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Dakota Access Pipeline - Why the protests? Is the water threat real


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Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American #nodapl Protesters with Dogs and Pepper Spray - a Democracy Now! Special Report on #StandingRock. More: ow.ly/c9Jc303SkTI


I came across this link a few days ago and I was hoping to get some clearification on what is going on.


From what I know so far, the issue appears to be that an oil company is trying to run an oil pipe line through Native American land.


I see that the media is claiming that the dispute is over clean drinking water that may be affected. I have seem other sources claiming that the dispute is more about constructing over sacret land.


Any thoughts?..

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Hard to figure out what the truth is. The water issue is the fact the pipelines run over some major rivers, and unfortunately pipelines have a tendency to leak.


Some things I've read said none of the pipelines run over the natives land. Who knows what the truth is, we do know whoever has the most money will win though, and unfortunately when you can print it, you win.

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Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American #nodapl Protesters with Dogs and Pepper Spray - a Democracy Now! Special Report on #StandingRock. More: ow.ly/c9Jc303SkTI


I came across this link a few days ago and I was hoping to get some clearification on what is going on.


From what I know so far, the issue appears to be that an oil company is trying to run an oil pipe line through Native American land.


I see that the media is claiming that the dispute is over clean drinking water that may be affected. I have seem other sources claiming that the dispute is more about constructing over sacret land.


Any thoughts?..


As far as I can tell after watching Amy Goodman who seems to be covering this story in some depth, your right it's about local water supplies and native burial grounds which are supposed to be, by law, protected.


The pipelines run very close to them and as Aljernon said, they tend to leak.  There have been several of these leaks covered recently on Democracy Now.


It's going to get worse, the army corp of engineers is now involved, hundreds have been arrested, including Amy Goodman and actress Shailine Woodley but the mainstream media seems to be ignoring it.


Obama recently stated that they may use the army corp of engineers  to move the pipeline away from these areas, but he wanted to wait and see what happened.


In the mean time, drone flights have been banned over the area to stop protestors filming and the police continue to use Pepper Spray, Dogs and Rubber Bullets on protestors.

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