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Anarchism and Earthships

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I remember a video when Stefan was talking about Immigration that absent a welfare state, he wouldn't care less where people moved in general "come live in my basement" was the phrase I remember.


The people in the video IMO more of a left wing nature, acting together for the "good of the community", probably not too into property rights and the free market, more of a self-sufficient commune focus. To that extent they kind of govern themselves, however the fact that people who identify with the commune sometimes have need of medical care or other needs leaves them dependent  on the commune. 


Stefan IMO  a Centred nature Libertarian, would probably say voluntary associations like the Earthship community are fine, but the free market and property rights provide a more stable and inclusive community. 


Myself a Right wing Libertarian, I think Earthships can be pretty awesome. There are places in Portugal, Spain and Norway, and probably elsewhere around Europe that are virtually abandoned with no one there. But with no  or poor homesteading rights a lot of the land doesn't get used for anything or is only commercially profitable to farm with subsides. Dam a few rivers cut down some trees, great fun from experience, but without acquired property rights or cash for helpers lacking in incentive to work for everyone IMO.

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