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Looking for a programmer to discuss a business idea


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I am hoping to find an ambitious person to discuss the possibility of starting a company in the future based on an app idea that I have been mulling over. I have the idea, would be willing to invest in the idea, and also have management skills running a business for several years. This would be a part-time project to begin with, but I do want someone who would be committed if the project is started, and want our goal to be thinking big about revenue as well as changing the world for the better.


I do not know how to program. My ideal partner is someone who could  A) First confirm the idea is feasible; B) Be willing to enter into a cooperative relationship after discussions and thinking things through properly about how to approach the project and how to divide company interests based on our investment of either money or time or both; C) Be willing to invest time and effort in helping to design and build the product, in particular being able to program. 


Please leave a message here or shoot me a PM if interested and we can Skype : ) 





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I was in the computer business for over 40 years, most as an independent contractor. I've done it all! I retired about 15 years ago. Here's my advice to save you heartache and money:


Forget programmers for now.

Find a marketer to determine feasibility.

Build a business plan.

Hire or partner with a person with system design skills so that future extensions are seamless.

Then hire a programmer.


I wish you much luck.




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