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A tool to find the perfect therapist


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Hi All,


I would like to share once again my personal project, http://reparent.methat helps clients find therapists online. If you have ever wanted to filter out therapists who don't meet your philosophical baseline, you can finally do so. There are currently, 3 providers on the site from FDR. See if you can spot them ;)


With the most recent update you can see the following:

  • I have added on a matching algorithm that matches you with therapists based on a questionnaire. Matching on important factors like religious and political affiliation
  • We now have 17 providers (therapists, counsellors, life coaches etc.), most of whom work within the IFS methodology. 

  • Added SSL protection to protect your security while posting a request for therapy

  • 100% free service for both clients and therapists


If you or anyone you know is looking for an online (skype/facetime etc.) therapist, please share this with them. 


Also, if you know of any therapists who might want to join please direct them to write to me @ [email protected]


Best wishes,



reparentme logo.png


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"Is he Russian?";"Yes."

"Is he Jewish?"; "Yes"

*DingDingDing* "YES!!!"

I think I got very lucky in getting a good therapist. I remember first telling my mother two years ago that I needed help and wanted to seek therapy and the one I got was the one she had before he changed clinics. A very great guy (who is half-Jewish and Russian by the way) who is pretty much Stefan Molyneux with a foot of extra height and fluency in 3 or more languages (English being his third, Russian and German being first and second). 

He's also a regular listener of FDR by the way. 

This might be off topic, but I was wondering how hard/easy long/quick it was for other people to find a good therapist? Maybe it helped my chances he was an immigrant fresh out of the horrors of the Soviet Union and the lawless 90's. 

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Hi @Tony

Great stuff, the free market is. More power to you.

I personally am more trusting of immediate and sensorial evaluation, hand in hand with allowing my insights to guide me. Phone calls to hear(language use, tone...) , visiting and observing while asking a few innocent questions (70-85% communication is hardcoded non-verbally among humaaans :-), asking someone who did benefit from the interaction with said person.

Like I said more power to Tony, nevertheless whoever is reading this should watch / listen to the breakdown Stefan Molyneux did on the subject. Because he gives great pointers that will save you time and improve your efficiency in the decision making.

All the best,


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