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Government is Newtonian, i.e, a framework (surroundings) is constructed for you to work within. (How do you bend/add-on to this framework?)


Anarchism is Einsteinian, i.e. your surroundings (framework) are shaped by your existence and actions, and you have been shaped by past events. (Leaves flutter in the wind.)



Let Universities aide in refining reality... And let Libraries be a place for reflection!




Living With the Land is an Emergent and Natural process that All should embellish.



No reply requested, it's a seed (food for thought).





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Newtonian implies a fixed framework which all must adhere to (ideally).


Einstienian implies a flexible framework, one that adapts to its surroundings and is not constructed to 'cage and control' the masses. (The masses shape their surroundings and their actions.)



If one builds from the ground up (without a predetermined outcome) properties emerge which are not linear combinations of the basic building blocks; a new property emerges.


A coercive government is aimed at keeping the masses aligned within their 'Newtonian Cage". Choice is the first step to break out of their cage.



Universities should be a source of truth, and Libraries should make this truth available to all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Living With the Land is an Emergent and Natural process that All should embellish.

Yeah sounds good, I think of the Native Americans killing buffalo for food. Don't get me wrong though money and the Internet are great. Way too many people crammed into cities and not enough local self sufficiency IMO.   

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While the ideas are somewhat interesting, the terms "Newtonian" and "Einstienian" are highly contrived and designed to appeal to the ignorant masses bamboozled by pseudoscience and pop-psychology. 

Contrived? -- http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=contrived


Designed? -- http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=designed


Appeal? -- http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=appeal&rawformassumption=%7B%22C%22,+%22appeal%22%7D+-%3E+%7B%22Word%22%7D


Ignorant? -- http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=ignorant


Bamboozled? -- http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=bamboozled&rawformassumption=%7B%22C%22,+%22bamboozled%22%7D+-%3E+%7B%22Word%22%7D


Pseudoscience? -- http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=Pseudoscience


Pop? -- http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=pop&rawformassumption=%7B%22C%22,+%22pop%22%7D+-%3E+%7B%22Word%22%7D


Popular? -- http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=popular


Psychology? -- http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=psychology



EclecticIdealist, please refine your comment -- for there are too many branch points to address.


Select definitions for words used then re-phrase your comment.


Lets not 'beat-around-the-bush'.



Thank you,




Yeah sounds good, I think of the Native Americans killing buffalo for food. Don't get me wrong though money and the Internet are great. Way too many people crammed into cities and not enough local self sufficiency IMO.   

Your on track RichardY!



De-centralization is key in self-sufficiency -- an event will no longer result in 'tens of thousands' without electricity or water. Damage is localized, those effected will bind together and determine future action.


I believe Stephan mentioned some philosopher that stated 'a city should not harbor more than 100,000 citizens' -- something like that.




I don't think coercive government is Newtonian. It's a choice. 

Hi ProfessionalTeabager,


It's a choice as long as your choice is aligned with their plan.




If government has a plan, they have a structure. And they will place (force?) people within that structure coercively. TSA for air travel? TWIC cards for port workers? If you want to travel or work for a DOT regulated facility you need to comply to their rules.


   Coerce: verb | to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means (http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=coerce)



When government coerces a person to sacrifice personal information to become employed by a private, or public, entity they are exercising undo force. (There trying to find a needle in a haystack by subjecting all to bend to their plan.)


All for now.


Thank you ProfessionalTeabager.



Best regards,



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... the terms "Newtonian" and "Einsteinian" are highly contrived and designed to appeal to the ignorant masses bamboozled by pseudoscience and pop-psychology. 


or put another way, "the terms 'Newtonian' and 'Einsteinian' are terms typically selected and used with the intent of being attractive to the unlearned masses who are commonly hoodwinked by pseudoscience and pseudo-psychological concepts and terminology that are often simplistic or superficial.  I'm suggesting you not use them, that the ideas will either stand or fall on their own without the need to attempt to borrow credibility by comparing them to known physicists.


contrived - obviously planned or forced; artificial


designed - made with purpose or intent


appeal - be attractive to


ignorant  - lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact 


bamboozled - to deceive or get the better of (someone) by trickery, flattery, or the like; humbug; hoodwink (often followed by into)


pseudoscience - an activity resembling science but based on fallacious assumptions


pop psychology - psychological or pseudo-psychological counseling, interpretations, concepts, terminology, etc. often simplistic or superficial, popularized by certain personalities, magazine articles, television shows, advice columns, or the like that influence the general public.

