principal would be that he would actively promote the destruction of culture by means of mass, unregulated immigration. He would actively work towards the destruction of traditional monogamy by means of promiscuity (preferably interracial), polygamy, bestiality, homosexuality, pedophilia, etc.. This person might also join the military, police, or black-op intelligence communities and actively murder noncombatants, brutalize innocent civilians, and orchestrate false-flag terror / psyops all in order to foment social upheaval. Such a person would do these things not out of pleasure but because they are the means to achieving a clean slate of total barbarism from which to build a fresh, young and vigorous social system free from the corruption and failures of its predecessor. 


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