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Do you believe that these transgender men should use female designated restrooms?


Do you believe these transgender men should be forced to use the womens restroom?  

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  1. 1. Do you believe that these transgender men should use female designated restrooms?

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These are transgender men.


(Biologically female, yet have 'transitioned' their bodies, legal documents, & presentation to live out the entirety of their lives as men.)


Do you believe that these transgender men should use female designated restrooms?

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To be honest, transgender people have been using whatever restroom they deem appropriate for a very long time.  Only recently SJWs decided to take on this issue and add yet another layer of government.  Personally I do not much care, one thing should be kept in mind is that Transgender people should have some empathy for others when they choose to use a facility, by this I mean that if a TG who looks like the one you posted is indeed a Male to Female, then they should understand that it is not going to be met with understanding if they want to use a woman's restroom, the opposite  applies as well.

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Only recently SJWs decided to take on this issue and add yet another layer of government.

Actually the real problem is that the Religious Right ensured that laws were in place to make sure that those who use a restroom that is consistent with their public appearance but not their private plumbing may be arrested as sex offenders for doing nothing more than using a public restroom in conformity with the gender they identify with (not for indecent exposure, public lewdness, sexual assault, or any other such reasonably objectionable offense). SJWs sought to correct such laws nationwide.


Personally I do not much care, one thing should be kept in mind is that Transgender people should have some empathy for others when they choose to use a facility, by this I mean that if a TG who looks like the one you posted is indeed a Male to Female, then they should understand that it is not going to be met with understanding if they want to use a woman's restroom, the opposite  applies as well.

In point of fact, it was the lack of empathy for such Transgendered men and women on the part of the intolerant Right which needs to be improved. Most who dress as the sex they identify with have no desire to use the other bathroom for the sex they do not identify with unless there is a ridiculous line for one and not the other; but then the same can be said for non-TG men and women as well in such an instance.

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I agree with the other comments for the most part. I'll only add that if someone who didn't know them couldn't tell they were in the "wrong" bathroom without investigating their genitalia then what difference does it make? Some of those guys look more man than I do lol.

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Either way, it is the person who built the restroom that determines whether or not a person is welcome to use it. Whether or not government is there to pounce on someone who looks like they discriminate, there will always be those who discriminate. That's why we have civil courts to settle these issues.

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"Female designated bathrooms"
Isn't that the real issue, the ambiguity of the designation? Clarify the designation, problem solved. If they have ambiguous designations than they can expect people to interpret the designations however they feel appropriate. Having harsh laws that punish people for not being able to decipher an ambiguous sign is pretty crazy and mean and destroys lives. As for how people designate their own bathrooms, that's their decision.

Are any of those transgender men capable of having a baby? If not, then they're more asexual/non-sexual than male/female. Male/female designations are reproductive designations, which don't apply to people who don't have any capacity for reproduction, technically, though naturally we still call people by sexual labels appropriate to what they were even if they are no longer (in regards older people), as that makes the most sense. For bathrooms if we want to decide which bathroom someone should use we should perhaps start by asking why we bother to separate them to begin with, and thus the reasons for separating the bathrooms can help us answer the question regardless of what sex/gender someone is or considers themselves to be.

Edited by thebeardslastcall
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Actually the real problem is that the Religious Right ensured that laws were in place to make sure that those who use a restroom that is consistent with their public appearance but not their private plumbing may be arrested as sex offenders for doing nothing more than using a public restroom in conformity with the gender they identify with (not for indecent exposure, public lewdness, sexual assault, or any other such reasonably objectionable offense). SJWs sought to correct such laws nationwide.


In point of fact, it was the lack of empathy for such Transgendered men and women on the part of the intolerant Right which needs to be improved. Most who dress as the sex they identify with have no desire to use the other bathroom for the sex they do not identify with unless there is a ridiculous line for one and not the other; but then the same can be said for non-TG men and women as well in such an instance.

And how do you propose to improve this situation?  Correct the laws by imposing their version of morality through state?


And the religious right have the freedom of association.  People can be bigoted as much as they wish.  


And Finally, would you be ok with a Bearded man going to the bathroom with you girl child?  Trust me I have seen bearded men who want to be called by a woman's name and identify as women.  Mind you, that you would not be allowed to go into the woman's restroom, so it would be your little girl with a huge man.  

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if a TG who looks like the one you posted is indeed a Male to Female, then they should understand that it is not going to be met with understanding if they want to use a woman's restroom, the opposite  applies as well.


A trans man would never want to use a woman's restroom.....

Actually the real problem is that the Religious Right ensured that laws were in place to make sure that those who use a restroom that is consistent with their public appearance but not their private plumbing may be arrested as sex offenders for doing nothing more than using a public restroom in conformity with the gender they identify with (not for indecent exposure, public lewdness, sexual assault, or any other such reasonably objectionable offense). SJWs sought to correct such laws nationwide.



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And how do you propose to improve this situation?  Correct the laws by imposing their version of morality through state?


Why not abolish the laws? Leave it up to the owner of the bathroom to decide who is allowed to use it on what grounds.




