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I enjoyed reading your post.  At the end, there was this:


"A child won’t be able to commit if they have not been taught how to persevere when things don’t come as easy to them as they first expected. Instilling the virtues of perseverance, commitment, and determination, should be just as much a part of early childhood education as learning the ABCs, and one can can only teach these things through exposure to frustration.  If they don’t get these qualities when they’re young, then they’re not going to have them in adulthood."


Do you have sources?  Thanks.

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no sources.  Just my empirical observations from teaching privately for 15 years and seeing people develop from age 7-18 ( I have quite a few long-term "cradle to grave" students)



I do have sources that I link to in the article concerning self-determination theory though.

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