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German government recommends stocking up on water, food etc


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This news came in today:




This is a surprising and unusual development. I wonder why the government recommends stocking up on water, food, medicine etc .

It says that citizens should do this "in case of a catastrophe or terror attack" . Does someone know of a likely impending large-scale event?

It is hard to tell. Nevertheless, this is a highly unusual thing for the german govt to do. Call me negative, but I personally expect a huge event

that will occur during the Munich Oktoberfest timeframe. I don't wish for it, but this is an objective 'golden chance' for the enemies of civilzation to

strike and kill thousands upon thousands. The Oktoberfest is the largest beer festival in the world with millions of guests from all over the world, in the end.


What do you guys think. What could it mean, when a govt decides to issue such recommendations?

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There could be few reasons for that. Maybe they are expecting something to happen (but this unfortunately might cause panic and people will start asking questions - and I think Left is trying to avoid it at all costs, since they are censoring the news on regular basis) or they are conditioning citizens to get used to a new normal which is a constant life in fear of terrorism. Maybe it's something else but I would guess it's the second reason.

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The tinfoil in me is telling me that the same people behind the immigration are the same people behind the terror are the same people behind the government. They can issue recommendations because they know what's going to happen because they are the ones making it happen. It's happening.

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The following might have something to do with the motivation for the study:




The article talks about and shows in a graph how the number of emergency measures for the german power grid (to avoid a large-scale blackout) has risen from a couple per year 10 years ago to over 3000+ in 2014 (even more in 2015+). This is connected with the 'Energiewende', which means turning to sourcing electrical energy from 'renewable sources'. The volatility of the power fed into the old grid is becoming increasingly difficult to manage. The risk is a full-on power grid blackout by a freak accident or targeted attack - civilization would come to a standstill for an unknown period of time. Could be days, weeks or months - depending on the damage. Our modern lifestyle, which close to 100% depends on ubiquitous electricity, has left our civilizations vulnerable like soap bubbles. No electricity means no food or clean water supply, working sanitary installations, medicinical help, communications, transport etc etc. Literally a danger of 10s and 100s of thousands of people starving to death, dying of thirst or succumbing to sickness within weeks or months. This matter is no joke. I recently read a study about the U.S. regarding a full-on power blackout, which (if I remember correctly) concluded that due to the long-term damage done to the grid, up to 90% of the U.S. population would die within a time span of 24 months. That would be up to 270 million people dead by hunger, thirst, sickness and violence due to struggles for survival. That's how deep the dependency upon ubiquitous electricity has become for everyday survival in 'modern' societies. Sounds like a deadly design flaw to me.


Still, it is strange that the Bundestag initiated this study, and it took the group performing the study about 4 years (!) to come up with recommendations and publish them? I don't believe it. It doesn't take that long to work out the details of such civil emergency measures. It just doesn't. There remains a non-negligible chance that the govt has likely indicators for upcoming large-scale events. Blackout, attacks, whatever. Wouldn't be surprised if the govt were to try and use such an occasion to let the Bundeswehr take over everyday policing and more.

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It creates such a fuss, because..


  • Food production is 100% on-demand. Even a little error in the chain -> no food or anything in the densely packed cities within days.
  • Today's german or european cities' are so densely packed that there is no way to store any kind of relevant food or water reserves anywhere. A large number of appartments don't even have a cellar or individual storage area. There is not as much individual room as in the U.S. .
  • There were once state reserve stock houses for emergencies - they were abolished after the cold war ended and Germany was reunified. No public food reserves anywhere. See also this article:   http://www.morgenpost.de/berlin/article208107087/Berliner-muessen-selbst-vorsorgen-Senatsreserve-lange-weg.html
  • In case of a real blackout, most people run out of food or water within 2-3 days. What then - blood and thunder over breadcrumbs?

This "fuss" may seem alien to a U.S. citizen not living in a typical densely packed european area (where the best jobs are) - but this is the situation. It is a potential (and increasingly likely to occur) problem that needs to be addressed quickly.

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Its normal for the government to recommend this. Here is the USA one


Let me take a guess, the government and mainstream media is trying to cause more civil unrest between the Germans and "refugees" to get more attacks and bring in some government policy. It seems in the comments the Germans are already hostile towards the "refugees". 

alright, ima just take off my tin foil hat and keep an eye on this story. I will however, pray for peace.


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I think it's also a little bit different these days than before. More people eat out or but ready to eat meals etc. If you don't cook from the scratch there is no need for keeping your storage full and it's true that the living space might be smaller than in other countries. Not many people have gardens or even some pots with veggies on balconies or in the backyard. No space and no time for that. Unfortunately we are very dependent on government and the stream of provided goods.

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A large number of appartments don't even have a cellar or individual storage area. There is not as much individual room as in the U.S. .


I live in a small appartment, yet I find place for a stock of Weckgläser  :cool: Also, you can store food, drugs, and water for six weeks in an 120 liter box. 

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Its normal for the government to recommend this. Here is the USA one





Let me take a guess, the government and mainstream media is trying to cause more civil unrest between the Germans and "refugees" to get more attacks and bring in some government policy. It seems in the comments the Germans are already hostile towards the "refugees". 


alright, ima just take off my tin foil hat and keep an eye on this story. I will however, pray for peace.




Yes, one would think it is normal for governments to recommend this. But here is the thing: For almost 27 years, there were no recommendations at all to the population to do this. Most people assume there are some state managed food and water reserves for emergencies. Not quite, as it turns out. The 'Senatsreserve' was very quickly reduced to Zero after the Cold War. Responsible governing looks differently. And now, about 1 year after an influx of now over 2 million 'refugees' into Germany, with several 100k unregistered people having vanished into the underground, and an estimated overall influx of several 1000 detonation ready jihadists, this kind of recommendation comes out? Sure, can be a freak coincidence. It better be. Knowing this country for my whole life and the kinds of politicians and governments we had and have, I have come to expect the worst alternative by default. It's life experience. Everyone else comes first, and then the Germans last. That's the kind of country this has become.

I live in a small appartment, yet I find place for a stock of Weckgläser  :cool: Also, you can store food, drugs, and water for six weeks in an 120 liter box. 

Sure you can - if you live alone. It's a typical german lifestyle, for sure. But this 120l box is also a nice reminder for how damn fragile the society we are living in actually is and that this whole facade could break down any minute. I think that a solid civilization is one where there are no reminders of fragility that stare you in the face 24/7/365. Like boxes in a tiny overpriced appartment, or soldiers on the streets (Not yet, to come for sure. Just observe the current political will to bring the Bundeswehr to german streets..).


Best regards

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There is a new info about Czech Republic urging people to "prepare for the worst". I don't know how much true it is. Couldn't find the video were it was mentioned. Apparently Czech tv station CT24 broadcasted it. Could be just a rumor, it's easy to get excited these days :)

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