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Sources for homeschooling


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I actually don't have any kids yet. The reason I'm looking for research is because I hope to contribute to the movement for homeschooling in Sweden. Since 2010 it's pretty much forbidden to homeschool here which I just resently found out. The research I'm looking for is therefore the kind that can show the benefits of homeschooling compared to normal schools. Personally I don't think normal schools has to be all bad, but to not have the choice makes me so angry.

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I've done lots of research on arguments for homeschooling and have compiled it into this near - exhaustive list:




It's also in the book I vanity published, Rise Above School.  http://www.riseaboveschool.com


Also recommend:

 - John Taylor Gatto (dumbing us down, weapons of mass instruction

 - Gracy lewellen, Teenage Liberation Handbook

 - Peter Holt, Teach your own


School Sucks Podcast is great too.  Brett has been on FDR.

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Thank you very much for the help. I will go through all the material and hopefully be able to prepare myself for the battle to come. I can't believe there aren't more people who is against so called schoolduty in Sweden. But mabey I can help change that, I will certainly try.

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