And Finally, would you be ok with a Bearded man going to the bathroom with you girl child?  Trust me I have seen bearded men who want to be called by a woman's name and identify as women.  Mind you, that you would not be allowed to go into the woman's restroom, so it would be your little girl with a huge man.  


Probably not, but either the child can hold it and wait for the man to leave or you can go in with her, or wait at the entrance. Would your child not yell out if someone came near her in such a private place?

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don't know what "should" means in this context.  Should be a private property issue.  Have to balance safety and comfort of customers, wanting to avoid an "incident", cost/logistics of solo bathrooms vs. large group bathrooms, etc.  Your or my opinion on the matter isn't really very relevant.  I would say though, that given how small a percentage of the population trans people are, I'm not sure how far the market would go towards accommodating them.  Certainly not as much as they are now, as a politically protected class of the left.

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Why not abolish the laws? Leave it up to the owner of the bathroom to decide who is allowed to use it on what grounds.




Probably not, but either the child can hold it and wait for the man to leave or you can go in with her, or wait at the entrance. Would your child not yell out if someone came near her in such a private place?

I never advocated for the state to do anything.





Probably not, but either the child can hold it and wait for the man to leave or you can go in with her, or wait at the entrance. Would your child not yell out if someone came near her in such a private place?

And this goes to my point of saying that TG's need to have empathy when it comes to the rest of us as well, instead of only us empathizing with them, and no I am not advocating for laws to be enacted. 

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And how do you propose to improve this situation?  Correct the laws by imposing their version of morality through state?

Abolish the notion of "public anything" that isn't owned, operated, or subsidized by the state, and allow such owners to regulate their facilities as they deem appropriate. If it is owned/operated/subsidized by the state, make the laws such that only intentional or grossly negligent indecent exposure, lewdness, sexual assault, or any other such reasonably objectionable offense is illegal; no more ridiculously absurd laws where there is no initiation of the use of force involved. 


And the religious right have the freedom of association.  People can be bigoted as much as they wish.

Quite right, and they should be allowed to do exercise their right everywhere except in common public spaces, just like everyone else.


And finally, would you be ok with a Bearded man going to the bathroom with your girl child?  Trust me I have seen bearded men who want to be called by a woman's name and identify as women.

No, nor would I be okay with a bearded lady, or a clean shaven man or lady going to the bathroom with my child, whether my child is male or female. If my child is old enough to use a public bathroom without my presence, then they're old enough to use the stall on their own without an adult going to the bathroom with them.


As to your claim of seeing bearded men who identify as women, such individuals are not the typical transgendered individuals being targeted by these laws, and quite probably require professional intervention for a mental illness or disorder significantly more serious than a gender identity disorder. As such, I would not trust them alone in the bathroom with my son where you seem to be suggesting they belong any more than I would trust them in the bathroom with my daughter.

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I never advocated for the state to do anything.


I inferred that you were saying that was the alternative solution in the statement I quoted.


And this goes to my point of saying that TG's need to have empathy when it comes to the rest of us as well, instead of only us empathizing with them, and no I am not advocating for laws to be enacted. 


I definitely agree here, they should be aware that their appearance and circumstance may be nestling to someone with a small child and have empathy.  If they do not, then they don't deserve anyone else's.  Like f***ing bicyclists man, share the road? I'm all for sharing the road but that's not what they want, they want to take over the road and ride down the middle of the street going ten miles an hour, disobeying all the traffic laws....  Can you tell I drive into the city everyday? Lol.  

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I work in an office with one male and one female restroom. We have one woman and twenty men working in our office, so the men regularly use the women's room because men's room is often occupied. No one cares... at all... not in the least little bit. The only thing our lone female sometimes complains about it when we men don't put the lid back down. And the rift between the sexes widens.

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Why on earth would you begin adding options... wouldn't equality mean displacing one of those restrooms for a shared communal bathroom.

This situation is like marriage, speed limits, and so many social constructs in place people do not agree with so they criticize without understanding why they were implemented in the first place.

The reality is that most men are unhygienic disgusting pigs.  Something that has gotten much worse with time as we no longer teach any etiquette or manors while refusing to apply any social pressure to negative behavior.

I travel through many smaller stores for my work.  When I started most of these did not allow the public to use their restrooms, all of them were gross.  Cleaning, repairing and maintaining these have been a real eye opener to how uncivilized our culture has become.  

It's really noticeable when you are in an office next to the only single restroom and maintain it like a bathroom attendant.  Men and women pee all over the place, do not flush or wash their hands, etc, etc.  

My experience with restrooms reminds me of the first programming course I ever took.  I was never top in the class until we came across business ethics and morals, the rest of the class failed that part miserably and just couldn't get the mind around the concepts.

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The reality is that most men are unhygienic disgusting pigs.  



These is some truth to the image below. lol   women get easily disgusted and avoid sitting in bathrooms, so they squat and squirt and leave seats just, if not messier than men.  




This being said, it should be up to the establishment to cater to its clientele.  

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While ISIS is raping and decapitating children the west is worrying about what public bathrooms should transgendered people use.


Transgender people.


Not "transgendered" people...


Transgender is an adjective.

Having once worked for a university, I was told by the staff that would know that women are just as disgusting as men.




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