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Low blow, Stefan

Buford T. Justice

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I follow and have had my mind changed by your reports on police shootings but really, you're going to full-quote the distraught rantings of a daughter whose father was just shot dead by the police? And just go on and on and on?

One thing I realised distinctly after taking the test at 16personalities.com is that adults are more or to a large extent hard-wired in how they approach and perceive things and how this can lead to misunderstandings due to radically different perspectives. Since the divide between regressives and lets say people who want to be left alone has made more sense.


Since I have noticed how regressives go absolutely mental with emotional arguments due to things that do not even register with me. A month or so a go the UK Labour ledership candidate, Owen Smith, said he wanted to "smash Theresa May back on her heels." May is the UK Prime Minister. I saw the video and this line did not register with me at all, but within a short time the regressive media had puffed up and was having fits about it. Naturally if Theresa May was a man and Smith said he wanted to "smash May back on his brogues." it would have received little attention. And of course, no one even knew what reasoning or sub-conscious drives prompted the comment. That Smith is for banning men for running for office in some cases was seemingly not relevant. None of this mattered, all that mattered was that it was another opportunity for a grief fest.


I'm not sure what video this is, but personally I don't think quoting the daughter would have registered with me as anything to take special attention of


*Echo: ValueOfBrevity* I am reading emotional plea, not an argument. I think jokes about people who died in car crashes are mean, but just saying so is not an argument, its an emotional statement.



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How is reporting what anyone can see and hear elsewhere wrong?

I do believe Stefan said its a terrible situation. I do remember seeing someones comment laughing about it and that was wrong. Laughing at this terrible situation where a young woman father was killed and she then speaking in distress or not is what I would consider a "low blow", However what Stefan did was not a low blow. Feel free to bring an argument and I will be sure to hear it.

Thank you

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