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Hi my 1st post this.........I came across this abstract today after watching a youtube video by D Ike (like him or not); but the abstract joined so many dots that I found it quote profound.

The Author Kevin Mugur Galalae (a Canadian looking for political asylum) I hope Stefan has come across before- the subject matter is profound an not simply a rip off , off a Dan Brown novel, 1984, Hunger games take your pick. Here is the Short summary. You can find the actual abstract here:






The whole issue of whats going on the world takes on a whole new meaning with the UN at the helm and society basically "self actuating" its own execution.


What do people think?




PS I am actually a Pharmaceutical chemist (30 years exp) and would love to have seen some empirical evidence for his claims but the proposition almost does not need it as the objective transcends multiple layers of the world how we see it.

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