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"official" organization of a free Society

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Is a non violent nation state possible?

With the advent of the internet bringing cheap and instant communications, would a free society benefit from an 'official' forum or body of organization, to handle basic regulations of basic necessities such as a water and electrical grid (provided privately and non violently)?


More over in pricatical anarchy, a point that is made is that nuclear weapons are a deterrent to invasion, given the awesome destructive capabilities of these weapons how does a free society ensure this deterrent is used responsibly?


Lastly on an individual level social and economic ostracism seem like a great way to handle problems proactivity, however if a critical mass of an "underclass" ( for lack of an accurate word) is reached would not some private organizations cater to this market rendering ostracism ineffective?

If someone could point me to some videos/podcast/books(preferably Audio) I could check out it would be much appreciated

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Is a non violent nation state possible?

With the advent of the internet bringing cheap and instant communications, would a free society benefit from an 'official' forum or body of organization, to handle basic regulations of basic necessities such as a water and electrical grid (provided privately and non violently)?

More over in pricatical anarchy, a point that is made is that nuclear weapons are a deterrent to invasion, given the awesome destructive capabilities of these weapons how does a free society ensure this deterrent is used responsibly?

Lastly on an individual level social and economic ostracism seem like a great way to handle problems proactivity, however if a critical mass of an "underclass" ( for lack of an accurate word) is reached would not some private organizations cater to this market rendering ostracism ineffective? If someone could point me to some videos/podcast/books(preferably Audio) I could check out it would be much appreciated

1) Do you mean something like a Better Business Bureau or Angie's list? Yeah, I don't see why not. I think the insurance companies would have a vested interest in making sure companies are complying with best practices. Also, business leaders won't be shielded by the fictional entity "corporation" and would be held personally liable for any lawsuits - that will significantly effect the adherence to suggested regulations set by the free market.


2) Well you won't be forced to purchase, so what worries would you want alleviated by the nuke company before buying? An entrepreneur wishing to satisfy the desire of protection for a couple hundred million people will need to assuage the fears of a couple hundred million people.


3) I'm not exactly sure what you mean here, but I think I understand it enough to comment. Keep in mind a free society cannot come about until there is a philosophical revolution. What exactly do you mean by underclass and how did they come about in the society of the future? The underclass we have now has been bred by the government's use of force to invert incentives and misallocate resources, the free market does not allow for this sort of gross inflation of bad decisions because it punishes those decisions economically.


Was this helpful? As far as podcasts to listen to, there's a lot and they're all good (in my opinion lol). If you can endure the lack of audio quality from the first few podcasts I would highly recommend them. The quality of content is amazing and they really focus on the arguments and ideas. I really enjoy the debate podcasts as well for this kind of information.

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Everyday Anarchy and Practical Anarchy are great for those issues, and both are available in audiobook.  Basically Everyday Anarchy lays out the arguments on how most of how we interact with each other is anarchical anyways and Practical Anarchy offers some possible solutions to problems that because they are currently done by the government people assume they can only be done by the government.


I'm sorry, I would have suggested those in my first post, but I thought you said you had read them; I think I confused your post with another similar one in the middle of my response.

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