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Newtonian: As far as Government can be seen as a choice it is Hobson's Choice, which is no choice at all. Feels like getting at an idea similar to Platonic forms, Government in itself can be said to not exist, what exists is the "shadow" cast by those who wield power through deception and force. Same way as a perfect triangle might be said to not exist, due to the nature of "gravity" bending matter.


Einsteinian: While Newtonian mathematics might  be used to measure the shadow of what was, the fact that Einsteinian physics can be used to predict  and explain the existence of blackholes? Could be said to be a better description of what is.


Perhaps the consideration instead of "Government or Anarchism" should be ethics or no ethics. Though if someone chooses no ethics it kind of seems to obliterate Aesthetic ideas such as waste, ugliness, health, love, truth and beauty. But hey whatever, go nuts GTA style. :thumbsup: (Not endorsed literally).

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Perhaps the consideration instead of "Government or Anarchism" should be ethics or no ethics.

I assumed you meant that "government" was related to "no ethics" but perhaps I was mistaken, would you mind clarifying?

Yes Government as related to no ethics. Though Anarchism just means the possibility of Ethics. I think both Government and Anarchism can be thought of as both Collective and Individual ideals.


Anarchism in the Collective sense as No Ethics, through no property rights, not necessarily Evil or "bad" though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

... the terms "Newtonian" and "Einsteinian" are highly contrived and designed to appeal to the ignorant masses bamboozled by pseudoscience and pop-psychology. 


or put another way, "the terms 'Newtonian' and 'Einsteinian' are terms typically selected and used with the intent of being attractive to the unlearned masses who are commonly hoodwinked by pseudoscience and pseudo-psychological concepts and terminology that are often simplistic or superficial.  I'm suggesting you not use them, that the ideas will either stand or fall on their own without the need to attempt to borrow credibility by comparing them to known physicists.

I agree with your point. When I was teaching Math & Physics I often started with an overview, then, like using a microscope, zoomed down to see what's there. I let the students control the zoom via their questions.

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Newtonian: As far as Government can be seen as a choice it is Hobson's Choice, which is no choice at all. Feels like getting at an idea similar to Platonic forms, Government in itself can be said to not exist, what exists is the "shadow" cast by those who wield power through deception and force. Same way as a perfect triangle might be said to not exist, due to the nature of "gravity" bending matter.


Einsteinian: While Newtonian mathematics might  be used to measure the shadow of what was, the fact that Einsteinian physics can be used to predict  and explain the existence of blackholes? Could be said to be a better description of what is.


Perhaps the consideration instead of "Government or Anarchism" should be ethics or no ethics. Though if someone chooses no ethics it kind of seems to obliterate Aesthetic ideas such as waste, ugliness, health, love, truth and beauty. But hey whatever, go nuts GTA style. :thumbsup: (Not endorsed literally).

A Government is ideas on paper being carried out by those who are beholden to these ideas, and these ideas are interlinked to reinforce the Government; i.e. I was arrested for 'resisting arrest', when all I did was 'ignore a policeman's order'.



Ethics -- In an ethics course I learned of 10 (ten) Ethical Theories, and after analyzing them... Only 4 (four) remained viable.


Therefore, an ethical decision is made if three (3) theory outputs agree. If it's a tie, flip a coin -- consequence via time will determine if correction is needed.



Anarchism (as a growth and maintenance force) is flexible and adaptable (via an ethical decision making process-tree) for all people, Whereas Government (as a growth and maintenance force) is fixed (adapts slowly?) and is self reinforcing by and to, those beholden to 'ideas-on-paper'.



I hope this helps clarify my original (cryptic?) post.



Best regards,




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